"..The Rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers at the edge of the cliffs, shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades. And the American Rangers began to climb..." - President Ronald Reagan, at the Ranger Monument, 6 June 1984, in Pointe Du Hoc, Normandy, France
BlackFive is honoring D Day. Check it out here.
President Ronald Reagan, at the Ranger Monument, 6 June 1984, in Pointe Du Hoc, Normandy, France
I had the honor of being selected to the Presidents "Guard of Honor" for this event. One of the proudest days of my life.
Who would have ever guessed that he was going to be the last great President before Socialists destroyed the nation and our own media was going to help them do it?
6:07 -- I plan to post info and video from Reagan's 1984 event at Normandy. Send me links if you have good stuff to post.
Here is the speech on youtube. We were all given copies of the ceremony, the jump and the fly bys, but they are VHS.
I will check with friends and see if anyone has a converted copy. The greatest speech by any American in history. All without a teleprompter.
Hey, McClatchy Watch, did you ever serve in the military, or do you just talk the talk like most radical right-wing wackos do?
8:00 is remembering D Day by slamming "right-wing wackos". Typical lefty.
8:00 PM ...and you wonder why people wish folks like you great bodily harm. They don't call you traitor leftists for nothing.
You still didn't answer my question. I served. Did you?
And as for great bodily harm. If wishes were horses, beggars could ride. Did you ever put yourself in harm's way? Doesn't sound like it. Talk, talk, talk.
Once again the left demonstrates its complete ignorance of logic. What has service got to do with honoring our military service men and women? What has it got to do with those who were in the assault on D-Day.
Are you idiots telling us that you personally stormed the beach on D-Day? If not then by your own standard you need to shut up.
Anyone can honor those who have served this country in our military and you're right, it does tend to be more of a trait of conservatives rather than the America hating left.
Finally, I have a hard time believing that someone who doesn't even have the balls to make up a screen name had the courage to fight in combat.
What you believe is of little concern to me, other than when you call fellow Americans "American-hating." You are an idiot, and, like Bush, you would rather send others to fight for you than go yourself, then "honor" them with lip service. Honor them by not fighting senseless wars.
And I don't see what making up a screen name has to do with balls. If you had any balls you wouldn't have to say things like "What has service got to do with honoring our military service men and women?" Nothing. That's the point. Service has to do with putting your money where your mouth is, rather than "honoring" the dead with worthless commemorations.
You ignorant, sackless worm. If you want to compare balls, just tell me where to meet you.
You ignorant, sackless worm.
My, how well you summed your own post.
My, my now we have another of these anonymous trolls bandying about threats when you ask then to put up, or shut up.
For the record, wasn't Benedict Arnold, the archetype American traitor, an officer in the army, indeed, a general if I remember correctly?
One can be a civilian and still honor those who have defended them. And, by the same token, we have many in this country who have served and yet have dishonored those who serve with their actions.
Oh, and let's meet in the Alaskan interior sometime in November. If you get there first, just wait, I'll be along soon.
That's about what I figured you'd say, John. Or Nancy, or whatever your name is.
It's d day and the leftie wants to attack other Americans on a post about d-day. How sad that his anger and preoccupation with his genitals has taken over his life. Perhaps at some time in the future you can lay down your anger, love your country and honor its heroes. There is plenty of time and other posts on which we might disagree.
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