This appeared in yesterday's New York Times:
A report by The Associated Press in the National Briefing column on Jan. 6 about the resignation of Meg Whitman, the former chief executive of eBay, from three corporate boards misspelled part of the name of one of the companies. It is Procter & Gamble, not Proctor & Gamble. A reader pointed out the error in an e-mail message on Monday, and also correctly noted that The Times has misspelled the name more than 100 times. (This is the second correction.)
Hat tip: Regret the error
How was the NY Times ever considered the newspaper of record? It has become very clear they were always biased, and even corrupt in their reporting. I shutter to think how many inferior politicians they have help elect by destroying the other candidate with lies and innuendo. Oh wait, NYC is on the verge of bankruptcy with the liberals in charge. Now the NY Times may go out of business for their Barry Soetoro (aka) Barack Obama in-the-tankism. There must be some sort of poetic justice in there somewhere.
Shutter when used as a verb, as you tried to use it means: to close or provide with shutters: She shuttered the windows or to close (a store or business operations) for the day or permanently.
I think you meant shudder, which means: to tremble with a sudden convulsive movement, as from horror, fear, or cold.
Instead of teaching editing, journalism schools, regrettably, are teaching activism, multiculturalism and other leftist principles. A properly educated and trained copy editor (or journalist, I would hope) would look the name up. I used to check company names in the AP Stylebook. Now all a writer or editor needs to do is look the names up on the internet.
Journalists aren't curious. The public doesn't demand accuracy or unbiased reporting.
Journalism is dead.
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