If you want other Obama trinkets from McClatchy (Obama mouse pads, Obama t-shirts, Obama mugs, Obama aprons), click here. Offered by your independent journalists at McClatchy.
Truth to Power? Yeah right.
This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
I honestly wonder how many MNI employees, actually bought this?
hahahaha! On their front page the top story reads:
Police in Boston say the artist famous for his "Hope" posters of President Obama has been arrested on outstanding warrants.
Now there is a little war going on about who owns what photo of Obama’s face.
And this:
-New agencies refuse to use Obama photo-
NEW YORK Three news agencies refused to distribute White House-provided photos of President Barack Obama in the Oval Office on Wednesday, arguing that access should have been provided to news photographers.
The Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse said the White House was breaking with long-standing tradition in not allowing news photographers to capture the president at work in the Oval Office on his first day.
"We are not distributing what are, in effect, visual press releases," said Michael Oreskes, managing editor for U.S. news at the AP.
I bet the board of directors ordered some, the reporters ordered some. John Walcott bought a few to give away.
I don't think the public will buy many because the market is saturated with books on Obama.
“..arguing that access should have been provided to news photographers”
That means Obama cut some news photographers right out of the picture!
Not funny really, that was several photographers’ chance at a photo of recognition. What about not needing news photographers at all from now on?
Jobs, we’re talking jobs?
Yeah right!
Today's website offers the Bee for 40% off. They have yet to get a clue as to why they lost their non liberal subscribers in the first place. Unfortunately the young, hip, liberals don't read a paper. They get their news from Comedy Central, MTV, and Letterman. By the way, how many shares of McClatchy stock would you have to sell in order to buy the book? That alone tells you more than you need to know.
How funny is it that you don't like Obama and can't stand McClatchy, yet you have an Obama uunemployment grant ad on your homepage. Priceless.
Amid worries that Obama is becoming over saturated,
did the Sacramento Bee offer the
“Obama action figure with a kung-fu grip!?”
See pic at: http://tinyurl.com/bclam8
Note the acknowledgement, “And if this post is a dupe, I regret NOTHING”
If they really want to increase sales, they should advertise it on Craigslist where people will actually see it.
Craigslist... doing what you do. Doing it better. Doing it for free.
McClatchy should bundle the Obama book with a copy of Turbo Tax.
Obama books are growing stale at an alarming rate. How long will the Obama honeymoon last?
Article: Journalists pan Obama's first two weeks
By E. Thomas McClanahan, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist
He's lost control of the agenda. The administration is "at a loss." Maybe he really can't change Washington.
Well, that was quick. The biggest problem may be that he's simply irresolute. Think back to all those "present" votes Obama made in the Illinois Legislature. That was a "tell" if there ever was one.
The Bee can KMA!
TheBronze said...
The Bee can KMA!
That was kinder than I was thinking, but I'm with you.
Talkative Obama Could Cost Networks Millions
President Obama's desire to talk --and talk, and talk -- to the American public could cost broadcast networks millions and millions of prime-time TV dollars.
Broadcasters are bracing themselves for the likelihood of three prime-time interruptions in three weeks, totaling at least three hours of prime time -- and ad breaks -- yanked.
I’m still waiting for any liberal journalist to come here, and tell us how this guy is good for McClatchy, let alone this country.
After all, you all voted for him and supposedly are more educated and in touch than we are (trying ever so hard to be nice here)
I am not spending one dime more than I have to for the next few months. I would not buy a book about Obama at any price. I am thinking I know too much, too late, already.
I would not buy a book about Obama at any price. I am thinking I know too much, too late, already.
Oh go ahead. You damn sure won't know anything more after you read it. Typical White Person!
Anonymous said...
McClatchy should bundle the Obama book with a copy of Turbo Tax.
I just got the full meaning of your joke! Man, that is funny!
Too bad Barry can’t find a Dem that pays their taxes!
'Glorious' Obama coin no more than a trinket
Chicago Sun Times ^
They are worth the face value of the coin. If the coin says 25 cents, it's worth a quarter.
The Professional Numismatists Guild, a nonprofit organization of rare-coin dealers, also advised consumers that the recently offered Obama coins are merely mementos with little resale value to coin collectors.
There is even an Obama ice cream sundae. Swirls of red (strawberry) ice cream with cracked up Oreo cookies, and a sprinkle of ACORN nuts. Big seller among Chicago thugs.
If there wasn't such a high demand for Obama items, I don't think McClatchy would sell any.
Just about every major newspaper in the country sold out of papers the day after he was elected... even after printing thousands of extra copies.
If McCain had won, and elicited that kind of reaction, they would have done the same thing.
Also, the book is NOT offered by journalists. Marketing and Advertising are selling the book.
The journalists just write the stories (which you may feel are biased)... but they are not responsible for selling any book.
Anon 11:29 said....
“If McCain had won, and elicited that kind of reaction, they would have done the same thing.”
Did you write that with a straight face? After the pimping press adoration for two years, they get their payoff and you know it. Oh pahleeze!
Anon 11:29 said....
“If McCain had won, and elicited that kind of reaction, they would have done the same thing.”
Did you write that with a straight face? After the pimping press adoration for two years, they get their payoff and you know it. Oh pahleeze!
Anon 1:43: We have a Winner, and a new home run champion.
As Master Yoda said: "This is why you FAIL"
Their bias is so inbred, they won't see it, even in the unemplyment line.
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