Glory to the good!
Reflections by Comrade Fidel
Our delegation was received early this morning with the recognition and the honors it deserves. Esteban Lazo and Frederich Cepeda spoke. There was Raúl, who had made them standard-bearers during the ceremony at the Palace of the Revolution.
They were given a copy of my reflection which had been printed today in Granma and inserted in CubaDebate.
I spoke about the technology and discipline introduced to baseball by Japan, about the efforts a nation with no less than 10.4 times Cuba’s population, where one also had to discount “the weak of conscience that let them be bribed by our enemies”.
Of the 73 who flew to Mexico and San Diego, two poor devils did not return home.
One was editing video material on baseball for Cuban National Television. It was pitiful to hear his lament published in the cables. He sighed that the only thing sad about it was that his dear mother and beloved girlfriend hadn’t traveled with him. He had left the very first day that the delegation arrived in San Diego.
The other one was writing in Juventud Rebelde on the same subject. This one had traveled several times but he was waiting for the Classic to carry out his felony. He was constantly glued to the team. He was positively ridiculous. Two hours before they left for the airport to return home, he disappeared.
What a couple of repulsive fakes they are, incubated by capitalist ideology!
Those cases are useful to put the spotlight on the merit of the athletes making up our honorable national team, prepared to give their lives for the Homeland.
Of course, guys like those cannot sow a single grain of conscience. What a load of silliness they must have published about baseball; instead of guidance, they only confuse!
All of them are not like Bobby Salamanca or Eddy Martin, who offered such noble testimony about our great sports victories.
Glory to those who devote their lives to building the honor and love of the Homeland!
Glory to the good!
Fidel Castro Ruz
March 20, 2009
This "commentary" was first published by an arm of the Castro government -- why in the world is the Herald re-publishing it?
Henry Gomez has asked for an explanation from the Herald's executive editor and online editor. I think somebody at the Herald has to explain.
I still wonder if these propaganda pieces were posted on the Herald's web site by unknown contractors in India who were just posting random news items, or if they were posted by some j-school grad trying to educate South Florida rubes about the excellent government in Cuba.
See my previous posts on the Herald publishing propaganda from the Cuban government here and here.
UPDATE: The Herald has deleted the Cuban government propaganda articles from its web site.
I am really surprised by this. I always figured Castro was way too conservative for McClatchy.
Someone f'd up, there's no question, in running that ANC material online. It's lazy and without thought and it would be very interesting to find out who slapped it up there.
But any notion of it being part of a larger conspiracy is plain stupid.
Journalism/newspapers don't work that way, as mostly anyone who's spend hours in budget meetings or has had to pitch stories to editors.
Anything I can do to help bankrupt the Marxist filth MNI co. just post suggestions
Someone needs to go through the Herald’s archives and find articles praising President Bush. Lefties would say there was nothing to print, and that is why they must go. To watch government is the job of the press, but to crucify a president for the opposing party’s political gain, is corruption beyond repair.
I see the [stupid] Herald’s part all right, but you must be part of the gang that can’t shoot straight. The duck and weaving excuses of the press are laughable, and old hat. Get it?
“But any notion of it being part of a larger conspiracy is plain [stupid.”]
If I worked at the Miami Herald, I would rather be labeled stupid, than be a part of treasonous activities.
What liberal media? Oh, that liberal media.
"If I worked at the Miami Herald, I would rather be labeled stupid, than be a part of treasonous activities."
see the only person labeling folks as treasonous is you. you know because your stupid.
Really? This really happened? It's almost as if I'm living in the twilight zone.
Communist Indoctrination 101 via the Miami Herald, what’s new?
-Miami Herald Paints Castro's Number Two As 'Old-style Socialist' -
By Ken Shepherd At NewsBusters
"….Herald's Frances Robles seemed more interested in painting Raul Castro's number two as though he were Che Guevara with a hearing aid…"
Are you sure this was from Castro? It could be written by Obama.
-Herald's Message of Apology for Pro-Castro Staff & Response-
Yahoo Group For Freedom-Justice October 9, 2006 By Chachi Novellas
Subject: RE: There are pro-Castro folk inside The Herald
“As the new owners of The Miami Herald, we want to join in the apologies that have been extended for [mistakes and missteps] there, and to ask you to give us the time and opportunity to show what our ownership will mean.”
Yeah right, MNI apologies for mistakes and missteps. They should be apologizing for giant missteps on this one. Why, they had no idea they had a pro-Castro staff? 2006 is light-years ago.
see the only person labeling folks as treasonous is you. you know because your stupid.
No he isn't. Really though, traitor is too mild a word. What we have here is a case of active enemy agents who should be delt with in the most severe and extreme terms.
“The Miami Herald reporting on the Castro campaign to get the US to revoke the Cuban Ajustment act (footnote 1) does not discuss either the cruel communistoid tyranny in Cuba which drives the refugees to leave.
Nor does this paper discuss the Clinton-Castro accords (with its absurd premise, "US waters are not US territory") and thus by returning those caught at sea to Cuba forces the refugees to take extraordinarily dangerous steps to avoid not only Castro's border security, but also the US Coast Guard.”
“Are you sure this was from Castro? It could be written by Obama”
Castro, Soetoro, Castro, Obama, interchangeable ‘Turds’ of a feather, as they say.
It doesn’t take much research to see the Herald has thumbed their ‘Red’ nose at the Cuban community. There is even an apology from McClatchy to the community on this blog today. I would think offending your readers/customers would be the last thing any newspaper would do. The posters that have revealed the political bias of MNI here, are exactly correct. The Miami Herald is crying now that no one is buying their liberal crap any longer. I have a lot of respect for the Cuban/Americans that had the courage to seek freedom. I just hope they help in the fight to preserve it.
In addition to their progressive health care system, Cuba has a great retirement program for journalists. Free housing, food and clothing. Here is a partial list of some of the Cuban journalists currently enjoying retirement in this workers paradise.
Victor Rolando Arroyo Carmona Unión de Periodistas y Escritores Cubanos Independientes (UPECI)26 years
Pedro Argüelles Morán Cooperativa Avileña de Periodistas Independientes (CAPI) 20 years
Mijail Barzaga Lugo Agencia Noticiosa de Cuba (ANC) 15 years
Adolfo Fernández Sainz Pátria 15 years
Alfredo Felipe Fuentes Independent 26 years
Miguel Galván Gutiérrez Havana Press 26 years
Julio César Gálvez Rodríguez Independent 15 years
José Luis García Paneque Libertad (head) 24 years
Ricardo González Alfonso De Cuba (head) / Reporters Without Borders’ correspondent 20 years
Ivan Hernández Carrillo Pátria 25 years
Normando Hernández González Colegio de Periodistas Independientes de Camagüey (CPIC, head) 25 years
Juan Carlos Herrera Acosta Agencia de Prensa Libre Oriental (APLO) 20 years
José Ubaldo Izquierdo Hernández Grupo de Trabajo Decoro 16 years
Héctor Maseda Gutiérrez Grupo de Trabajo Decoro 20 years
Pablo Pacheco Ávila Cooperativa Avileña de Periodistas Independientes 20 years
Fabio Prieto Llorente Independent 20 years
Alfredo Manuel Pulido López El Mayor 14 years
Omar Rodríguez Saludes Nueva Prensa 27 years
Omar Moises Ruiz Hernández Grupo de Trabajo Decoro 18 years
Alberto Gil Triay Casales La Estrella Solitaria not announced
Raymundo Perdigón Brito Yayabo Press unknown 4 years
Ramón Velázquez Toranso Liberta 3 years
Oscar Sánchez Madan Cubanet Unknown 4 years
So I guess most readers here would rather we rely on the Herald's interpretation of Castro's "reflections" than on the actual words themselves?
Castro is evil and vile and full of excrement, but I would rather that people be able to read his words, if they so choose, than rely on a journalist's interpretation.
I have no interest in reading Castro's words, but the great thing about the Internet is that it gives people the chance to access the "raw data" behind the news of the day. Newspapers are smart to make themselves such a source of information.
But of course, to some of the simple minds who frequent this blog, that's too much to comprehend.
Toda la noche he dormido contigo
junto al mar, en la isla.
Salvaje y dulce eras entre el placer y el sueño,
entre el fuego y el agua.
Tal vez muy tarde
nuestros sueños se unieron
en lo alto o en el fondo,
arriba como ramas que un mismo viento mueve,
abajo como rojas raíces que se tocan.
Tal vez tu sueño
se separó del mío
y por el mar oscuro
me buscaba como antes
cuando aún no existías,
cuando sin divisarte
navegué por tu lado,
y tus ojos buscaban
lo que ahora
-pan, vino, amor y cólera-
te doy a manos llenas
porque tú eres la copa
que esperaba los dones de mi vida.
He dormido contigo
toda la noche mientras
la oscura tierra gira
con vivos y con muertos,
y al despertar de pronto
en medio de la sombra
mi brazo rodeaba tu cintura.
Ni la noche, ni el sueño
pudieron separarnos.
He dormido contigo
y al despertar tu boca
salida de tu sueño
me dio el sabor de tierra,
de agua marina, de algas,
del fondo de tu vida,
y recibí tu beso
mojado por la aurora
como si me llegara
del mar que nos rodea.
Could we do something with this Spanish spam please.
Cached copy at
They're trying to cover their tracks and delete everything on the QT.
“Could we do something with this Spanish spam please.”
Could someone read that spam, and tell us if they are using words that would ban us?
EVERYBODY should read Armando Valladarez book "Beyond all Hope". It's his story of 20 + years in the cuban political prison system.
"Against all Hope" Sorry.....
"Lucy, You have some splaining to do."
I will read 'Against All Hope'
Anon. 5;51,
I was interest in your suggested reading. I found a chapter to read online at Barnes & Noble. It will just have to do until I get to the library. It is good reading, really good reading. Anyone interested, scroll past the Table of Contents. Chapter One follows.
Against All Hope: A Memoir of Life in Castro's Gulag by Armando Valladares
Chapter One
“My eyes flew open. The cold muzzle of a machine gun held to my temple had shocked me awake. I was confused and frightened. Three armed men were standing around my bed, and one of them was shoving my head into the pillow with his machine gun.”
La muerte
entra y sale
de la taberna.
1:59 means
All night I have slept with you
next to the sea, in the island.
Savage and candy eras between the pleasure and the dream, the fire and the water.
Perhaps very behind schedule
our dreams were united
in the stop or at heart,
it arrives down like branches that a same wind moves, like red roots that are touched.
Perhaps your dream
one separated of mine
and by the dark sea
it looked for to me like before when not yet you existed, when without divisarte
navegué by your side,
and your eyes looked for
what now
- bread, came, love and rage I give you lavishly because you are the glass
- that it waited for the gifts of my life.
I have slept with you all night while the dark earth turns with alive and deads, and when waking up suddenly
n the middle of the shade
my arm surrounded your waist.
Neither the night, nor the dream could separate to us.
I have slept with you
and when waking up your mouth exit of your dream
it gave the flavor me of earth, marine water, seaweed, the bottom of your life,
and I received your kiss wet by the aurora as if it arrived to me from the sea that surrounds to us.
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