You knew it would happen. Joe the Plumber's 15 minutes of fame in last night's debate have turned into a round of public humiliation for the wannabe business owner. The Toledo Blade is reporting that Joe has no plumber's license.
To make matters worse, the Blade also found that the Ohio Department of Taxation placed a lien against Joe because $1,183 in personal property taxes had not been paid. To pile on, the paper disclosed, based on divorce records, Joe's 2006 income — $40,000, hardly enough to qualify for the tax hike he's so concerned about.
What did Joe do to earn the scorn of McClatchy's Seibel? Joe had the gall to object to The Anointed One's tax plans. And no unwashed citizen can object to an Obama proposal without getting sneered at by elites like Mark Seibel.
Hey, shouldn't we call him Joe the "Plumber"?
I can't possibly see what his interest in Obama's tax plan is, given that he doesn't pay his taxes anyhow.
Joe's problem was not that he critize the so called annoited one, but he lied about himself. He has the right to object to Obama's plan that is what makes America great, but to lie about it. This is the problem with the McCain/Palin ticket. Just state the facts, no mud slinging. For the record I am an independant and the mud slinging, has made up my mind for me.
Anonymous at 6:13 PM said...
"Joe's problem was not that he critize the so called annoited one, but he lied about himself."
Joe did not lie. He said he wanted to buy a plumbing business, not that he was currently a plumber. He won't need a plumbing license until he buys the business.
Obama lied when he called Joe a plumber.
Obama also lied when he said he didn't want to punish Joe's success, because he followed that up immediately by declaring he wanted to 'share the wealth' by taking some away from Joe and using it to establish more Socialism even as, as Don Surber points out in Aloha, Obamacare
His native state gives up on universal health care for children.
Joe rocks! He's the new face of the Republican Party! He's Joe Sixpack, except that he's a plumber! He plumbs!He's not elite!He might buy a business! Joe! Joe! Joe!
Joe is pink and bald and smooth. I would like to have a beer with Joe. I would like to have three beers with Joe. Joe will hire Trig as part of a mainstreaming program. Joe can heal boils and sores with his touch.
Joe not only knows water flows downhill, he walks on it.
Well for ALL the Joe's out there Obama had 100,000 in St. Louis 75,000 in Kansas City to attend his rally....and this is a RED state. Ha
I can tell by your Ha that you are a cowboy.
Couldn't be farther from the truth. Ha
Grab your coat and grab your Ha ... leave your troubles on the doorstep ..
In the thought of going into business, one must carefully weigh all options, risks, and rewards. Doesn't matter that Joe the plumber doesn't have money today. He could have folks back him. You have to have a dream and work towards it. (Its soo easy for others to criticize someone with dreams and aspirations when they have none themselves and lack the ability to put themselves in another persons shoes.)
FWIW, I have been considering going into business for myself. If I break out as a Consultant, I could bill at $175-$250 an hour. But in order for me to go much beyond just me, I will need to invest in computer systems, office space, and supplies. That means I'd want to build up some capital until I could afford to bring on the second employee.
This is soo scary for me to attempt to do this right now. If Obama comes into office, I'll end up taking home less than I am today even though my salary would double IF I can stay busy all year.
I don't think my potential business would in any way, have a possibility of being successful under Obama. The taxes would drive me out of existence.
And if I went for venture capital, the rates they would need to see to offset the new Capital gains tax would throw a monkey wrench in that avenue for funding.
In either case, I'm considered RICH. Not that I've ever been homeless - I have. Not that I've ever slept under an overpass - I have. Not that I've ever went without food for a week because there wasn't any - I have.
I have never accepted a dime of Welfare. I have Never accepted a dime of unemployment. I have never had a Student Loan... Yet there are College classes that are taught using my papers. And I've even seen some of my work referenced in patent applications.
And if you want to see a glimpse of the future, go back to your history books and look at Herbert Hoover. Then look at the latest on Healthcare for Children in Hawaii. The program grew out of control so fast, it killed the budget of the state.
Perhaps you could become wealthy advising people on random capitalization.
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