Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Still falling: McClatchy shares down 73 percent year-to-date, 85 percent over the past year

McClatchy (MNI) shares closed at $3.39 Tuesday, down 6.6 percent on the day. The above chart shows the drop in McClatchy shares over the past year.

McClatchy is down 72.9 percent year-to-date, down 85 percent over the past year, and, down 94.3 percent over the past 5 years.


Anonymous said...

Just think Gary gets a million dollar bonus for that. Tell me what is wrong with the board? Just how much garbage (us) does he have to leave behind?

Kevin Gregory said...

The board has a history of letting Gary Pruitt get what he wants.

We'll see if the board has a bottom line for Pruitt -- will they remove him when the stock drops below $3 a share? Below $2 a share? Lower?

Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor they want to go private, is this how it is done? Drop the stock, then buy it all up? Not much left after the dust settles, a bunch of McClatchy Bureaus all over the Nation with a few central printing and distribution plants. Isn't this what USA Today and Wall Street do?
Where's Gary? In his safe room? Let's sing it in the key of G..."Every move you make I'll be watching you!"

Anonymous said...

Strap on your skis and hold on, It's a quick ride to the bottom! Literally and figuratively.