Here is info on Tax Day Tea Party events at several McClatchy cities:
Anchorage: 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Federal building
Boise: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, march from Ann Morrison park to Capitol park (Idaho web site)
Anchorage: 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Federal building
Boise: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, march from Ann Morrison park to Capitol park (Idaho web site)
Bradenton: 5:00 - 7:00 pm, Mixon Fruit Farms web site
Charlotte: Old City Hall 2:00 - 4:00 (pre-rally at Charlotte Observer building at 1:00) web site
Charlotte: Old City Hall 2:00 - 4:00 (pre-rally at Charlotte Observer building at 1:00) web site
Columbus, Georgia: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Courthouse on 9th Street, by torch monument (more info click here) (Georgia web site)
Fort Worth: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, LaGrave Field (web site???)
Fresno: 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Save Mart Center Parking Lot - Fresno State web site
Kansas City: 4:00 pm - 7:30pm, Liberty Memorial (official web site??... try this site)
Lexington: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., across from court house (Kentucky web site)
Fort Worth: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, LaGrave Field (web site???)
Fresno: 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Save Mart Center Parking Lot - Fresno State web site
Kansas City: 4:00 pm - 7:30pm, Liberty Memorial (official web site??... try this site)
Lexington: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., across from court house (Kentucky web site)
Macon, Georgia: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Rosa Parks Park (Georgia web site)
Merced: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, UC Merced, Academic Quad web site (lunch served)
Merced: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, UC Merced, Academic Quad web site (lunch served)
Modesto: 12 noon - 6:00 pm, Dennis Cardoza office, 1010 10TH Street (web site)
Miami: 6:00 - 8:00 pm, Doral Post Office (web site???)
Myrtle Beach: 12 noon - 2:00 pm, Chapin Park (South Carolina site)
Miami: 6:00 - 8:00 pm, Doral Post Office (web site???)
Myrtle Beach: 12 noon - 2:00 pm, Chapin Park (South Carolina site)
Olympia: 12 noon, state capitol building (web site??) (Washington State site)
Raleigh: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, State capitol building (east side-Wilmington Street side) (web site???)
Raleigh: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, State capitol building (east side-Wilmington Street side) (web site???)
Richland, Kennewick, Pasco WA: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm, across from Federal building in Richland (Tri-City Herald) (Washington State site)
State College: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm, near Post Office on S. Fraser Street
Sacramento: State Capitol building, 12:00 - 3:00 web site (Michelle Malkin will appear)
State College: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm, near Post Office on S. Fraser Street
Sacramento: State Capitol building, 12:00 - 3:00 web site (Michelle Malkin will appear)
Tacoma: meeting at 9:00 to carpool to Olympia... 12:00 noon in Olympia (Washington web site)
There are others... if you have more info, leave it in comments.
There are others... if you have more info, leave it in comments.
The liberal media will be covering a much, much, more important story:
the arrival of Obama's new (black) dog.
Omigosh! So funny! Because Obama's black, too, right? Is that why it's funny?
You guys are great.
If Cindy Sheehan was proesting her wacky Moonbat self, the MSM would provide coverage.
But when hundreds of thousands are protesting the Teleprompter-in-Chief, the MSM will ignore it.
You steal a little, they throw you in jail. You steal a lot, they make you a king.
They should have held the Kansas City one at 18th and Grand.
I do need my little boys cleanGo get Barney Frank. I hear he likes little boys.
If the dog is black, does that mean it's a socialist dog? That's what Lewis Diuguid said (or sayd, if you work at The Star). He said socialist is just a code word for black, so does that mean that black is a code word for socialist. I get so confused reading The Star
Obama's FASCISM becomes clearer every day.
In response to tomorrow's Tea Party protests, the dictator has ordered his partisan DHS to file a report that the ""recession is fueling right-wing extremism.
This administration gets sicker each day.
There's one in Richland, WA across from the Federal Building (Tri-City Herald)
Hey, can someone make some more cracks about Obama's skin color? Those are so good.
Nah, the Left just enjoys cracks about Palin's Down Syndrome baby.
So .... are any of you attending one of these tea party things? Please say you will get out from behind your computer and actually DO SOMETHING that you believe in, instead of typing about it all day long. Come on, right-wingers .... this is your day to shine.
Yeah, right.
Is the baby black, too? Blackness is so funny!
Hey, can the guy who does the hilarious dialect posts do one about the baby? Comedy gold!
Re: DHS to file a report that the ""recession is fueling right-wing extremism.
The report was hastily written to become manufactured news a day ahead of the tea parties. Now the MSM can report the protests under that phony headline. The report is said to be so shoddy, that it demeans HLS. This sort of transparent use of a government office to undermine a citizens’ right to be heard, should worry everyone. The MSM is once again turning a citizens’ right to speak into a radical and racial issue. It can’t be people protesting higher taxes, they have to make it as a stand against the ‘Blowhard’ and into something racial. Obama says there will be sympathy for people that can’t pay their taxes. Well, that is obvious with his choice of tax-cheating cabinet members.
Um, what? Is there a more literate person who can explain the above comment?
Catchy tea party sign isn’t it? Think it will stick?
Odd the DHS never noticed Moveon.org or ACORN’s radical activities? Very odd!
6:40 AM
It is obvious you cannot detect rigged reports used as a media ploy against American citizens. That weakness just might cost you your job. Buh-bye!
Obama said he was going to choose a pound dog, a mutt like himself. Did he lie about that too? He didn’t need to go to Texas for a pound dog. However, the dog could have been on the same plane as the now famous $$$$$ pizza from
St. Louis. That would save taxpayers some bucks in this difficult economy.
The baloney they are saying that the economy is turning around is not taking in effect what is going to happen at some point when inflation starts hitting us hard. 3 trillion $ of spending is going to cause inflation like we haven't seen since the Carter administration. When the government spends like a drunken sailor inflation is not that far away.
Come on, right-wingers .... this is your day to shine.
Yeah, right.
Do you think Mark will let me off to go?
Thanks for showing your spots PG.
The DHS report is so transparent, even an idiot can see through the propaganda. The report is said to be nonsensical, and written by armatures. Who would be surprised that the DHS has been taken over by crackpots?
Tea Parties, Homeland Security
and Silencing the Opposition Big Hollywood, by John Romano
Today the Washington Times printed an article about Obama’s DHS crew releasing a report about, and plans to step up efforts to watch, “Right Wing Radical extremists.” Interesting that this is released just before the Tea Parties are scheduled to happen across America. From the article itself: A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines “rightwing extremism in the United States”
I thought Barry said he was not going to allow people to be labeled. The biased media hung on his every word. How did they miss that little teleprompter speech? I see more labels than ever. More empty promises, what is that one lie a day?
@Michelle Malkin.com on the tea party media corruption.
And along the way, detractors have fumbled and bumbled over how to discredit the Tea Party organizers — first blaming a cabal tied to CNBC, then jeering at the amateurishness of the participants before crying “astroturf,” then claiming the events were “financed by Fox News” or (fill-in-the-blank) conservative conspiracy, then smearing the protesters as crazed gun nuts (FNC’s Bob Beckel) and racists (FNC’s Geraldo Rivera).
Wouldn’t it be refreshing if MSM coverage refrained from parroting all the lazy, groundless, uninformed canards and reported the simple truth?
Good God.
to all of y'all: Let's try to elevate the conversation. Please?
And to anyone making ANY type of accusation from here on out, if you don't provide a clear example of what you are talking about, you get zero credibility. which is what your accusation is worth.
Something that would be worthwhile here: compare MNI's coverage of the Tea Parties to, say, the Million Man March a few years ago. Somebody here must have time to spend a quick hour looking up stuff.
And right-wing guys, let's leave off with the racist remarks today, OK?
Star-Telegram covered the tea parties and the new dog. Something for everyone, and I think that's good. No, I don't work there any more but I do see the reporters working pretty darn hard in a mess they didn't make.
And from the ones I know, some voted for Obama, and some for McCain.
And I would love to see a report from the right-wingers about how the tea parties went. Speak truth to power here. Would love to get your take on it.
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