While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, 'Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.' Then they remembered his words, and returning from the tomb, they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest.
Luke 24: 1-8
Happy Easter to all readers.
After all the hatred you engender on this blog, you publish this?
Gary Pruitt is still a tool.
The SACBEE has had a last minute reprieve and will continue and will become financially sound. Announced today....subscribers have 3 weeks to pay an extra 25 cents a week for a new and thrill packed Sunday TV section. The extra monies that will flow inward are just huge. Buckets full of quarters will be everywhere. What a brilliant marketing ploy. They are so clever and original.
Also upcoming are a few other charges that will be adjusted:
.The Jumble will become plus 4 cents
.Zitz, the comic strip plus 2.5 cents
.Miss Manners Advice plus .00825 cents
.SACBEE editorials --- who cares
.Rex Babin political cartoons(?) they will pay you 12 cents
.Articles where Democrats have a problem and they identify the party --- no extra charge... it never happens
.Pictures of Obama....no extra charge, they have tons of em and use them all
.Original articles written by SACBEE writers....disregard. There are none
And many many more price adjustments are on the horizon.
9:07 AM
I feel sorry for you. You need to deal with your own hatred.
Hatred? McClatchy deserves all the hatred and more of it.
Since this started as a religious thread.... using the WWJD concept, would the Christ that you are honoring today join you in "McClatchy deserves all the hatred..."? This is where the right shows their true colors - to quote a bumper sticker, "Hatred is not a family value". A tad hypocritical, no?
Well said
12:24 PM
Us Righties show out colors here in a small blog and you Lefties then go crazy. You show your "true Colors" daily in so called national newspapers and we are all supposed to clap and say "right on". Don't think so. Your cool ade flavor today is grape. Drink extra. It will help you.
Since I am not a Christian, I guess I can hate McClatchy (being filled with anti-American/pro-Al-qeuda turds) all I want then.
To the religious bigots who have commented.
As Christians we are to oppose evil where ever we find it. I don't hate the people at The Star, I simply want to root out the bigotry and corruption it spews into my community.
Secondly, at least we have values to which you can hold us accountable (even though you're ignorant of most of them and don't believe in them anyway). That would be far and away superior to the "standards" of your alleged "profession".
Any time you want to debate the relative ethics of the Christians on this blog to either the ethics of McClatchey corporate, or those of my local McClatchey rag, I'm all yours.
It takes more than pious words to be a Christian.
Mr. McClatchy Watch puts vast energy into a site devoted to causing pain for many people -- many who don't deserve it. He's created a site where cruelty is the common language. He's created an arena where the mob jeers at suffering and agony.
By his works ye shall know him.
Allow me to paraphrase. Mr. Pruitt puts vast energy into papers devoted to causing pain for many people -- many who don't deserve it. He oversees papers where cruelty is the common language. He's created an arena where the mob jeers at suffering and agony.
By his works ye shall know him. Happy Easter.
McClatchy Watch honors a day that is holy to many of its readers, and still you hatemongers can't even show a little respect. Pity.
WWJD=we want Jack Daniels
Favorite Bumper Sticker:
I have no problem with you God. Its you're fan club I can't stand.
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