John Rogers -- whose investment firm stuck with newspaper stocks even as those stocks lost lost much as 98% of their value over the past 5 years -- is trying to sell investors on the value of newspaper stocks.
Rogers told a reporter from Bloomberg he expects McClatchy and Gannett to beat profit expectations for the next 5 to 6 quarters.
Rogers and his Ariel Investment firm were major holders of MNI stock over the past 5 years -- and stayed with newspaper stocks even as they lost 98% of their value. MNI went from $69.70 a share 5 years ago all the way down to $1.58 a share today -- a steep plunge of 97.8%.
Rogers may be a brilliant analyst of other investments. But investors should take his advice about newspaper stocks with a grain of salt.
UPDATE: Ariel Investments, LLC owns 8,976,372 shares of MNI as of 4/20/09.
Could this be our anonymous hero poster who told me I'm getting a raise this August?
If so he looks like, and his advice has about the same value as Dear Leader’s
Rogers had to use his newspapers to make sure his pal got elected, and now he needs his friend to return the favor with a bailout. Same-o, same-o.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Now we know where Fanboy Stockpumper comes from.
Maybe Barry, Skippy, Rev. Wright, and John Rogers can meet on Martha’s Vineyard to romp in the sand together.
♫ Makin' up a mess of fun,
makin' up a mess of fun
Lots of fun for everyone
Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la
Four banana, three banana, two banana, one
All bananas playin' in the bright warm sun.
Flippin' like a pancake, popping like a cork
Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper and Snork
Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la ♫
(The Dickies)
4:03, 4:21, 5:24 & 5:42 are all the same person. Nice job. I'll make this my only reply as I don't want to interfere with you entertaining yourself. Salute....
5:53 PM I bet they're not the same person. I'd also bet they know who you are....soooooo wait for it!
5:53 PM- You are WRONG! I wrote one of the posts, but only one. What else are you wrong about? Everything!
5:53 - Why would you care who writes what? Find something else to do if you tire of reading the posts. Geeze you are boring. Read or scroll, maybe someone does enjoy the posts, if one or ten people write them, who cares? Get over yourself.
I guess everyone should watch out since the yahoo deal fell through with McClatchy (i guess they couldn't deliver the sales to yahoo they promised). But Yahoo has partnered with mircosoft. annnounced today.
SEATTLE (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp and Yahoo Inc have agreed to an online search and advertising partnership, in an attempt to rival Google Inc, that will be announced within 24 hours, a source familiar with the situation said on Thursday.
Microsoft will not pay an upfront fee to Yahoo, and the focus of the deal is on sharing revenue between the two companies, said the source, who did not want to be identified because a formal announcement has not been made.
The news and details of the expected deal were first reported by the AllThingsDigital blog and Advertising Age.
Microsoft and Yahoo declined comment. The two companies have talked for months about cooperating in the online advertising market, dominated by Google.
Re: Obama and Rogers are friends:
-Obama boasts a dedicated, high-powered inner circle-
Chicago Tribune
Several other successful Chicago professionals are dinner and conversation companions.
[John Rogers, head of Ariel Capital Management,] is a friend drawn into the family circle by Michelle Obama’s brother, Craig Robinson, with whom Rogers played basketball at Princeton University. He also lives in Hyde Park and has occasionally played basketball with Obama—
5:24 PM - My condolences to you on your broken tick-tock. So you think it would be impossible for Rogers to use his influence to shade stories toward his comrade? I have a wee bit of land in Florida I want to show you.
Stock advise from one of the worst performing managers in the history of mutual funds?
John Rogers - Putting his money where his mouth is
Written By: Shawn Williams
This is Part 2 in a week long series titled African-Americans in the Obama Administration: A Look Ahead. Today’s post focuses on Chicago business executive John Rogers.
In 2000, a broke Barack Obama ran for Congress against former Black Panther Bobby Rush and lost. He was now even broker.
A couple of years later Obama decided to run for the U.S. Senate - he was still broke. One of the early donors to his Senate campaign was John Rogers, who gave $11,000 towards Obama’s bid. Rogers was part of the black business community who Obama had relied on to jump start his political career in the Illinois State Senate.
John Rogers, who gave $11,000 towards Obama’s bid.
The truth is that John Rodgers has actually contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Obama under the guise of both Ariel and their "non profit" money laundering arm.
Obama To Name Desiree Rogers White House Social Secretary
Desiree Rogers, who studied at Wellesley College and later earned an MBA from Harvard, was [once married to Chicagoan John Rogers, Ariel Capital Management chief and another close Obama friend and fundraiser.]
Loyal Network Backs Obama After His Help
NYT- Christopher Drew
The goal was always “to open up doors,” said John W. Rogers Jr., the chief executive of Ariel Capital Management, *one of the investment firms that received state business. (From Senator Obama)
In his presidential campaign, Mr. Obama has been running on a platform of reducing the influence of money in politics. But with Mr. Obama, as with every politician, money has been the blood flow of his campaigns.
How many lies is this now?
BarackBook: John W. Rogers Jr.
“In 2005, Obama Took 23 Such Private Aircraft Flights, Some To Attend Fundraisers He Headlined. … Another Was On A Plane Controlled By John Rogers,...
It is no secret in Chicago about Obama helping John Rogers, and other black businessmen.
Obama Helped Supporters Get Millions in Illinois State Business ...
May 15, 2008 ... Barack Obama, John Rogers. (AP Photo). In a speech to the Urban League last July, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., boasted of his efforts in 2001 ...
I seem to remember the media saying Obama had all these small campaign donations. I didn't hear about John Rogers and this black Chicago syndicate until now.
Waa, Waa, it’s the darn economy.
Obama Fundraiser John Rogers: Ariel layoffs 20% of staff amid market woes
Crain's Chicago Business
There is a bailout in this for Rogers, we shall see.
So while 5:52 diddles himself, we get some real facts about yet another DNC crook that McClatchy would never tell us about. Great work!
Wasn't someone telling us about this guy a couple of weeks ago?
@ 6:28
Again this post shows that most people here are only frustrated bashers.
What has the potential deal between Yahoo and Microsoft to do with the business relation between McClatchy and Yahoo?
I give you a hint: NOTHING.
Did you ever read more than headlines? Unbelievable how dumb some people are.
“Did you ever read more than headlines? Unbelievable how dumb some people are.”
If you are writing about the 2008 voters for electing a white/black fraud, I totally agree. Except, there were no honest headlines, the corrupt media decided who would be president by news suppression, and news destruction for opponents. Give it up liberals, Obama is a huge mistake, and everyone is going to know it in jig time.
Why didn’t I know more about Rogers? Where was the drumbeat/echo media? The whole Chicago connection to Obama is full of fraud. The media spent their time writing about rumors in Alaska, and couldn’t find time or space to alert the voters to the outright corruption in Chicago surrounding their selected Socialist. Any thinking person would now see how ridiculous the media is, and why they deserve dinosaur status.
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