I've been told it's not just the outside grounds that aren't being maintained -- the trash doesn't get picked up often enough inside and the bathrooms run short of soap and tissue.
Because of cutbacks employees are expected to do more than ever -- but management doesn't bother to provide for the bare necessities like soap in the bathroom. (And it doesn't help that employees are hearing rumors that the publisher is building a giant home on the golf course.)
Thanks again to the anonymous tipster who sent the photos to me.
Fallujah, Iraq looks better than that dump.
Re: McClatchy properties turning ugly
Plan one: Cut the useless Washington bureau, use the money to clean up the seedy rat nests.
Call in the Greenies, this looks like pollution to me.
You don't really expect McClatchy to spend money on trivila things as gardening or taking out the trash.
Oh no, they need the money to go through Sarah Palin's trash cans and demonize her family.
9:20, reporting on Palin's background and what Palin says and does and what her defenders and critics say about her is not "demonizing" Palin. Can you provide even one example of a McClatchy news article (not opinion column) that "demonized" her?
9:53am, ever hear of the ADN? It raped Sarah Palin and her family.
And going after Palin while ignoring Obama's many wrongdoings is journalistic dishonesty to the maximum.
The only rape happening around the Palin family is of the statutory variety.
No, it was the rape of Palin and her family by a decadent liberal media wanting to elect a nutjob like Obama.
***ever hear of the ADN? It raped Sarah Palin and her family.***
Specific example so we can judge whether it was "rape" or just solid reporting?
Solid reporting is reporting on gossip and smears?
But when it's done against Obama, it's the "right wing machine."
...back to the topic at hand. Yes, the buildings are turning into dumps. The Modesto Bee is a perfect example. Filthy, stained carpets that are never cleaned; trash cans overflowing (and STINKY) because they're only emptied twice a week; bathrooms running out of supplies; no security at the front desk (after a rock-throwing incident that spurred management to re-design the entire lobby; no more Beestro cafe because management couldn't see fit to hire any cooks that could actually prepare any FRESH edible food;they've let all but one maintenance person go so the exterior looks like crap, too. Yes, the place is a dump and that is one of the reasons that morale sucks. Not only has the staff been cut by almost 70% in the past year, there is nothing cheerful about coming into a dirty,smelly, vacant shell of a building.
There are employees that spent a whole Saturday slogging along a river picking up trash and garbage, ‘Saving the planet,’ but they will not pick up the trash and garbage they see around their own workplace. I don’t understand that sort of thinking, do they work on a different planet?
lets face it this is classic McClatchy.
If you don't care, why are you wasting space posting? Methinks you are a liar.
If the SACBEE continues to put out a product like they have the last 3or 4 days,(yes...worse than ever) everyone left will be available to pick up trash somewhere.
If they stop the publication altogether, a lot of trash will not be created.
They must have laid off the illegals who do those jobs nobody else wants to do. Immigration was threatening a raid?
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