I think it's fantastic that we have Twitter and other sources, and like cellphones (and faxes before them) social media surely are wonderful tools for self-organizing response.
It takes nothing away from those facts to call "b*******" on his contention, however.
The 1968 Chicago riots were carried live on all three American television networks for an audience of at least 50 million people in this country alone.
There are about a million Twitter users.
Come on, professor.
Don't criticize the real thing, man.
Note to Howard -- Some of the photos and info that have been Twittered from Iran have been seen by hundreds of millions of people, thanks to the multiplier effect of being broadcast by cable news, newspapers, the BBC, blogs, etc. (Too much bad acid?)
Who cares what Howard Weaver says? He's a has-been, never-was incompetent. His opinions mean zippo, nada.
I am sure there are more than 1 million "twits" as Ashton has more than 2 million followers (and last time I checked you cannot follow someone more than once).
Hey Howie, Have another hit, of Sweet Air
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Fresh Air
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