Consider how political cartoonists have treated the Tea Party protests this year.
McClatchy's cartoonists have either ignored the Tea Party protests, or portrayed the protesters as idiots.
A Kansas City Star cartoon by Lee Judge (below) portrays the protesters as hypocrites.

A Charlotte Observer cartoon by Kevin Siers (below) portrays the protesters as selfish buffoons.

A News & Observer cartoon by Dwane Powell (click here) makes the protesters out to be absurd Alice in Wonderland characters. A second Kevin Siers cartoon in the Charlotte Observer (click here) portrays the tax protests as a GOP movement.
Notice the common thread? The McClatchy cartoons skewer citizens, not the politicians running up sky-high deficits.
Some cartoonists, though, get it. Below is a cartoon by Matthew Silber -- a McClatchy Watch reader -- that was originally published in the Platte County Missouri Landmark.

Matthew Silber grasps that protests against high taxes and big government are quintessentially American. McClatchy's cartoonists, by contrast, treat citizen protesters like freaks and outcasts.
Translation: If I agree with a cartoon's message, it's by fine, upstanding right-wingers. If I don't, it's by "vulgar leftists."
The part about vulgar leftists refers to Rachel Maddow and David Schuster and Anderson Cooper -- not McClatchy. I should have made that clear.
They ignore us, we ignore them.
Who will win?
The MNI filthy Marxist will go bankrupt first, I promise!
I thought dissent is patriotic? Oh, that's only when Republicans control the government.
Dissent is only wrong when Democrats are in power.
Thanks for the lesson liberal media.
Re the first cartoon:
Yeah, where were you guys when Reagan was doubling the national debt? And where have you been since, considering we've wasted billions just paying the interest on it? Because all the Reagan debt is still there.
And don't even get me started on Dubya.
These cartoons skewer some citizens. Not the majority of citizens...
Excuse me 9:56am, but Not-My-President Obama has doubled the national debt in less than 100 days.
I hope he got some of that swine flu when he was down in Mexico.
***The part about vulgar leftists refers to Rachel Maddow and David Schuster and Anderson Cooper -- not McClatchy. I should have made that clear.***
And what about vulgar rightits such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin, and (especially) Savage?
And what about vulgar rightits such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin, and (especially) Savage?They're not lauded by the liberal media. How many puff pieces are written about Maddow and Anderson Cooper compared to Hannity, etc.?
National debt, not the deficit. If Obama had doubled the national debt, we'd now owe $22 trillion. We're don't.
Deficit spending is how you double the national debt, though. As Reagan did.
If only Carter had thought of that.
10:36am, is that something to be proud of? Doubling the national debt in less than 100 days is the primary reason why 300,000+ attended the Tea Party protests on April 15.
No wait, the MSM says it was racism.
Anon 10:30, what's your definition of a "puff piece"? One that reflects reality but that you don't agree with?
Anon 10:30, what's your definition of a "puff piece"? One that reflects reality but that you don't agree with?Excuse me? Compare the puff pieces the liberal media wrote about "newcomers" Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow.
And then compare those pieces about Glenn Beck.
Liberal bias anybody? Of course.
You hit it right on the head 11:02! Most of the retards on this site are hatemongering racist that will never understand anything but their own warped point of view. Their leaders talk of less regulation of the government while they are ripping off everything they can and their family values are skewed to reflect whatever the value is at that time. They believe that it’s not the economy or the internet that is killing the newspapers; it’s the leftist point of view. I guess that means that ALL newspapers are leftist! Well what do you make of that? Why is there not “1” right-wing paper that they can point to as telling the real story or telling what they perceive to be the truth. I’m sure that there is such a paper and I’ll bet it has swastikas on the front page.
If you disagree with Obama = hatemongering racist and should be put into concentration camps.
1984 has arrived.
See, your extremist viewpoint is obvious. 1984? Come on is that the best you can do. So you agreed with Bush? He did right by the country and only looked out for the best interest of the American people? If you believe that then perhaps you deserve to be amongst the people you align yourself with. Drug addict Rush must have you hopped up on the same thing he is on. Bush and his cronies ruined this country and then profited off the ruins. They caused young women and men to be killed for lies and then they lied about it to keep it going! History will show the true person Bush was and then I’m sure that you will go to the standard, “we had no idea” or “we did not know” line that you love to use. At least Obama is trying to help the country and I would rather put the debt on my kids then worry about my kids being killed for some BS reason and lie that only makes the “leaders” of the Republican Party richer and their ruin of this country obvious.
Obama is trying to help the country? Are you this idiotic?
In less than 100 days, Obama has doubled the National Debt, promoted bigger government and corruption, labled US soldiers as extremists, lost Pakistan and has become a full-fledged Marxist.
William Ayers and Rev. Wright are so proud of their Islamist boy.
How's that swine flu for you? Hope and Change my ass. Change it Back.
Your hood and robe are showing.
After the way Bush left this country what was Obama supposed to do. Don't say "nothing" because we had 8 years of that BS and all we got for our trouble was a BS war that made millions for the Bush supporters. I hope that you are one of the folks that made money off of the war because that is the only explanation for your view….
Only robes being worn are Islamic robes by the Obamababoon and the great democrat wizard, Robert Byrd.
Thanks to Not-My-President Obama, Barney Fag and Chris Dodd, they helped collapse this economy. Why those three aren't in prison is unfathomable. Impeach Obama already.
You seem to be a Saddam lover, then again so is Obama. He would be bowing to Uday and Qusay too along with pledging allegiance to the Saudi king.
I would normally cut and paste and reply to each of the 3 paragraphs of stupidity you posted but I must admit that your choice of words is hilarious in a disturbing sort of way. If people like you are the “alter” voice of the folks that elected our current president then I am hopeful the American people made the right choice. While I cannot imagine the way your mind works, I do “feel” the hate inside of you and it’s too bad that you have to carry that around with you. I only hope that you are not responsible for raising children because I would hate to think that you are subjecting a young mind to your obviously bitter ramblings.
Probably a disgruntled former civil servant…
12:20, it's obvious you've come from the Far Left Marxist drivel of the political spectrum - the Al-Queda wing of the Democratic party from which Obama, William Ayers and Rev. Wright ooze from. You must be watching too much Al-Jazeera or PSMNBC/CNN.
It's too bad the corrupt liberal media elected Obama and a Democratic congress, but Hitler had his Goebells to spread his propoganda. However, these media outlets have realized too late that they need Red State money to survive and will soon fold into oblivion.
Oh, and 12:20, you seem to be more extreme than Mohammed Atta is that was possible. And for a nutjob who says he doesn't like McCaltchy Watch, you do seem to troll it very often.
Good riddance to your political Obamababoon worshipping nonsense.
It's too bad the corrupt liberal media elected Obama and a Democratic congress, but Hitler had his Goebells to spread his propoganda.
Wow, it’s you. I have read your ramblings on here before and wondered when you might crawl out from under your rock. You love to use the whole “Goebells” analogy every chance you get. You’re some piece of work and I’m thankful that you only have your little keyboard to spout off with instead of the extreme methods you and yours love to use. Let me also tell you that you and yours days are numbered because we humans are tired of your anti-human behavior. Your cruelty and mean spirited way of doing things is over and it’s just a matter of time before you’re discovered for what you are.
Oh, you also mention 12:20 twice. My post were at 12:10 & 12:11 WIZ-KID. Are you stupid too?
Since I post as Anonymous, I doubt you know who a certain poster is 12:27pm.
Now a POS extremist like yourself is one deluded piece of work, sort of like whom Obamababoon likes to hang around with: Rahm Emanuel, Rev. Wright, William Ayers and David Axlerod, who likes to go after babies with Down's syndrome.
As for telling me that "my days are numbered," is that some sort of threat?
I'm sure McClatchy Watch and the police would just love to see your IP address.
LOL. You are one pathetic turd. And retarded as well.
And for the record, I don't hate this site. It serves a purpose. I work at the SacBee and I have learned a great many things on here before they happened. I may not share opinions, but I do not bring hate into it, that is the real difference between us.
New York 20th Congressional District election.
'Nuff said.
I work at the SacBee and I have learned a great many things on here before they happened.Well, that would explain your extremist views here and the drivel in Sac Bee.
I may not share opinions, but I do not bring hate into it, that is the real difference between us.No, the difference is that you play the Race Card. Pathetic.
Don't be scared 12:34. I do not care if you post ANON or not nor do I really care who you are. Call the police, give them my ip, show them what I posted. No, that’s not you. You could never call the police about something like this because then you would have to expose yourself for the POS that you keep hidden. I would gladly take my chances in public with what I am writing versus what you are writing. You are stupid, huh?
Boy, quoting me in your post makes it easier to seem like you have a mind huh?
I'm sure your employers at the Sac Bee would love to see your insane rambings posted here. Talk about "your days being numbered."
Then again, the management at the Sac Bee are probably just as big of moonbats as you are, which is sad because you certainly are one of the more retarded trolls here.
Well, that would explain your extremist views here and the drivel in Sac Bee.It's a complete mystery how they can employ such an anus.
I may not share opinions, but I do not bring hate into it, that is the real difference between us.
Then you need to go back and examine your previous posts. Frankly, that is all you have brought into it.
Perhaps you should try reading your post before you post them. You may come across as less retarded then you are. And I see you’re also the one that likes to use the moon bat thing too. Man your famous on this site!!!
I wish you would contact this site and see about getting the police involved because someone like yourself with all your disturbing ramblings needs to be brought out in the light and shown. But you and I both know that will not happen because you’re the lowest form amongst us and you will never allow your true self to be seen.
12:51pm, you truly are one of the most vile things on the Internet. You are a piece of scum. How the Sac Bee can employ the likes of you shows how low McClatchy has fallen.
May you be in the next wave of cuts because a lot of good people were let go due to hate mongers like yourself.
If I had a time machine, I would go back to the night you were conceived and stop the drunken intercourse that produced filth like yourself.
The person that runs this site has his email address on the main page. Perhaps you could email him and ask him to give you my ip address. Then you take that to the Police and tell them your side of the story. I'm good with the outcome!
The person that runs this site has his email address on the main page. Perhaps you could email him and ask him to give you my ip address.Thanks for the advice, but I already did. As for your fixing your hate and mental instability, you're going to have to take that up with God.
Well 12:56, if I do get cut in the next round of cuts then I’m ok with that. I’ll move on and be just fine. As for the rest of your ramblings, your nuts!!!!!
You’re missing quite a few marbles and I doubt that you will ever find them. Maybe while you’re in that time machine you can go back and look for them. I feel bad for even continuing this cause seriously dude, you’re an idiot!
Then you need to go back and examine your previous posts. Frankly, that is all you have brought into it.Amen. Blah, blah, blah. Race Card. Blah, blah, blah. Iraq War. Blah, blah, blah. Bush. Lies. Blah, blah, blah. Obama. Messiah. Blah, blah, blah. 9/11. Inside Job. Blah, blah, blah.
He must be on the editorial side at the Sac Bee.
When you do get cut by the Sac Bee, I bet you will cash your unemployment checks to buy more Obamababoon merchandise.
As for your next occupation, may I suggest you becoming a jackass? Look at your rectum stained posts and insane ramblings, you seem to be a very advanced jackass.
So have a nice day moron and I will let you have the last word, or two or three because I just don’t see a point in going on. Your wacky dude!!!!! Good luck on your whole right-wing thing....
You are one ugly person, almost as ugly as Michelle Obama. Almost.
Your mother must have been a jackal. I'm sure if we look hard enough we can see the '666' on your skull.
And I thought that was unique just to Obama.
Although I don't have time to read all this right now, the JACKAL part was very funny, and I really liked it!
Anon 12:56 My hero!!!
Anon 12:16 This Marxist from the "tea-bag-sac-bee" is the reason MNI is failing. I am glad you flushed the sub-human out.
Soon, his only soap box will be a Starbucks, or his mother's basement. He and his castro ilk will soon be history
So have a nice day moron and I will let you have the last word, or two or three because I just don’t see a point in going on.
Please, by all means stay. Even your fellow travelers have no choice but to reconcile themselves to the fact that you are defining them in the very stereotypical terms that that made turd pudding out of the term, "liberal."
You're doing great, and I don't have to pay you a nickel.
As much as everyone seems to be having fun with this debate, the troll who claims to work at the Sac Bee certainly doesn't work there as a journalist given his atrocious grammar (and if I can tell, it's bad).
There are a couple of trolls on this site. They're wasting your time, which is exactly what they want you to do.
So away with you leftist troll. Back to your janitorial duties, if you even work for a paper at all.
Stereotyping again, John? Janitors must have atrocious grammar or they wouldn't be janitors?
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