Thursday, July 24, 2008

Obama's "my committee" whopper gets worse - turns out Obama opposed the banking bill he claimed credit for in Israel

Barack Obama told an audience in Israel that "his committee" passed a bill designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist group. One problem: Obama isn't even on the Senate Banking Committee. But today the news gets more embarrassing for Obama - records show he actually opposed the bill. PowerLine:

Senator Obama did not appear in the Senate to vote on the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment calling on the government to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist entity and thus suffer the imposition of sanctions. On the day of the vote on the amendment, however, Obama issued a statement announcing that he would have voted against it. In the statement, the closest he came to addressing the merits of the amendment was his assertion that "he does not think that now is the time for saber-rattling towards Iran." The amendment passed the Senate 76-22 on September 26, 2007, with many Democrats including Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Richard Durbin, and Chuck Schumer voting in its favor.
Obama tries to pad his thin resume - tells audience in Israel he is on Senate Banking committee

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