A measure approving September 24th as Islam Day passed overwhelmingly by the Hawaii state senate. The vote was 22-3. It had previously passed the House and now goes to Republican Gov. Linda Lingle.
By the way, Hawaii does not have a Christian Day.
The Hawaii senate is composed of 25 members -- 23 Democrats and 2 Republicans.
Looks like more bowing to Islam by the Democrats. And the head Democrat led the way just a few weeks ago.

We quit going to Hawaii several years ago. They've managed to turn paradise into a cesspool. I've never seen any place go down hill so fast as Honolulu.
Islam Day.
Well.... we still have National Day of Prayer.
Or.... at least we did have it. Not that the White House celebrated or honored it.
Next up: NAZI day! I mean why hold all Nazi Germans responsible for the actions of just some of them?
Poor, sad Christians. All the terrible things that happen to you. You can hardly find a Christian or a church in America anymore.
The Best mohammed T-shirt art is from Sweden.
Watch and read the info at,
Please read in English.
Aloha kakahiaka
Allahu Akbar !
Death to America, the Great Satan !
Mahalo nui loa
Try to find the common theme:
Islam vs. Christianity
Islam vs. Judiasm
Islam vs. Buddism
Islam vs. Atheism
Figures it comes from Obamababoon's home state (where is BO's birth certificate BTW?).
I guess bowing to the Saudi King is contagious.
What's next? A 'Mohammed Atta' day?
I'm sure HUSSEIN Obama will love to sign that bill.
Islam creates poverty. Or Islam guarantees that you will never break out of poverty.
No Islamic society is prosperous UNLESS they are sitting on top of a sea of oil.
>7:42 AM
You wish.
Be it as it may, you reap what you sow.
(Muslims) Abandon 300 Dogs On Island AP
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia More than 300 stray dogs that were dumped on isolated islands turned to cannibalism after weeks of starvation, animal welfare activists said Thursday.
The plight of the dogs cast away by villagers on two small, uninhabited islands off Malaysia’s western Selangor state ignited outrage after activists this week released photographs showing dogs eating the carcasses of ones that had died.
Residents of a fishing village on Pulau Ketam, another island off Selangor, caught the dogs last month and took them to the islands covered in mangroves. The villagers said they never intended to be cruel - they believed the dogs could feed on the deserted islands’ wildlife - but wanted to rid their island of dogs that defecate on the streets and sometimes bite children.
A team from the Selangor Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals visited one of the islands - Pulau Selat Kering - on Monday and saw several emaciated dogs "crowded and hunched around something - they were hungrily feasting on the remains of another dog," the SPCA said in a statement.
"Nearby, a weak dog was screaming because several dogs were trying to bite her," it said…
Pulau Ketam’s residents have said some dogs tried to swim back to their island, about a half-hour boat ride away, but it was not clear how many succeeded…
Note how the Associated Press neglected to mention the religious persuasion of the denizens of Malaysia.
And how their hatred of dogs might have been in factor in their actions.
Why would they leave out the ‘why’ of a story?
Kerry: No Need For Iran Regime Change
Top US Senator: US no longer wants Iranian ‘regime change’
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The United States no longer seeks "regime change" in Iran and Tehran should respond accordingly by heeding global demands it freeze its suspect nuclear program, a top US senator said Wednesday.
"We are not in ‘regime change’ mode," Democrat John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told a hearing exploring the prospects for US President Barack Obama’s new policy of engaging the Islamic republic.
"Our efforts must be reciprocated by the other side: Just as we abandon calls for regime change in Tehran and recognize a legitimate Iranian role in the region, Iran’s leaders must moderate their behavior and that of their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas," said Kerry…
Yes, assuring them that they have nothing to fear from us will bring around the Iranian leaders for sure.
Send Obama to that island.
He ate lots of cute dogs as Barry Sotero in Indonesia.
Sound! sound! my loud war-trumpets & alarm my Thirteen Angels!
Loud howls the eternal Wolf! the eternal Lion lashes his tail!
America is darkned; and my punishing Demons terrified
Crouch howling before their caverns deep like skins dry'd in the wind.
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