Pitts says Bush has been an awful president, and Pitts wants Bush live a long life so he can hear historians says Bush was terrible. Check out this vulgar closing:
"Godspeed, then, Mr. Bush. Good health and long life. I hope you live to hear history itself tell you what an awful president you were."I'm guessing Pitts has anger issues. Probably a cruel streak. If you like to read bone-jarring, rancid garbage and want to see the whole column, click here.
Oh, and Leonard -- when your paper goes bankrupt I won't shed a tear. And I'm pretty sure President Bush will be around long after your paper is dead and buried.
Way to go, Leonard! Tell it like it is. Bush was a train wreck for our country, and history will bear that out.
Perfect name for a jerk, Pitts. ArmPitts would be even better.
Bush history? No one knows how history will record the Bush administration. For decades historians tried to retell the FDR story as if he was a savior. Economists now record his depression recovery plan as one that lengthened the depression by at least six years. The failed FDR plan sounds a bit like the plan to hire 600,000 new government workers. Put down the Bush bashing Kool-aid, his history cannot be written for many years.
Bill Clinton smoking his special cigars in the Oval Office is a candidate for sleaziest president.
It will be many years before Bush's place in history can be viewed without bias. Many presidents favored by the liberal left and given high ratings by the current crop of liberal historians and academics may not stand up fifty, one hundred, or even two hundred plus years from now. My only hope is that in two hundred years Americans won't be reading our history in Chinese.
Diversity is more important than ability. Pitts was probably never proud of his country either. McPitts can bottom dwell to his heart’s content, he has plenty of McCompany. I hope he gets shitcanned. Bro, don’t get me wrong, this is just a parting shot at your sorry ass, as you depart your current position.
“My only hope is that in two hundred years Americans won't be reading our history in Chinese.”
I hope we are not all on prayer mats facing Mecca, and unless those women with towel heads have bikinis on under those sacks, forget that scenario altogether.
Pitts is a good example of the hatred that has infested the liberal media.
Europe has become a sorry place. Socialism has not served them well. Democrats dither about what Europeans thinks about us, while Europeans dither about economic recession, unemployment, destructive gangs, a swelling Muslim population, terrorists, global warming, on and on. Worrying about what losers think about us is a losing proposition. Misery loves company, and they look forward to the USA being as miserable as they are.
Is there someone out there that thinks Bush was a "good" president?
Annon 11:33, you summed it up in nutshell. The Europeans don't even realize what their life will be like with out the United States to protect them. When the socialist policies of the American left put us in the same position as the Europeans it will be an ugly thing to see. Just like Europe, the only jobs in America will be tourist guides showing tourist sites to the visitors from the new world powers. Islam, China etc.
In the long run Bush may go down as a great president. That's the fun part about history, by the time things work out and the final results are in, you are long dead.
How in the hell would anyone really know what kind of a president George Bush was? A corrupt media spoon-fed their lying pap to an uninformed public all the years of his administration. They used what history might record as treasonous, and illegal acts to win an election. Democrats used the war in Iraq as a clarion call to combine socialists and nutcases. Get out your kneepads liberals. The terrorists can’t thank you enough.
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Thank you for the board. It's a great place to speak the truth about the media, and our great country.
God Bless America!
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