"... The two-story house, gray with red trim, is badly in need of paint. The front lawn is a patchwork of grass and weeds with brown splotches of dirt. Much of the once lush ivy covering the chain-link fence has died.
"The red wooden gate sprawls on the lawn, unless someone props it up. A toilet sits on the back patio.
"The backyard weeds, which neighbors said had grown three or four feet high, were cut a day after The Times wrote about them a few months ago. Dead leaves have gathered behind the hot tub. Rosebushes are struggling from lack of water, since the sprinklers are never turned on. Gone are the rose of Sharon, miniature crape myrtle and primroses the previous owner had labored over for years."
Since Richardson wasn't taking care of the property, the neighbors started to. They have mowed and watered Richardson's lawn, they've paid neighborhood kids to rake leaves, they've picked up trash. Things were really bad in 2008, when rats began breeding in Richardson's back yard and soon migrated to the adjacent house.
Letters, emails, even a desperate attempt to get Richardson's attention by contacting Nancy Pelosi -- nothing worked.
There's a great quote from neighbor John Bailey, who describes himself as a liberal democrat:
"What I don't get is how she has the time to visit with Fidel Castro but doesn't have time for her own house. If you can't manage your own household, you probably shouldn't get involved in international affairs."
Not a comforting thought that somebody as irresponsible as Richardson is passing laws that affect the country.
Photo credit: Randi Lynn Beach/For The Times
How come the LA Times gets all the great political stories? Because they have better reporters than the wannaBees.
Laura Richardson's house is maybe 3 miles away from the Sacramento Bee building.
You don't really expect the Bee to go after a Democrat?
They have an Hard Left agenda to promote.
9:42, do you ever think instead of just parroting GOP talking points?
Here is a story for the Sac Bee.
Who gave her the loans ?
How did she qualify for all the homes ?
Did she get some sort of preferential treatment ?
Anybody that approve those loans donate to her campaign ?
Did any of those that donated get something in return ?
Is she going to get some sort
of "deal" under the Obama bailout ?
So many questions so little quality reporting...
////9:42, do you ever think instead of just parroting GOP talking points?////
Do you actually think if Richardson was a Republican, the Bee wouldn't cover it?
If so, then you must be sniffing a lot of glue today.
If so, then you must be sniffing a lot of glue today.
That isn't what he sniffs.
9:42 My Hero.
She's a typical bumbling Marxist, who fully expects her neighbors or her voters to take care of her.
She is the perfect government suckling democrat. This is what they all strive for.
Finally, why on earth would MNI want to investigate a fellow traveler?
Triple immunity. Black, female and democrat.
She could shoot up a busload of children from a Christian school and the leftist media would blame it on the accessibility of firearms.
***She could shoot up a busload of children from a Christian school and the leftist media would blame it on the accessibility of firearms.***
Any thinking person would put a large share of the blame on the accessibility of firearms in this country. Maybe someday the politicians will get the intestinal fortitude to do something about it, so our per-capita murder rate will drop to somewhere near that of western Europe or Canada.
****Maybe someday the politicians will get the intestinal fortitude to do something about it, so our per-capita murder rate will drop to somewhere near that of western Europe or Canada.****
That means forcibly exporting the large Black and Latino US population elsewhere, Adolph.
I don't see anything wrong with that house. Most people - journalists especially - live in worse.
Some people don't know what it's like in the real world.
1:37... well start doing your part. Wear a tee shirt that reads, "Unarmed liberal. Choose me." And put the same sign on your front lawn.
Let's see how that works out for ya, Bucky.
***That means forcibly exporting the large Black and Latino US population elsewhere, Adolph.***
Better check the stats for major European cities such as Paris, London and Berlin, with about 1/8 the per-capita murder rate of similar sized U.S. cities. You'll find them about as diverse as ours. Sorry, racist. It's the availability of guns -- not skin color.
****Better check the stats for major European cities such as Paris, London and Berlin, with about 1/8 the per-capita murder rate of similar sized U.S. cities. You'll find them about as diverse as ours.****
Yes, and their minority populations are far, far less that major US city metropolitan areas.
Sadly, a libretard like yourself gets the "facts" from Michael Moore's "documentary" 'Bowling for Columbine.'
So is our little lib going to volunteer to head into the ghettos and barrios and ask, real nice, if the bros would like to help create a safer, gun free, society by giving up their guns?
Let me know how that one works out for ya too, Bucky.
Is Laura Richardson's a pig a GOP talking point is she just a rotten neighbor. 9:52 would defend Ted Bundy if he had a D. after his name.
Laura Richard should get every bit of the condemnation she deserves and the SacBee has embarassed itself again.
The Bee is regularly beaten like a drum in its own backyard on the state politics beat. Even the Chron hammers them. The LA Times has done some excellent Capitol reporting recently.
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