The ad shows a cool, urbane Barack Obama perusing a newspaper.
See the ad below.

This isn't a spoof ad of the industry poking fun at itself -- the guy who designed it and and Fitzgerald both say they'd like to see it. Jeez.
This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
Home Run? At the rate his poll figures are falling before much longer they'll have to put a bag over his head in the picture.
Anyone hear yet? Another of his high level stooges resigned. She couldn't handle working for his wife.
Maybe after Chapter 11, and like islam, papers go through a reformation, then of course count me in.
Meaning at a minimum, 2010, probably 2012.
At last....some reason to buy a newspaper. I'll be right back, got to have one..........whew, would you believe they are all sold out. Said papers are in high demand because of that ad. Business is up, sales are great, ads have returned, the news is now reported in a balanced manner, profits are thru the roof, employmnet is up, raises have been given, circulation problems have been eliminated and Rex Babin is still drawing his moronic stick figure political(?) cartoons. Through rose colored glasses you can see anything. We bow to thee O'Bamoooo. You are just amazing!
Speaking of paper saving ideas. How has hawking Obama trinkets contributed to the bottom line? Has anyone announced a financial windfall yet?
Next brilliant ad: Obama on the South Lawn, watching a homemade rocket launch. "Dorky is the New Kewl" ??
Whoa - wait now. Is this more news we have not heard from corporate? Are newspapers due the next bailout by Washington?
Hope springs eternal...but, ahhh...doubt springs more eternal.
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