Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday Feb. 25 -- Got news or a question?

If you have news or a question, post it in comments.


Anonymous said...

If anyone wishes to see just how out of touch and what a demented ass Howard Weaver is just check out his blog from today. He obviously is over medicated and I truly LOVE how he THINKS he is still one of us. I wish someone would cut his access to the internet. His posts only make everyone even more angry than they are. But one of the things I love...him and Gary love using songs in their talks...who can forget Pruitt and his video last year....the Stones.."you can't always get what you want"...well's a song for both of you..."instant karma's going to get you. uh huh!"

Kevin Gregory said...

10:04 - who is Howard Weaver?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has been laid off got any job tips?

DFW market is saturated with laid off journalists from Star-T and DMN. Anyone had any brilliant ideas about new careers?

Anonymous said...

What do you do with a dead man walking or death throws posturing.

In a sick way, these idiots did us a favor by killing off another Marxists messenger.

Anonymous said...

Sure just ask Tuxedo Ted Vaden.
(wimpy metro pic some posts back)

He took his MNI package then fled to the Department of Transportation at 117K per year

Tennessee Tuxedo did not fail!

Anonymous said...

Journalist looking for a job?

Kind of like that classic movie the Great Escape, but with Marxists as escaping prisoners.

Some will tunnel into their mothers basement, some will escape to a position as a Starbucks Barista.

Others will escape to the bottle (lokeman), others will take up dare devil driving (also lokeman)

Anonymous said...

"DFW market is saturated with laid off journalists from Star-T and DMN. Anyone had any brilliant ideas about new careers?"

Mortuary Services is a growing field. The customers are always cooperative and never complain. They don't know when you're lying and really don't care. You don't have to worry about subscriptions any more than now and the lack of repeat business is REALLY not a problem. Short of dumping a casket or packing dope inside one, your credibility is assured....AND you still get to write the obituaries!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan, go ask for mercy to all the companies we have been ripping apart in the papers for years.

"I know I tried to ruin your company years ago, but will you give me a job now?"

Brain surgeons - get a grip on life.

Anonymous said...

I'm a newspaperman heart and soul and I always will be -- even as the rats flee and the ship sinks.

Better to have loved newspapers and lost than to be one of you bitter ideologues. If nothing else, I can look back and say I did good, and screwed some bad guys hard.

See you in the funny papers.

Anonymous said...

On that Ted Vaden‘s 117K per year, you can add another 40% to his salary in perks. What journalists of his worth do you know is making that much? No wonder the state is in trouble. He must have promised the new Dem governor complete bullshit news articles. The N & O has always done the dirty work for Democrats in NC. Just ask for the articles on the ACORN, and Black Panther fraud before the election. Still waiting are we?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has been laid off got any job tips?

If you can, look globally for journalism jobs. There is nothing in the U.S. If that's not an option, you will have to leave your journalism career behind and start over in another field. Yes ... entry-level in any field. Substitute teaching has become a local favorite.

Anonymous said...

5:52 AM

You stand strong! You hold your ground! See how well that helps you pay your bills!

Anonymous said...

Try China, Venezuela or Cuba. It's the perfect wet dream for most of you.

You get to do your American hating Marxist thingy out in the open and get paid for it.

Too bad its only a few pesos a day, but comrade, take one for team Fidel.

Anonymous said...

biden was right...Gird...Those...Loins!!

Anonymous said...

Will MNI management be like Tierney and company and screw the pooch till the paper dies?

The owners of The Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News made their case in U.S. Bankruptcy Court yesterday why they should remain in charge.

But lawyers for the investors who hold $297 million in debt said they were stunned that Brian P. Tierney, chief executive of the papers, had turned away from a $20 million lifeline from current lenders in favor of a loan that would protect his job, according to a court filing and testimony at yesterday’s opening hearing in Philadelphia.

Instead, Tierney and his backers lined up a $25 million loan - known as debtor-in-possession financing - from a different group that included Philadelphia Newspapers chairman Bruce Toll.
It includes a provision that would put the loan in default if Tierney left the company. Mr. Tierney went ahead and gave himself a big raise at the time he was trying to get wage concessions from the newspapers’ unions.

Anonymous said...

Now that we can read how nuts Howie Weaver is, we must realize, he was always this nuts. Nutcases with their hand on the tiller, even in a dinghy, is a shipwreck in the making.
I know, please no more nautical terms!

Anonymous said...

Obama is rightly being blamed for the failed NASA AGW Satellite. The buck stops with the president, just like it has for the last eight years!

NASA tried, HOPE died.

On no! Now we can’t check on Global Warming scientifically. We only have Algore’s finger in the wind to guide us. Horror of horrors!

Anonymous said...

-Fifteen Reasons I'm Already
Tired of the Obama Era-
Townhall by John Hawkins

“Obama is running around telling everyone how he's going to cut the deficit in a few years. Obama claiming to be a deficit hawk -- that's like getting a lecture on honesty from Bill Clinton.”

Anonymous said...

@Angry Journalist
The poster doesn’t seem to think much of this job opening, the salary is low, but if I lived near there, I would check on it. Living in a nice town with a position in journalism, while I wait out this economic mess, looks good to me.
Company: Woodburn Independent
Position: Twice-Weekly newspapers seeks general
assignment reporter
Location: Woodburn, Oregon
Job Status: Full-time
Salary: $20,000 to $25,000
Ad Expires: March 11, 2009

Anonymous said...

10:04, I agree that Howard often tries to put out fires with gasoline, but I don't get what's so upsetting about his post from today. Care to explain?

Anonymous said...

What is the link to Howard Weaver's blog?

Anonymous said...

Dinosaur says: “I'm a newspaperman heart and soul and I always will be -- even as the rats flee and the ship sinks.”

DemoRats aren’t fleeing, they own the ship! They have just returned to the sewers where they live, until they find their next modus operandi.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

newsflash: the "rats" aren't fleeing. they're the ones who steered the ship straight into the iceberg. they'll stay on til they squeeze the last breath out of the paper(s) so they can continue to collect their outrageously inflated paychecks.

Anonymous said...

Howard is suggesting the community own the newspaper. In the blue nosed liberal cities, honest journalism would be a joke. Just like it is now. He is nuts!

Anonymous said...

Now that I see how deranged Howie is, I wonder what he did for his high salary all those years? It boggles the mind!

Anonymous said...

Hearst Corporation said Tuesday that it would close or sell The San Francisco Chronicle unless it could wring concessions from its unions, raising the prospect of San Francisco becoming the largest city in the country to lose its dominant newspaper.

seems like the house of cards is falling...

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever notice how no one ever sticks up for the N&O? That is how bad they are. They give new meaning to the words--
'Inkum Stinkum.’

Anonymous said...

“I'm a newspaperman heart and soul and I always will be --”

That eloquent testimonial will win you a free ticket to the buggy whip museum.

Anonymous said...

1024, there are jobs out there, but in three months of looking, I've found very few *good* ones. I've sent out 60 resumes, which have yielded two interviews -- one for a managing editor job at a KC business magazine, one for an editing job at a government agency. Right now I can still afford to be choosy and rule out jobs at small dailies or weeklies in the KC area -- in come cases the pay offered is just barely over unemployment.

Because my wife is seriously ill and is in no condition to make a major move, I have to limit my search to search to the KC area. And I have to look for jobs that offer health insurance that covers pre-existing conditions.

What I'm seeing most on the job boards are sales jobs (no, thanks) and computer jobs that require Internet programming experience. Those of you who are still employed should learn how to design Web pages and post copy on the Internet.

But I'm prepared for a career change -- the job at the goverenment agency where I've applied is not journalism, but it is editing, which is my specialty.

And if this indeed the end of my 30-year-journalism career, I, like 552, look back with pride on my work, and that of the other good and great newspaper people with who I've had the pleasure to work. Life is about more than making money; it's also about being a force for good.

(If this is rambling and incoherent, its because I haven't had my morning coffee yet.)

Les Weatherford

Anonymous said...

Good on you, Les. You're absolutely right.

And I love the buggy-whip analogy. There's no shame in buggy whips. Buggies are a pleasant and civilized way to travel, and life was better in many respects when people clattered down the avenues in their phaetons reading their newspapers. I'd certainly prefer that to today's electronic cacophony.

Ink in my veins, baby.

Anonymous said...

Les, You're doing just fine. I admire your candor!

Anonymous said...

Too funny, a pollster asked if people lived better these past two years that the Democrats have been in power? The majority of those polled, realized it was just about two years ago that BAD THINGS started to happen in their lives. Believe me, that poll was shitcanned posthaste.

Anonymous said...

Les says, “it's also about being a force for good.” Would you please expound on the ‘good’ of Rhonda Lokeman’s crude garbage journalism. The KC Red Star stank, why did you stay there?

Anonymous said...

The government journalism jobs are going to guaranteed liberal biased journalists. Does anyone think those jobs weren’t filled before now. The total takeover of liberal government propaganda is almost complete. We will never know what is really going on, just like now, only worse.

Anonymous said...

“Ink in my veins, baby”
Your theme song, ‘Oh give me a home, where the dinosaurs roam’

Anonymous said...

Ya know, this blog has turned into political bashing and holds little interest to me anymore. Sorry, Blog Host, but I'm leaving you to find another avenue to find out more information about McClatchy. This blog needs to be re-titled, "Left Vs. Right." Good luck fellow journalists. Somehow, we all will find our way.

Les: Hang in there. My thoughts and prayers have always been with you and your wife. I miss working with you at the KC Star. I loved being a copy editor, and you helped me hone my skills. Thanks so very much. Please know that you have had a positive impact on a lot of people.

Best wishes to Les and all KC Star staffers,


Anonymous said...

I agree, the political stuff is making this blog unreadable. Post some threads for that purpose, let the other threads be about McClatchy or the newspaper business.

Anonymous said...

8:40 AM You misunderstand. It is all about intent. If your intention was to be a force for good, it doesn't matter if you unleash the dogs of hell.

The KC Star hasn't been anything even remotely resembling a force for good in over thirty years. Twenty Six of those years it was a cash generating machine and the last four, an ideological organ for San Francisco values and the Socialist way of life.

Individuals can excuse their participation by simply espousing their intent to be a force for good, despite constant disregard for the most elementary tenants of ethical journalism.

When I think back at all the giggles I heard during creative editing sessions, the butchered headlines which where the exact opposite of an articles conclusion, and then I read the tripe on here about being noble and honorable, I just want to throw up.

Anonymous said...

And it's not "left vs. right" -- the political posts are 99% right bashing left. Probably mostly the same tiresome person.

A few months back Howard Weaver mentioned the many "mcclatchy hater" blogs out there...anybody know what the others are?

Anonymous said...

Defending joint bureaus, that will be the trend.
'Record' and 'Star-Ledger' Publishers Defend Joint Bureau
"We believe this endeavor serves our readers better by maximizing resources," Publishers George Arwady of the Star-Ledger and Stephen Borg of The Record said in a joint statement." Newark editor Jim Willse (left) says: 'Time' will tell all. -
February 25, 2009--

Anonymous said...

Ya know, this blog has turned into political bashing and holds little interest to me anymore. Sorry, Blog Host, but I'm leaving you to find another avenue to find out more information about McClatchy.

The very same action many took when they got tired of the main stream media and their agenda driven reporting.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the political stuff is making this blog unreadable.
Did you ever notice? That is the same exact thing they say about McClatchy papers.

Anonymous said...

Don't let the door hit ya where your marxist govt. god split ya.
By y'all

"Ya know, this blog has turned into political bashing and holds little interest to me anymore. Sorry, Blog Host, but I'm leaving you to find another avenue to find out more information about McClatchy. This blog needs to be re-titled, "Left Vs. Right." Good luck fellow journalists. Somehow, we all will find our way."

"I agree, the political stuff is making this blog unreadable. Post some threads for that purpose, let the other threads be about McClatchy or the newspaper business."

Anonymous said...

And it's not "left vs. right" -- the political posts are 99% right bashing left. Probably mostly the same tiresome person.

Yep, just like McClatchy papers are 99% left bashing right. The difference is, McClatchy papers operate under the guise of impartial, objective, and independent journalism.

Guess who the rogue is?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:04 Get's it!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

You'll be the only one left in the building. Hope you can hold a decent conversation with yourself.

Au revoir, mes amis ...

Anonymous said...

Isn't that cute. A lesbian farwell.

Anonymous said...

If it was a lezy farewell, woudn't it be "Au revoir, mens amis ..."

Anonymous said...

"Ya know, this blog has turned into political bashing and holds little interest to me anymore.”
Buh, bye! Now you know what it has been like reading the dishonest liberal press for years. Under the new Obama plan, you will have lots of time to gaze at your navel, and reflex on the golden years of slanted journalism.

Anonymous said...

I think "mes amies" would have been the lesbian way. It's been awhile though.

Anonymous said...

Now I get it.

When I started working for MNI, I thought it was interesting that the big boss played a theme song at the all hands meeting. But then his boss also played a theme song at the all hands meeting. Now I see that they are merely aping the top boss.


Anonymous said...

Buh, bye! Now you know what it has been like reading the dishonest liberal press for years.

They're not going anywhere. This is just phase two of "Take over the blog and shape it to your desire." They finally realized that demanding control over what can be posted isn't going to work.

Now they want to claim it is their football and it is game over without it. Problem is, it isn't their football and McClatchy isn't going to tell them squat.

You can always tell when Les has been around. First the demands that only what he wants to hear can be posted. Then the temper tantrums.

Anonymous said...

“I'm leaving you to find another avenue to find out more information about McClatchy.”
Go right to the McClatchy site. There is all sorts of information there. They tell you why your sorry ass is going to be out of a job! How unemployment payments will make you rich. The things you can do to prepare yourself for the brave new world. I think you might even find your old nanny there. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Bull. Les (whom I've never met or heard of until I read this blog) writes cogent, reasonable, well thought out posts. Unlike 9:46.

The only conversation the "liberals" here are trying to have is one about layoffs/McClatchy's future. It's the wingnuts hijacking threads.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the folks who have commented on the fact that this is becoming a "bash fest".

There are much more important items that this site should be used for such as what is happening at the various properties concerning layoffs, buyouts and furloughs.

Enough political crap already

Anonymous said...

“A few months back Howard Weaver mentioned the many "mcclatchy hater" blogs out there...anybody know what the others are?”
Why would anyone quote the insane Howie Weaver? And, as Howie himself would say, have you lost your F**king mind?

Anonymous said...

The only conversation the "liberals" here are trying to have is one about layoffs/McClatchy's future. It's the wingnuts hijacking threads.


Actually that isn't true. Les has a habit of throwing fits. He also likes to show up with as you say a cogent point or two, demand that only what he wants to talk about be addressed, then throw a few stones or threaten a few people with physical violence. You need to read some more.

Oh and why the need to make it clear that you have never met him and don't know him. Seems a rather suspicious disclaimer to me.

Anonymous said...

"Enough political crap already"
This is not your blog--this is a free speech zone. YOU don't rule here. Move on to a site where liberals piss and moan, if that is your is pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Enough of the political crap...I agree.

Twitter maybe that would work.

Anonymous said...

i just want to get mor info about mcclatchy and layoffs. No I am not a journalist. have worked here for almost 22 years.Stayed because of the options available. I just want to know when...stop dragging this out, if you are going to cut, then cut

Anonymous said...

McClatchy wasted gallons of ink bashing the USA during the Iraq war.The BIG exposé about Guantanamo is, that the prisoners need a bit more exercise.

McClatchy must be so disappointed, a report that exposes their bullshit reporting, that may have harmed our troops. Wave your white flags McClatchy, so everyone can see them!
Report: Gitmo meets Geneva code
he Wahington Times, by Pamela Hess

The Pentagon says the Guantanamo Bay prison meets the standard for humane treatment laid out in the Geneva Conventions.

Anonymous said...

"Oh and why the need to make it clear that you have never met him and don't know him. Seems a rather suspicious disclaimer to me."

Um, because I haven't and wanted to make clear that I had no personal reason for defending the guy? Suspicious much?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Leftist spammer

Anonymous said...

Um, because I haven't and wanted to make clear that I had no personal reason for defending the guy? Suspicious much?

Yes, it is called a testimonial disclaimer and is often used as an indicator in how to detect a scam. Very bad marketing ploy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:23 - that's awesome that there's a politics-free version of a McClatchy blog available now! THANKS! I hope people keep the politics rants here and send lots of tips/rumors/info your way!

Anonymous said...

McClatchy papers do have a far left slant in news coverage, but I too am fed up with the "Marxist" tone of some posters. C'mon drop the commie talk and let's devote ourselves to the coming debacle that is McClatchy newspapers.

Anonymous said...

11:23 Thanks for the additional blog for McClatchy news.

I appreciate McClatchy Watch for having this blog but I too get tired of the political rants but this is his blog.

I' m sure that Kevin wants to support all blogs that have McClatchy news.

For those would would like to take a peak:

Kevin Gregory said...

Has anybody located this "newspapertrails" blog? I spent a couple of minutes looking and couldn't find it. Hmmm. It's not listed on Technorati, either.

But even if this blog does exist somewhere it is no threat to me since I link to all blogs and news sites dealing with McClatchy. If I eventually locate this blog and it gives good info on McClatchy I will link to it.

Anonymous said...

I think people want a site where they can comment and find information on their employer, and how long they have a job for.

I am tired of coming here and having to read through wave after wave of crap from disgruntled former employees, stock holders, and plain old idiots.

All I care about (and likely most of us) is what is happening in and with our company. There is no reason for any kind of bashing, just unbiased reporting of the facts involving those CURRENTLY employed.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Unless you're looking to get and have your threads flooded like you have done here, at lest have the decency to not act like a McClatchy journalist and stop spamming.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

There is nothing ethical about spamming every single thread with a blog you start slandering others. How leftist of you. Or is that, how McClatchy like?

Anonymous said...

Ruh oh! Possible setback for the McClatchy scam.

Corporations seeking pension relief from the U.S. Congress could be asked to abstain from freezing their retiree programs as a condition of acceptance.

Corporations that have already frozen their pensions shouldn't be granted the relief at all, the group says.

Anonymous said...

The short sellers giveth and the market taketh away. MNI back down 9.68% only one day after a pause in the free fall.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, it is called a testimonial disclaimer and is often used as an indicator in how to detect a scam. Very bad marketing ploy."

Well, interesting, the other day I posted something in support of Eric Johnson's Modesto letter and was accused of ass-kissing.

I don't know him, or work for Modesto, either.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing ethical about spamming every single thread with a blog you start slandering others. How leftist of you.

First of all, the blog you refer to isn't slandering others. Second, the spamming? How is that different from you hijacking every f-in thread with Obama/marxists/liberal/leftist bs?

Anonymous said...

Well, interesting, the other day I posted something in support of Eric Johnson's Modesto letter and was accused of ass-kissing.

I don't know him, or work for Modesto, either.
Ah but that is going to happen when you support something written by a person who's victims are populating a site it is posted on. It goes with the territory.

In this case however, you mis-characterized the disposition of, and gave credibility to a poster that has demonstrated highly unstable and potentially violent behavior. Your support was known to be faulty, and your disclaimer appeared contrived almost as if you might have been the subject himself...or a close associate.

Appearances can be deceiving, but they can also be very telling. If you're going to sell me some swamp land, don't bother with the testimonial. It draws attention to the wrong part of your message.

Anonymous said...

How is that different from you hijacking every f-in thread with Obama/marxists/liberal/leftist bs?

Actually you've never seen me hijack even one thread with Obama/Marxist/Liberal/Leftist/bs, but, if you don't understand what Spamming is you can easily find a definition without having to break out the AP style book. You advertise your crap in every F#$%ing thread on another's blog, that is SPAMMING.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, 2:26, how's the view from Smug Mountain?

Anonymous said...

1:32 I guess they're not interested in all McClatchy news just here not on another blog.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know. Just simple DECA basics about how not to sell your stuff.

Anonymous said...

If I was with management and wanted to track IP address of dissident employees or employees that are talking out of class, I would setup a blog and bait people to come over for a look.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Don't log in to the above link from work. You will be traced.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The site being spammed will attempt to upload malware to your system. If you have visited it. Don't take my word for it. Simply run a virus scan.

Anonymous said...

9:33 Keep it up bla bla bla. Too bad you can't go there because there really is some late breaking news.

Bet you do.

Anonymous said...

Check with the Circ dept to see how "delivery sharing" has been going for months..and then ask contract distributors about all their additional perks for additional work....then ask customers what they think about the delivery schedule!