Above is the cartoon by Rick McKee (Augusta Chronicle) that was published in today's Bee. (I guess the obnoxious Rex Babin is on vacation -- the Bee managed to find somebody equally rancid.)
This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
If Gov. Sanford hadn't been so vocal about insisting on Bill Clinton's resignation (Bill Clinton lied; Mark Sanford lied); if Gov. Sanford hadn't touted those beloved "family values" so loudly and so often, maybe this wouldn't have garnered half the attention it has. You right wing nut jobs can't have it both ways.
8:54 The Bee has already run several poltical cartoons about Sanford.
The point is, with the massive problems facing the country, you'd think the political cartoonists would get around to lampooning the one-party regime in Washington overseeing one disaster after another.
Yes indeed, nothing quite so important to the people of California as a philandering politician on the east coast. That cartoon is a joke alright.
Ever since Reagan, your party has run on family values, I'm better than you, hypocrisy. That's why the philanderers in your party -- and my oh my there are many of them -- have so far to fall. We Dems don't put ourselves up on those pedestals, therefore we have a shorter distance to drop. And we have fewer things to explain. After all, Republicans expect so little of us, right? Only you and your party are worthy. Do we laugh when we read about another Ensign or Sanford? You bet your tusks we do!
Ever since Reagan, your party has run on family values, I'm better than you, hypocrisy.
Ever since the 1960s, the Democrats have run on narcissistic sanctimonious nonsense (‘alternative’ values), also known as “I’m better than you hypocrisy”.
That's why the philanderers in your party -- and my oh my there are many of them -- have so far to fall.
That's why the philanderers in your party -- and my oh my there are many of them -- have so far to fall.
We Dems don't put ourselves up on those pedestals, therefore we have a shorter distance to drop.
Do you not see the irony in this statement? Oh right. Your IQ is in the nineties, so let me help: You place yourself on a pedestal by saying you never place yourself on a pedestal. You must be a government worker.
And we have fewer things to explain. After all, Republicans expect so little of us, right? Only you and your party are worthy.
I think that’s supposed to qualify as a coherent thought. Let me guess: You think television is a good source of information, and that a single local newspaper is what all the real historians are referencing when they’re writing real history. Yessirree – the nose-picking hacks in the newspapers and news broadcasts are equivalent to scholars, and therefore a reliable source of information.
Do we laugh when we read about another Ensign or Sanford? You bet your tusks we do!
And do we laugh when we read about another John Edwards or Jim McGreevy? You bet your donkey ears we do!
Remember, bumpkin, it isn’t reality if it isn’t on TV, and the amount of air time given to any topic, political or otherwise, is EXACTLY equivalent to its importance to our society.
Like Michael Jackson.
One of the things I am NOT ashamed of is that there are standards by which you can judge me. Do I fail to meet those standards? Certainly, but when I do, you can call me on those failures.
For libs, you're correct, you have no standards. You have no morals, no values and hence no standard by which to assess your performance. Is Bill Clinton a lying, traitorous serial rapist? No problem. Did barney Frank's boyfriend run a male whorehouse out of his townhouse? No problem. Has Osama bin Obama engaged in cronyism in deciding which auto dealerships to shut down? No problem. Is a typical liberal a lying, America hating, baby-killing, religious bigot? No problem.
But that's not the issue here. The issue here is what is of significance to the people of California, and the philandering of a state politician 300 miles away is small fish indeed to waste so much time and space on.
Sorry, that should be 3000 miles away, left out a zero. See, we actually work to be perfect.
10:12's point ...
Everyone knows liberals have low standards and no morals.
What? A liberal dem was boinking an underage male page? No big deal -- that's perfectly OK, if you ask a liberal dem.
"If Gov. Sanford hadn't been so vocal about insisting on Bill Clinton's resignation (Bill Clinton lied; Mark Sanford lied)"
Bill Clinton committed perjury and obstructed justice. He placed his hand on the bible and swore to tell the truth...then proceeded to tell lie after lie after lie. He instructed his subordinates to hide evidence.
Your attempt to equate Clinton and Sanford is beyond pathetic.
"if Gov. Sanford hadn't touted those beloved "family values" so loudly"
Family values?? Bill Clinton attended church with his wife on Easter Sunday, TOTING A BIBLE, hours before hooking up with the chubby intern for another sexcapade.
I don't recall libs being outraged over Clinton's "family values hypocrisy". Do you?
"We Dems don't put ourselves up on those pedestals"
We Dems Have No Standards.
We Dems Stand For Nothing.
Windscreen says to 10:12 AM, "Today, you're the bug, mate."
"Windscreen"? Didn't realize McClatchy had such a following in the U.K. Or are you in Australia?
***For libs, you're correct, you have no standards. You have no morals, no values and hence no standard by which to assess your performance.***
***Is a typical liberal a lying, America hating, baby-killing, religious bigot?***
John does love to stereotype, doesn't he?
From 10:12 " We Dems don't put ourselves up on those pedestals, therefore we have a shorter distance to drop. "
I was just putting details to your own claims of being at the bottom of the moral barrel. Try to agree and that's what I get. You bastards would whine and snivel if we hung you with a new rope.
Whine and snivel? Good God! John you are one sick puppy. It's your way or no way. You talk out of both sides of your ass. You pick and choose what scenarios you want to agree with and when it's pointed out your theories are nothing but trash you start calling names....oh, I forgot you're a RIGHT WING WHACK JOB. We all know about you. When called out and proven wrong start with the name calling. That works both ways amigo. Hey, speaking of calling, your rock is calling, time to slither back under it.
Mr. Altevogt, as I read your many comments I have an idea for you sir. Since you seem to think your view of the world and only your view of the world is right. And you are so narrow minded, not even acknowledging that perhaps there might be middle ground, I have a suggetsion. I know a place where you and your limited scope of tolerance would be welcome. The mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden would welcome a man of with your narrow mind and intolerance with open arms. And here's a bonus, if he doesn't supply you with one of those nifty head scarfs give me a call, I bought several when I was there and would gladly send you one as a going away gift. It's a shame our brightest and best are losing their lives for someone as intolerant about freedom as you. Whether you know it or not you are already on the side of our enemies. Godspeed on your journey.
///and the Bee takes the opportunity to run another (what is this, the 3rd? 4th?) cartoon about GOP governor Mark Sanford's affair.///
MW, were you just as incensed over the cartoons about John Edwards' affair? And how about the 24/7 coverage of President Clinton's affair?
"MW, were you just as incensed over the cartoons about John Edwards' affair? And how about the 24/7 coverage of President Clinton's affair?"
LOL Funny.
The National Enquirer first reported on the Edwards affair in October 2007, then followed up with the hotel photos in August 2008. During this period, the number of "Edwards cartoons" was ZERO, because the MSM ignored the story.
The 24/7 coverage of Clinton was NOT about his "affair", it was about his perjury, obstruction, and eventual IMPEACHMENT trial.
Generally speaking, presidential impeachments are considered newsworthy.
Sanford had an affair with a mature adult woman who does not even live in this country. He acknowledged the affair.
Clinton had an affair with a immature girl and there was a tremendous difference in the relationship power balance. Most feminists consider sex, where the male is in a position such that he has much more power than the female, to be rape. Except of course unless the rapist is a liberal democrat.
As far as our feminist are concerned none of the women Clinton raped were of consequence as long as Billy Jeff supported abortion. Amazing.
4:15 Sir, I disagree with you, but at least you've expressed your opinion in a civil and polite manner so there will be no insults in response. You're entitled to your opinion with my blessing, not that it matters one way or the other.
I return what I get. Engage in a dialog and that's what you'll get. Thank you for your comments.
Left wing nasties come out of the woodwork when a right wing politician screws up ( which this one did). MNI has a lot to say about republicans who make mistakes but its crickets when its a liberal who philanders. Hypocrisy in abundance from MNI and the rest of the liberal establishment. It's one reason that their readership is still falling.
anom600pm thanks for showing what a moron you are....wtf kind of analogy were you trying to make there? seek counseling..go to an AA meeting and stop typing while intoxcicated (TWI)
wtf kind of analogy were you trying to make there?
I think he was implying that your Uncle Billy was not only a purger, but a pedophile and serial rapist. Might well be a case of not true, but, accurate.
Interesting term you use, "moron". A leftist term coined and popularized by the Eugenics movement ala Margret Sanger and her Nazification programs endeared by the American Left.
As anom 415 suggested get on the bus with johnnie boy....maybe you guys can share some lube....it'll make the process easier for you....then of course when you arrive in afghani/paki you'll be ready for "man love thursday" there is NO difference between you an enemies of our fine country. You are a coward and a traitor. Osama Bin Ladin loves you and your ilk. I hope they (the boys in black) track you down and find your traitorous ass. And then I pray they don't put you in one of our country club prisons...I hope they ship your ass to the mountains of Pakistan....I'm sure a tough guy like you will last all of five minutes. Then of course you will be crying like a baby and asking to be "saved".
I'm the cartoonist who drew that cartoon and I have no control over what cartoons the Bee runs, but I'm glad they chose to run mine.
I consider myself conservative and I'm a registered Republican. I have been brutal to Obama and the Democrats. Just take a look at my gallery: chronicle.augusta.com/mckee
I also have drawn cartoons complimentary of Sanford, like this one I did a couple of weeks ago: http://preview.tinyurl.com/lxa99t
I used to admire and respect Sanford. No more.
I'm going to call 'em like I see 'em and that goes for both parties.
I'm glad this particular cartoon got you talking. That was the intended purpose.
Best regards,
Rick McKee
Editorial Cartoonist
The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle
Again, the issue wasn't so much for me the cartoon itself as it was the placement in a newspaper 3000 miles away in a state that has myriad problems of its own to deal with. That, to me, is THE issue.
Rick McKee,
Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter what cartoons you create, it only matters which ones are run, at least in the context of the mid- to large-sized city newspapers.
The Democrats who run the editorial boards will simply never run cartoons that are critical of Democrats with any sort of frequency that is appropriate to their crimes and misdemeanors.
Nobody is saying Sanford or the GOP don't deserve lampooning, we're just saying that given the 'target-rich' environment that is the Obama administration and the California Donk party, in additon to other more important issues of the day, a California newspaper really ought to 'move on' from Sanford.
They don't because they're liberal Democrats who don't want to damage their party, and harping on the Sanford affair damages the Republicans.
It's just that simple.
Have you ever tried to quantify how many of your anti-GOP cartoons are picked up versus your anti-Donk cartoons? Since your livelihood depends on it, you ought to have run some numbers by now ....
I can understand the problem you have with the Bee running Sanford-bsahing cartoons. For me, it's a local issue. Augusta sits on the S.C. border with a third of our readership there.
I honestly have no idea how many of my cartoons are picked up one way or the other. It doesn't work that way. Over 400 newspapers subscribe to my cartoons. They pay for all of them and there's really no way to know which cartoons they use short of reading every paper.
Having said that, my cartoons are primarily conservative, so if papers are running my work, they're running conservative cartoons.
As far as I'm concerned the cartoon posted here is conservative.
Doing the right thing and standing up for what you believe, regardless of party, is a conservative principle.
Rick, thanks for the explanation. I;ll keep an eye out for your work.
The Sanford scandal is not a local issue, it's a national one. The guy was a 2012 presidential contender.
I don't care about the affair angle, though the fact that he was spoke out against Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal smacks of hypocrisy.
But leaving your job for 5 days without telling anybody? Who here would not be fired for that?
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