The Kansas City Star's Mom2Mom blog used to be an online community where women in Kansas City could discuss motherhood and share parenting tips. Lately it's become a tawdry place where women talk about "jello shots" and their drinking habits.
Bovine Comedy explains.

Hat tip:
Perhaps Ronda Lokeman is the blogger in charge of Mom2Mom.
That would ‘splain’ things.
Beat me too it 11:40! Booze = lokeman. Hicup!
Mommy blogs will save us all!
Bored MILFs... I like it ! Maybe KC has something there.
Doesn't it seems like just yesterday ‘Mom2Mom’ was touted as a new super feature built by moms at the KC Star? Who knew about those swinging moms at the Star?
“Mom2Mom was built by moms like us at The Kansas City Star to make it easy for Kansas City moms to share experiences and photos”
Sounds like the recipe for high traffic. Moms is boring, but boozing moms in heat will bring in the revenue.
Again, perhaps Zieman looked at moms2mom and wondered why it didn't seem to reflect what his wife was like and ordered it to do so. Don't be surprised if suddenly driving on 3 wheels tanked to the gills becomes a fad in KC documented by this idiotic blog.
John, He, He, He. Nice!
I don’t think Robo-Rhonda is in charge of the Mom2Mom blog. For starters, you can read it, and a classically trained professional journalist with the highest ethical standards would be, well, just bored with all this ‘jello shots’ talk. Rho would get right down to the rude and crude, that Zee so enjoys.
The KC Red Star is beyond redemption. Mom2Mom didn’t stand a chance in the cesspool the rag has become. I can’t imagine any mom wanting to be a part of that garbage blog.
Rhonda can't have anything to do with Mom2Mom. Didn't you all see the 5 o'clock shadow on the beast in it's mug shot.
Wait a minute...I take it back. We're talking about the Star. Champion of justice for the Pedophile and carrier of the torch for Baby Butchers R Us...AKA Planned Parenthood.
The Pitch wrote that Lokeman was a ‘medium-talent’ but that was even puffing, IMO. She was one of those writers that confused her crudeness with being witty.
Sac has a mom blog too. The problem with these types of blogs is that the only people who read them are moms. Nobody else gives a flyin...And moms are often too busy to read mommy blog. Traffic is light with these types of blogs.
Correction, liberal "moms" read them. Hence the drunken bimbos sniveling about their lot in life
8:28 deleted for violating the rules.
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