The Tea Party movement is picking up steam. (If you haven't heard, Tea stands for Taxed Enough Already.) The above map, courtesy of
Michelle Malkin, shows the location of Tax Day Tea Parties scheduled for April 15th. Glenn Reynolds from Pajamas TV has a report
here. Tax Day Tea Party web site
here. I'll be at the Sacramento Tea Party and I'll have photos for you.
I haven’t seen much news about the Tea Parties in the biased rags or in-the-tank TV networks. Not much news in regular citizens having a forum to protest government overreaching their place. It wouldn’t look good for the Puff the Magic Dragon when he is parading for the Socialist crowd in Europe.
A TV station nearly ignored 4000 Tea Party protesters, and focused on less that 300 protesting the AIG bonuses. A poster here even said “Neil Cavuto cable TV host's participation was a publicity stunt. When he should have been applauding citizens engaging in the control of their government. He probably gave props to the busload of SICK-Os riding in the buses past the AIG homes threatening small children. Which was a CYA Dodd and Frank publicity stunt. Stand up ‘We the People,’ stand up!
(And, I mean the people that have not had a Socialist lobotomy yet.)
At the Orlando Tea Party there were BIG signs that said,
Now you know why that film hit the cutting floor, while the ACORN crazies signs at the AIG homes made video at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00... Saying, “Capitalism is Organized Crime.”
At the Orlando Tea Party there were BIG signs that said,
Now you know why that film hit the cutting floor, while the ACORN crazies signs at the AIG homes made video at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00... Saying, “Capitalism is Organized Crime.”
A comment from the UK observing the current USA’s Socialist schmoozing said, “Americans should be ‘wet-their-pants’ terrified of their present congress is taking steps to socialize national health care. They know nationalize healthcare. People that can afford it go to private doctors, and the people the can’t, well, they wait in line, and they don’t see the doctor of their choice as promoted before the government takeover. Just remember, we watched this happen.
I'd happily pay more taxes for universal healthcare. In a second.
What I don't understand is why all these right-wingers want private business to be saddled with health-care costs, and a sick and undependable work force. I thought you all were pro-business.
Anyway, capitalism is making socialism look pretty good these days.
anon 6:07 So move to cuba you commie, puke, idiot.
Thanks for your suggestion, but I think I'll stay here.
Though one has to note that Fidel, though he is a despot, has brought universal literacy and healthcare to his people. Which is more than anyone had bothered to do for Cuba's poor before.
That is the single most ignorant thing I have ever seen anyone post here. Castro you f$%^ing idiot, MADE EVERYONE POOR...except of course himself and his chosen few.
I am not going to be in my home city Tea Party day, but I have the information I need to join where I will be. This is an important day for the USA, and the bloggers will carry the news and pictures. The Lame Stream media can huff and puff their last breaths before they enter the dinosaur graveyard. There have become totally without journalism substance. Some people say RIP, I say, Rot in Hell!
“What I don't understand is why all these right-wingers want private business to be saddled with health-care costs, “
They may have noticed how well the government runs, public schools, Social Security, The EPA, Farm Subsidies, and on and on.
“Government is not going to fix the problem, they are the problem.” Who said that?
@ 6:36
Yes, they are all poor. But money isn't everything.
Castro hasn't been able to rule for so many years solely by force and intimidation. He has a lot of political support because he has improved many lives. People remember the conditions in which they lived before he came to power. And they see how life is in other Caribbean and South American states where the poor continue to be treated like chattel.
Soon, Castro will be dead. It will be interesting to see whether the country can keep the good things the revolution brought in an open society.
At any rate, I'll see you at the big tea party! Maybe we'll get on television!
Reagan said that, I believe. What greater intellectual force could there be?
Of course, in the wake of Katrina and the financial meltdown, I think many people are re-evaluating their kneejerk dislike of the government they create and control.
Besides, the government has shown that it is quite capable of running a large system of socialized medicine quite well: the Veterans Administration.
I believe this country is smart and capable enough to keep its citizens healthy even if they are poor, Perhaps you have less faith in America. You should try to muster up some patriotism and pride in your country.
Cuba is a third world country. I guess all the people risking death to get out from under Communism know something you don’t. You must be reading the Miami Herald. Oh wait, I think they removed the Castro propaganda already. Try to find a cached copy, it will send a tingle up your leg.
People that say they want universal health care must not read what it has really brought to the UK and Canada. The USA people near the border of Canada say their doctors are loaded with Canadians that can afford decent healthcare, and they can’t see their own doctor for weeks now either. Accepting Socialism is now being patriotic is it?
Never, 2010 save our country.
I was in the UK visiting a college friend. His mom was in the hospital, so I went along to visit her. On the way we bought one of those new mop things, disinfectants, and odd things like that. I said, wouldn’t she like flowers better? No, we cleaned her room! She was happy with that. That little bid of insight wasn’t lost on me.
I kind of like the Herald shilling for Cuban Communists. I haven't had the opportunity to shoot one since Grenada.
Canada life expectancy: 78 for men, 83 for women
America life expectancy: 74 for men, 80 for women
Canada infant mortality: 4.63 deaths per 1,000 live births
American infant mortality: 6.37 deaths per 1,000 live births
Perhaps the "USA people near the border of Canada" should check out the numbers. I'll take Canadian heath care every time.
Perhaps the "USA people near the border of Canada" should check out the numbers.
Perhaps you should check out how government services manipulates their numbers and falsifies their death certificates, "for the social good"
While you're at it, check out how many have to run to the US to get emergency services.
If that is your argument, you truly are a complete fool.
I have to agree with our Cuba advocate. So far I have not heard a word of complaint about the Cuban health care system from any of the many journalists in the Cuban prisons.
Search: Canadian healthcare sucks
Hits: 867,000
Population: 33,212,696
British healthcare sucks
Hits: 312,000
Population: 60,943,912
Australian heathcare sucks
Hits: 414,000
Population: 21,007,310
US heathcare sucks
Hits: 690,000
Population: 303,824,640
I wouldn't opt for Canada.
“Though one has to note that Fidel, though he is a despot, has brought universal literacy and healthcare to his people. Which is more than anyone had bothered to do for Cuba's poor before.”
Let’s see, the people get their information from a government run newspaper, school, TV and cell phone use is limited. How is it they know anything outside Cuba? I am guessing you graduated from a Marxist college. You call universal literacy what? Similar to the public school literacy in the US now? How droll?
Y'all need to give the Canadians a break. They have no right to free speech and they don't have a free press. Their press is subject to government censorship to the point that they had to leak information to American journalists to uncover their latest hardcore leftist scandal. Don't forget the CBC...government owned like the BBC.
I'm not saying you're not right, just keep in mind that they are subjected to government censorship.
“Anyway, capitalism is making socialism look pretty good these days.”
No, the Socialists in congress meddled in capitalism, forcing loans to unqualified borrowers, messing in things they can’t understand, and that has brought us to this crisis today. If you had access to honest reporting you would know where the first blame lies. This whole downturn started in 2006, and what happened then?
We need to hold these things outside local television stations. They are refusing to cover the incredible turn-out that Tea Parties are generating!
I just walked my block and found another couple of dozen folks to attend the tea party with me. Don't let anyone try to tell you people aren't pissed as hell.
Canadian healthcare killed Natasha Richardson?: NEW YORK POST
The Socialist doctors in Canada are in damage control mode. However, it was the trust put into a system going broke that probably caused her death. Plenty of folks from Canada say universal healthcare really means poor quality healthcare spread equally. Just like the redistribution of wealth in the US being forced down our throats now, everyone will be equally poor.
Given the choice of providing an air ambulance to a skiing celebrity vs. providing basic prenatal care to poor communities, I'd say they made the right choice.
The Post is right of course, that in America she might have lived: In America the rich get wonderful care. The poor get sick and die.
"The poor get sick and die."
Are you insane? The poor get welfare, food stamps, free daycare, they can walk into any emergency room, receive care, and walk out without paying a dime, they receive money for meals at school, to go to college, and on and on. You must not know much about being poor. Most elitists don’t, they just mouth the words that keep third generation welfare recipients poor and voting for Democrats, thinking they truly care about them. Just ask Jesse, about being a poor put-upon lad, there is gold in them there hills man, pure gold.
PS: Even illegal aliens rob our poor of benefits. Good grief, you must be reading McClatchy newspapers.
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