Seriously - walk downstairs and introduce yourself to your IT staff. One of them is going to say, “Sure, Mark; we can do that. It’s a simple global search and replace. Plus, we’ll archive her stuff and disable all the links to her. Take…oh, give us an hour? Okay?”
Last week the Star explained Lokeman "retired" at the end of 2008 -- which was just before her arrest for DUI and driving without a tire.
I have shortcuts to four KC bloggers. They are newsy and entertaining. I will never visit the KC Star again. The Star never figured out that most of the junk they printed was not relevant to my life. Zieman likes to say the bloggers just take their news from the Star. Geeez, we are trying to get away form his biased news. Pahleeze Z-loser, go to another city, and take what’s-her-name with you.
A loser is someone who thinks reading four blogs is sufficient to keep abreast of the day's local news. Thus, 3:32 is a douche.
3:37 PM
It is true, the bloggers don't waste space telling me there were 97 cats found in one house.
One blog is a KC business blog, and it makes the KC Star business section look sad. I read a sports blog that makes the KC Star sports section look sad. I read a metro blog by people that actually get out into the KC community.
I also read Bottom Line Communications which often links to other young, fun bloggers. By the time I finish the blogs and their links, I know more about KC life than most anyone reading a newspaper.
Give it up, most people my age do not read newspapers. I am also not going to spend time on news of no interest to me. I read other blogs for world news.
So, tell me, 3:37, what do the blogs tell you about home prices in your area, and what the school board is up to? No kids and don't care? Well, you will, when they raise your taxes or, conversely, cut services at th school district, which will decrease the value of your home. Assuming you have a home, but given your attitude I figure you are some dumb young punk who lives in an apartment. Nothing wrong with that. I was one once, too.
But over time, I saw that the newspaper was essential in its rol as a watchdog ovr local govermment.
Local govt, by the way, is the one that affects you the most and can screw you the most.
Potholes? Don't go looking to the national blogs /websites to give a shit about the one that broke your axle.
But go ahead and dis the local paper, little fly. One day you'll bitch that there isn't one.
Well said, 5:02!
Adults, who care about more than movies, restaurants and TV shows rely on the reporting of newspapers for decision making. Even the TV stations will have to do some real reporting should the newspapers all vanish.
It's sad. I'm hoping for a miracle...
But go ahead and dis the local paper, little fly. One day you'll bitch that there isn't one.
He might, but I long for the day. You see, my paper has decided to only tell the story that reflects their desired outcome. They have been nationally recognized for half truths, objective oriented journalism, social engineering propaganda, and fraudulent reporting. You see, I live under the thumb of the KC Star.
Sorry to see them go? I think not, drunken out of work editor.
Anyone notice how just posting that dudes picture seems to draw McClatchy flies?
Just think of the hit count McClatchy Watch would have if he just placed her mug shot with the 5 o'clock shadow next to McClatchy Watch on the front page.
Yuck. What an ugly woman. I don't who's uglier: Rhonda Lokeman or Michelle Obama.
Oh Yeah, everyone just can’t wait to get home and read the news about the school board meeting.
Lokeman thread, I'll drink to that!
It might get me a column.
Someone here is not realizing the bloggers I think the KC posters reads, are head and shoulders above anyone at the Star. I know who they are without the name of the blogs. That is widespread recognition I would say.
5:02 Must have been written by Gary or Zieman.
5:02 You must not read the paper because the Star begs for bloggers to write stories for them.
4:18 Can you name the Business Blog?
“But go ahead and dis the local paper, little fly. One day you'll bitch that there isn't one.”
Well, I do need an appropriate wrap for my buggy whip to place in a time capsule.
5:02 I have a pile of poop for sale with a Market Cap of 47.06M. I guess I'd better list it in the KC Star. Thanks for the heads up.
---You must not read the paper because the Star begs for bloggers to write stories for them.--
Yup, it's called "Citizen Journalism" and was the hot idea about two years ago-They thought it would save them. Now it just appears like pitiful begging.
“So, tell me, 3:37, what do the blogs tell you about home prices in your area,”
Are you supposing that there are no TVs, or car radios in most everyone’s life? Most people I know use many methods to collect information that interests them. Sorry, newspapers dispense yesterdays news. Also, when I want to know about the prices of real estate, I’ll call my realtor, the expert in my neighborhood.
KC has some of the worst schools in the USA. The Star doesn't inform its readers that they have been run by liberals for years. Odd the Star skips that news.
5:30 PM
If you are a KC editor I know, welcome, you are needed here for your experience. Anonymous posting is the way to go. Nutcases just pick the names of posters with no regard to what they write. You don’t need to be nitpicked by whackjobs.
Getting rid of Lokeman is the best thing that has happened at the Star for a very long time.
Yuck. What an ugly woman. I don't who's uglier: Rhonda Lokeman or Michelle Obama.
Well Eagle Eye, it all depends on the time of day and whether it is cloudy or not. You see, Michelle doesn't shave her legs, and Rhonda does shave her face. (except when she is in Police Custody)
Your delima is an honest one. A Vote I say! Who's uglier, the Ape Lady or ManCow?
Lokeman’s bed buddy needs to flee the scene with her. Now, if they can just find the tire for her car, they will be good to go.
Man ya'll got Rhonda all wrong. She was only driving that car without a tire because she wanted to blend in with the hood. She was just getting in touch with her Roots. (I don't care if the book was plagiarized!)
Ya'll's spose to be talkin bout how brave and enlighten she is, stickin it to da man lik dat.
Lokeman gets a DUI, that might explain why her columns were so rambling and disjointed. She might have been plastered, now her crudeness becomes more understandable.
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