Kansas City Star publisher Mark Zieman has been feuding with Kansas City mayor Mark Funkhouser.
Hearne Christopher Jr. explains the feud -- and posts a bonus photo of a KC Star employee working to recall the mayor.
Click here to see it.
UPDATE: a reader objects to my claim the Star employee is working to recall the mayor. OK, I might have overstated what the Star employee is doing. But not by much. Take a look at the photo, below.

Notice the woman holding the "sign petition here" cardboard sign doesn't have clipboards -- the clipboards are on the table next to the newspapers. These two don't look like competitors, they look like allies. The photo illustrates Hearne's blog post, which pointed out the Star has been waging an incessant battle against the mayor. (Photo credit: Hearne Christopher, Jr.)
that's not a star employee working to recall the mayor, idiot. that's someone working to recall the mayor standing next to a star guy trying to get subscriptions. their only connection is that they are both on the same sidewalk holding umbrellas. Not even Hearne represents it as you did. You may hate mcclatchy, but get your facts rights, ace.
That's not at all clear from the photo. Look at the photo (here)... the clipboards are on the table next to the newspapers. The woman holding the "sign petition here" cardboard sign isn't holding a clipboard.
You may hate mcclatchy, but get your facts rights, ace.
I can't believe you're stupid enough to peddle this, "I was just standing there" crap.
You should really watch who you're calling an idiot while looking like one yourself.
A fair and balanced news source would not even allow the illusion that partisan politics drove their opinions. These two people should not be even be on the same block. The Scar hopes to destroy the mayor, and blindside people into a subscription because they need to read about the dastardly mayor they are destroying with their leftwing biased news. Now, I fully expect the Scar to find out who these two people are, and if they have paid their taxes? If they have a garbage can to explore, that is even better. The fix is in folks, the Red Star is at it again. Hopefully the folks in KC are on to this by now.
Mark Zieman wants the mayor to pay! The mayor's fascist police force arrested his hideous wife, Rhonda Lokeman, for driving drunk on 3 wheels.
It's obvious that the white mayor set her up!
Personally I really don't care. The Midtown Democrats and the KC Star who have combined to drive KCMO into despair, and wrecked their entire education system VS Liberal Democrats.
As long as they are eating each other, it is all good.
I noted that the first poster called our blog host an “idiot.” For some sick reason, it thinks it is degrading this blog, when in fact it is obvious that a small mind has exposed itself for all to see. You are right McC W; they are doing us a service.
You have to love these lefties, no individual thought, just rank and file repetitive babbling of the Democrat’s talking points. Let’s look at this, to question the leftist bias of McClatchy translates into hate? The destruction of Gov. Palin did not represent hate, it was just good news reporting. The lefties have jumped off the dishonesty cliff, there is no rational reasoning to their talking points.
= = =
Response to:
“You may hate mcclatchy, but get your facts rights, ace.”
Soros, Alinsky and that crowd would have you believe Kansas City is actually in Kansas. Don't believe the Socialist lie. It's in Missouri. Typical liberal/Marxist/Socialist/Islamist lie.
Wake up, America!
Just remember, Zieman is the same clod that paid his crude wife Rhonda Lokeman to regurgitate her racist venom in the Star. That ethically questionable move, eventually lined his wallet. Why would anyone take the word of such a low class reprobate? Whatever Mark, the multi vote register says, I would believe just the opposite.
Actually I think everyone is wrong. The guy is not selling the paper. Apparently he got a free Star umbrella somewhere along the line, and that is what he uses when it rains.
I have seen people sell the Star before, and the papers that are given out are "fresh off the press". For all we know this is just some people trying to recall the mayor that have a small table, and to pass the time they have a paper.
Of course, I think we should also throw Commerce Bank into the mix as clearly they are behind the recall effort as well.
Occam's razor my dear friends, Occam's razor. if you think that Zieman ordered someone to go down and sell papers next to someone doing a petition, and wanted that person to also help get people to sign the petition, then you are grasping at straws.
The photos can be explained away, why, the KC Red Star & Sickle would not compromise their credibility for a few signatures and subscriptions. The people in the photos must come forward and deny these rumors. It would only take a wee little bit of their time, and it would put these rumors to rest. The ADN took the lead on this demand to denounce rumors. The McClatchy precedent has been set, so let the rumors flow until the suspect sidewalk vendors have been stalked and interrogated to the max.
When does a Star columnist’s DUI arrest make the news?
The KCPD dash cam video of Zieman bailing out his drunken wife is still one of best comedy acts going.
He tries to tell the police ‘Three Tires’ was on her home, and is told she was headed in the wrong direction. Zee can’t even run his household, how can he run the Red Star? Running it into the ground does not count as an option.
You Tube -13
KC Star publisher Mark Zieman comes to bail out his wife, Rhonda Chriss Lokeman-
1:01 Good point: the ADN standard requires that loopy conspiracy theories must be investigated. No Wasilla -- or Kansas City -- dumpster is off limits.
I am guessing our ‘lame excuse for everything’ poster would also say Hitler was just baking cookies in those ovens.
Someone must recognize who these two street people are. They must be found and questioned!
They not only have a newspaper, they have several newspapers. In addition, not only do they have a Star umbrella, he has an entire box of Star umbrellas.
This is,in fact, a Star salesperson with his pile of papers and umbrellas and clipboards. Oops, I know why they have the newspapers and the newspapers and the umbrellas, but the clipboards seems to be a new addition to their supplies. Perhaps you now get a free newspaper, a free umbrella, and a free clipboard with your subscription. That explains it all. So much for cost cutting.
My guess is, two uuion people in the photo. The left can always count on them.
If one of the two posers affixed their sign to city a property sign, that is a NO-NO. Breaking the law should not be something a Scar employee would tolerate. I also see garbage under the chair. Littering is also a NO-NO. These two look like lawbreakers to me. The Star need to send out their best investigative reporter. I wonder if Rhonda Lokeman is out of rehab? These two seem to be white, for her that was reason enough for a racist rant, in the past anyway.
Newspaper subscription sellers are often independent contractors for the paper (like carriers or even the customer service folks for circulation who are overseas)- not employees. Their success, much like signature gatherers, often hinges on their ability to be where crowds of people gather. Their pay is based on their success.
There is a common misconception about newspapers - that all people that work at a paper are somehow tied to the news/opinion portion. The reality is that most newspapers work hard to keep advertising dollar influences separate from news/opinion and even err on the side of creating a new bias out the fear of appearing biased or influenced. The fact is that newspapers routinely make recommendations, write editorials and otherwise promote political agendas. Whether they support the recall editorially or not, the fact is that they likely have a position and likely have (or will) publish that opinion.
The idea that one cannot work on a campaign of simply because they work for or with a newspaper is an interesting concept contrary to several constitutional rights. When someone chooses to work in an editorial or news role, they are often given a code of conduct and expectations list more expansive than say someone who prints the paper or sells advertising or works in circulation.
The 'evidence' here is that people were at an event and were cordial to one another. Was it prudent to allow one person to share space with the paper? Probably not. Is it worthy of some great conspiracy? Again, probably not.
The Star is very hypocritical on this point. One journalist who moonlights in a band was suspended and made to return the pay for a gig he played at what turned out to be a fundraiser for a local politician.
However, they have not batted an eye at the columnists and journalists who attend the meetings of a local anti-evangelical hate group as *participants*. Indeed, the Star brazenly promotes this group, touting its endorsements, it's members and the group's activities. Former publisher Art Brisbane even sat as a co-Chair on a local left wing front group disguised as a charity with a board packed with the leadership of the group.
Nor has The Star disciplined any of their reporters who have engaged in misconduct aimed at conservatives, or their so-called "readers" rep for repeatedly engaging in abusive conduct towards readers (note plural).
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