Bonus quiz: guess which McClatchy bigwig is a major fan of I. F. Stone.
This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
John Walcott - The key to our success was to side with the dissent (Ba'ath Socialist Party) over the exiles. (The United States and Coalition Forces)
Take a good look at the face of a traitor to his country.
This is similar to the NYT Pulitzer winner who we now know was a Stalinist stooge and cover-up artist. Where is Joe McCarthy now that we need him again? The Democrats are simply installing in America that which Reagan destroyed in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
Jonathan Landay and McClatchy Newspapers Still Ignorant About Saddam’s Ties To Al Queda
Flopping Aces
Earlier this week an article by Jonathan Landay was published by the failing McClatchy Newspapers.
The article asserted that innumerable people had been tortured with the intent and purpose of proving a tie between Saddam Hussein’s regime and the Al Queda network of terrorist groups.
The article asserted that there never were any ties between the two, and that the torturing of captured Al Queda terrorists was done largely to create a fictional narrative that would support the case for invading Iraq (let’s ignore that the alleged “torture” happened AFTER the invasion of Iraq-just as was done in the article).
I attempted to contact Jonathan Landay to nicely and politely inform him that the issue of regime ties had never been closed. He responded nicely, pointed me in the direction of a few reports, then categorically declared that no ties existed and that the intelligence community had known this all along, but the Bush Administration “cherry-picked” intelligence to make its case for war.
After that initial email, Jonathon refused to respond to further attempts at educating him. SO, here we go…
In a communication class, a brave student uttered the statement above in response to a question of how ethical news reporting was important to disseminate public information to the American people. Old Walter had been set as the high example for news reporting greatness. Now we know he was editorializing as often as not. However, the professor had sparks flying out of his eyes. He ranted on for the rest of the class. Everyone had to listen to an old Marxist rant, and not say a word for fear of grade retaliation. This is what your college is doing for you lately, and of course educating you for no real world jobs.
This old windbag looks like 90% of my college professors, male or female. Why do they look like that? Maybe it is the decay from within.
I think j-schools still lionize Dan Rather as a great newsman. He was a disgrace, but being a leftist liberal has its rewards. Rather actually speaks at colleges, with no protests, to my knowledge. That shows us the bottom of the barrel, and why a profession deserves to become extinct.
...Few knew that Izzy Stone was REALLY the fraternal twin of Helen Thomas. Now that they're both dead, the truth can be told. The resemblance is uncanny.
Helen Thomas isn't dead. She just looks like it.
In no way to I care what an old bat like Helen Thomas has to say about anything. She would be a disgusting person at any age. She is allowed to say outrageous things because she is an old, old, female. That is not reason enough to let her spew her brand of hatred unabated.
Helen Thomas made an openly racist remark about Gov. Bobby Jindal. No Democrats called such bigotry by a journalist unacceptable, nor did Jesse Jackson berate her for racism. Gov. Jindal isn’t black, or a minority for Jesse to exploit I guess. Helen Thomas is a hypocrite, and her antics don’t speak well for working fifty years past what must have been her professional integrity limit.
I don't think I was ever more tempted to dump a bowl of soup on someone than the time I wound up sitting at the table next to her in DC.
It was some French joint and a friend had arranged a supper with Balint Vazsonyi, a man of towering intellect, and his wife. While I was chatting with Vazsonyi in walked the crone and a companion and plopped down next to us. When I expressed my temptation to Vazsonyi he said that he would autograph his book for me, "Best Wishes, Helen Thomas".
As luck would have it, the fellow who arranged the dinner, took one of the menus and had Helen sign it for his wife (apparently a fan) so I had to stay on my better behavior.
Just an atrocious old dinosaur and truly representative of the old school leftists who claimed that their weltanschauung was the only view and hence anything the reflected its values was clearly objective. Whenever I worry about the future of journalism I think back to that era when an eighth grade drop out ran the show at ABC while a religious bigot and intellectual fraud was America's "most trusted" anchor and I realize just how far we've come from that authoritarian socialist model.
You're a better man than I. I would have been honor bound to choke the life out of her...or at least give my soup spoon a heavy handed tap on the non business end.
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