This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Kansas City Star posts Maxim photos
The Kansas City Star has posted a photo gallery from "men's magazine" Maxim on its web page.
And publisher Mark Zieman brags the Kansas City Star is the area's "preeminent source for news"?! (See quote here.)
This is hot, but not nearly as hot as Miss California Carrie Prejean or Sarah Palin. Their support for tradition American values, combined with their smoking frames, sets Republican hearts pounding.
Please refrain from constant "Obama is a socialist," "Death to 'liberal' newspapers," comments, let alone anti-gay dribble or absurdities on how hot Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is. This blog is called "McClatchy Watch," a look at the newspaper industry's downfall - with McClatchy in particular.
So, keep the comments about such.
If you want to comment about how "hot" Palin looks, I'm sure there's a website/blog for that, but this isn't it. I'd suggest that those searching for photos of the GOP's attractive leaders go elsewhere, a place that also has "Maxim-style" photos of the ever-sexy Rush Limbaugh or Dick Cheney. They're the GOP's examples of "traditional" American values like drug abuse, intolerance and torture.
And as for Carrie Prejean - maybe the "smoking" frame that sets Republican hearts pounding is the result of her cosmetic surgery. Large breasts sometime make one forget about the darkest thoughts lurking inside Prejean's mind.
The first post is a slur against a regular poster. It should be deleted as an attack. It serves no usual purpose. Note the first two posts are childish as fits the troll handbook. Every subsequent poster has to slog through their garbage. I see the Gannett blog has deleted the first childish posts as a favor to serious bloggers. These liberal trolls ruin everything they touch. This blog does not need to become an outlet for their childish behavior, IMO.
Poster worried about Carrie Prejean? I am more worried about what the hair plugs have done to the darkest thoughts lurking inside Biden’s mind. Something must be causing all his gaffes, or it has been going on for years, and the liberal press just gives him a pass as they do HopeyChangey as he says there are 57 states. TOTUS makes it very clear that was an adlib, and did not come from his screen, indeed!
Miss California Carrie Prejean was a beauty contest contestant. She would not have been Miss California without her exceptional appearance. She was asked a political question by an agenda driven judge, and she gave her honest opinion. The furor around her was because of the despicable remarks made about her by what appears to be a total whackjob, and the liberal media’s biased circus reporting. To fault her, and try to destroy her, is further proof the news media is beyond repair. Everyday more people realize the uselessness of the MSM. Fewer people are going to buy this lowlife garbage no matter what they do to save newspapers.
Citing Prejean's answer at the pageant, he said, "It's the same answer that the president of the United States gave."
The difference is that she actually believes it. Indeed, the "dumb blonde with fake boobs," as homosexual activists have called her, has provided a more spirited and courageous defense of marriage than many Catholic bishops. They are apparently tied up with other important matters,
... such as penning memoirs in which they announce their "struggles" with sodomy.
But back to Prejean: How is it that a culture as drenched in depravity as this one could describe her as "disgraced"? Is that even possible anymore? As Trump noted, the culture is settling into "the 21st century." In other words, kids are too busy "sexting" their friends to care about Prejean's left breast.
Are we witnessing an outbreak of "heterophobia"? The violent reaction to Prejeans's remarks not only illustrates once again the intrinsically violent character of homosexual activism -- it rallies around a sexual act that violates nature, after all -- but also its deep fear of fertile, heterosexual women. Carrie Prejean scares the hell out of them.
I very much doubt a [right-wing troll] is using the Soros/Obama handbook on how to disrupt and ruin a conservative blog. Conservatives have every right to resent the liberal media’s dishonesty that led to a media selected president with no credentials to be other than a community organizer, with ACORN tactics. Why wouldn’t they be encouraged to see the perpetrators loose their positions? That is not hateful, it is justice in their eyes. ---------- Response to: What about right-wing trolls? Should they be deleted also?
6:46 Because the regular poster doesn't care and thinks its funny.
That is too bad because I would have thought that you knew he was doing it to disrupt the threads by taking every topic off on a tangent for the purpose of harming the blog.
There isn't anything funny about it especially after several days of being allowed to flood every single thread with nothing relevant.
You have to love the backhanded writing of 6:05. Harking back to drug abuse would have been more fair and balanced with the example of Obama using blow. And as for the use of torture, how about Palousy okaying the use of torture? You just can’t get past your blinders. Using these examples of “Tradition” Americans values just may be more mainstream support than liberals care to admit. *** RE:"Maxim-style" photos of the ever-sexy Rush Limbaugh or Dick Cheney. They're the GOP's examples of "traditional" American values like drug abuse, intolerance and torture.”
Obama still smokes cigarettes, that is an addiction, is it not? Lung cancer still kills, and smokers have known it for years. Where is his good judgment? He worries about healthcare for everyone while he heads down the path of ill health himself. The nannies have decided we should not smoke, but stay mum on the first white/black president‘s bad habit. How do you figure that?
***Conservatives have every right to resent the liberal media’s dishonesty that led to a media selected president with no credentials to be other than a community organizer, with ACORN tactics.***
That's your uninformed opinion. The voters disagreed. And your kind is fewer in number each day.
The question here is whether 8:22 one of ours, or some lib trying to make the blog look bad.
After all, we know they're posting lengthy copyrighted articles with a conservative slant to drown out the legitimate discussion. Who's to say that 8:22 isn't a liberal agent provocateur?
Obviously, I travel in conservative circles, and I do not hear comments like that made - ever. I think it's a lib trying to make us look bad, as they've done with several other sarcastic posts. I think registration is badly needed to keep these left wing bigots honest.
Hundreds of bloggers call Obama the first white/black president. That is because of the first black president lie spread out before the election. He is not the first black president, he is the first mixed race president, but of course that honest statement may not have gotten the 99% black racist voters he wanted, or being able to scream that whites that didn't vote for him might be for racist reasons. What a load of BS!
The liberal narrative of the week is that republicans are in a permanent decline. If we can only keep the asshole trolls on this site out in public doing their thing, the American people will see what disgusting jerks these people are.
This is hot, but not nearly as hot as Miss California Carrie Prejean or Sarah Palin. Their support for tradition American values, combined with their smoking frames, sets Republican hearts pounding.
A modest proposal -
Please refrain from constant "Obama is a socialist," "Death to 'liberal' newspapers," comments, let alone anti-gay dribble or absurdities on how hot Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is. This blog is called "McClatchy Watch," a look at the newspaper industry's downfall - with McClatchy in particular.
So, keep the comments about such.
If you want to comment about how "hot" Palin looks, I'm sure there's a website/blog for that, but this isn't it. I'd suggest that those searching for photos of the GOP's attractive leaders go elsewhere, a place that also has "Maxim-style" photos of the ever-sexy Rush Limbaugh or Dick Cheney. They're the GOP's examples of "traditional" American values like drug abuse, intolerance and torture.
And as for Carrie Prejean - maybe the "smoking" frame that sets Republican hearts pounding is the result of her cosmetic surgery. Large breasts sometime make one forget about the darkest thoughts lurking inside Prejean's mind.
Those are traditional American breasts!
The first post is a slur against a regular poster. It should be deleted as an attack. It serves no usual purpose. Note the first two posts are childish as fits the troll handbook. Every subsequent poster has to slog through their garbage. I see the Gannett blog has deleted the first childish posts as a favor to serious bloggers. These liberal trolls ruin everything they touch. This blog does not need to become an outlet for their childish behavior, IMO.
What about right-wing trolls? Should they be deleted also?
Poster worried about Carrie Prejean?
I am more worried about what the hair plugs have done to the
darkest thoughts lurking inside Biden’s mind. Something must be causing all his gaffes, or it has been going on for years, and the liberal press just gives him a pass as they do HopeyChangey as he says there are 57 states. TOTUS makes it very clear that was an adlib, and did not come from his screen, indeed!
I asked yesterday and didn't get a response. Why is this individual who posted first being allowed to stalk a regular poster?
Miss California Carrie Prejean was a beauty contest contestant. She would not have been Miss California without her exceptional appearance. She was asked a political question by an agenda driven judge, and she gave her honest opinion. The furor around her was because of the despicable remarks made about her by what appears to be a total whackjob, and the liberal media’s biased circus reporting. To fault her, and try to destroy her, is further proof the news media is beyond repair. Everyday more people realize the uselessness of the MSM. Fewer people are going to buy this lowlife garbage no matter what they do to save newspapers.
My Left Breast: The Carrie Prejean Story...
Citing Prejean's answer at the pageant, he said, "It's the same answer that the president of the United States gave."
The difference is that she actually believes it. Indeed, the "dumb blonde with fake boobs," as homosexual activists have called her, has provided a more spirited and courageous defense of marriage than many Catholic bishops. They are apparently tied up with other important matters,
... such as penning memoirs in which they announce their "struggles" with sodomy.
But back to Prejean: How is it that a culture as drenched in depravity as this one could describe her as "disgraced"? Is that even possible anymore? As Trump noted, the culture is settling into "the 21st century." In other words, kids are too busy "sexting" their friends to care about Prejean's left breast.
Nevertheless, the sexual revolutionaries at MSNBC, who usually encourage off-the-rails carnality, want to "vomit" over Prejean. Despite presiding over a culture that would probably make the orgy-attending pagans of the past blush, liberals have managed to find a risqué model that revolts them. I haven't seen the Andrew Sullivans so worked up since Mel Gibson's "obscene" film about Jesus Christ.
Are we witnessing an outbreak of "heterophobia"? The violent reaction to Prejeans's remarks not only illustrates once again the intrinsically violent character of homosexual activism -- it rallies around a sexual act that violates nature, after all -- but also its deep fear of fertile, heterosexual women. Carrie Prejean scares the hell out of them.
"its deep fear of fertile, heterosexual women. Carrie Prejean scares the hell out of them." Sarah Palin, too.
6:46 Because the regular poster doesn't care and thinks its funny.
Also, for the record I love dairy canons and my own are natural.
I very much doubt a [right-wing troll] is using the Soros/Obama handbook on how to disrupt and ruin a conservative blog. Conservatives have every right to resent the liberal media’s dishonesty that led to a media selected president with no credentials to be other than a community organizer, with ACORN tactics. Why wouldn’t they be encouraged to see the perpetrators loose their positions? That is not hateful, it is justice in their eyes.
Response to: What about right-wing trolls? Should they be deleted also?
6:46 Because the regular poster doesn't care and thinks its funny.
That is too bad because I would have thought that you knew he was doing it to disrupt the threads by taking every topic off on a tangent for the purpose of harming the blog.
There isn't anything funny about it especially after several days of being allowed to flood every single thread with nothing relevant.
You have to love the backhanded writing of 6:05. Harking back to drug abuse would have been more fair and balanced with the example of Obama using blow. And as for the use of torture, how about Palousy okaying the use of torture? You just can’t get past your blinders. Using these examples of “Tradition” Americans values just may be more mainstream support than liberals care to admit.
RE:"Maxim-style" photos of the ever-sexy Rush Limbaugh or Dick Cheney. They're the GOP's examples of "traditional" American values like drug abuse, intolerance and torture.”
Obama still smokes cigarettes, that is an addiction, is it not? Lung cancer still kills, and smokers have known it for years. Where is his good judgment? He worries about healthcare for everyone while he heads down the path of ill health himself. The nannies have decided we should not smoke, but stay mum on the first white/black president‘s bad habit. How do you figure that?
What's the relevance of a person's race to their smoking habits?
You bigots never cease to amaze.
7:39 ... "First white/black president?"
Don't you mean the first white/black, foreign-born, chain smoking, drug addicted, bisexual, socialist president?
***Conservatives have every right to resent the liberal media’s dishonesty that led to a media selected president with no credentials to be other than a community organizer, with ACORN tactics.***
That's your uninformed opinion. The voters disagreed. And your kind is fewer in number each day.
Who would complain about the Maxim Hot 100?
LOL at 7:54
You just don't get it, do you?
The question here is whether 8:22 one of ours, or some lib trying to make the blog look bad.
After all, we know they're posting lengthy copyrighted articles with a conservative slant to drown out the legitimate discussion. Who's to say that 8:22 isn't a liberal agent provocateur?
Obviously, I travel in conservative circles, and I do not hear comments like that made - ever. I think it's a lib trying to make us look bad, as they've done with several other sarcastic posts. I think registration is badly needed to keep these left wing bigots honest.
***I think registration is badly needed to keep these left wing bigots honest.***
Dotto -- to keep the far-right bigots honest.
you got a problem with that. after all the star is "a paper for the people".
Hundreds of bloggers call Obama the first white/black president. That is because of the first black president lie spread out before the election. He is not the first black president, he is the first mixed race president, but of course that honest statement may not have gotten the 99% black racist voters he wanted, or being able to scream that whites that didn't vote for him might be for racist reasons. What a load of BS!
5:31 is also Perez Hilton. Rude, useless and irrelevant.
Keeping a left wing bigot honest is a contradiction in terms.
The liberal narrative of the week is that republicans are in a permanent decline. If we can only keep the asshole trolls on this site out in public doing their thing, the American people will see what disgusting jerks these people are.
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