... a bitter series of clashes between a top Navy spokesman and a Miami Herald military reporter reached a new, eye-opening level this week.
In a letter to the paper's editor, Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon accused Carol Rosenberg of "multiple incidents of abusive and degrading comments of an explicitly sexual nature." Gordon, who deals primarily with the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, prison, said in the letter that this was a "formal sexual harassment complaint" and asked the Herald for a "thorough investigation."
"Her behavior has been so atrocious over the years," Gordon said in an interview. "I've been abused worse than the detainees have been abused."
Herald Executive Editor Anders Gyllenhaal said Friday that "obviously we're trying to sort this out. We're not going to talk about a personnel matter like this until we figure out what it's all about." Rosenberg, who declined to comment Friday, is described by other journalists as a seasoned reporter who pushes hard for access and answers.
The abuses detailed by Gordon include the following:
-- While watching Sept. 11, 2001, co-defendant Mustafa al-Hawsawi seated on a pillow in court last year, Rosenberg told Gordon: "Have you ever had a red hot poker shoved up your [butt]? Have you ever had a broomstick shoved up your [butt]? . . . How would you know how it feels if it never happened to you? Admit it, you liked it."
-- When Gordon emerged from a shower facility in shorts and a towel last year, Rosenberg said to him and more than a dozen journalists and soldiers nearby: "Seeing him topless in tent city was the most repulsive sight I've ever seen in my life. I wanted to vomit."
-- After dealing with a Gordon intern whom she described as "your little chick with the hot pants," Rosenberg told Gordon, earlier this month, in the presence of others: "I know you're hot for your interns and bring them down as your 'companions,' but seriously, if I'm going to do their work anyway, what purpose do they serve? (Carol knows my intern last year was a male, therefore another inference that I was gay.)"
In addition, the letter alleged, Rosenberg "routinely labeled my colleagues in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Justice Department, as well as her peers in the press, as 'bitches,' 'stupid,' 'lazy,' 'incompetent,' 'Nazis,' 'Saddam Hussein-like,' etc."
Sounds like Rosenberg has a bias against the commander and a bias against the Gitmo program. Photo credit: PBS
No bias here. Move along folks. Nothing to see... these aren't the droids you are looking for.
U.S. Navy Commander Files Sex Complaint Against Female Miami Herald Journolist Carol Rosenberg
(MNI employee?)
In the complaint, Gordon calls for a "thorough investigation" to put an end to Rosenberg's "appalling behavior" that includes comments about the Commander's sexual orientation.
The complaint outlines examples of Rosenberg's alleged "abusive and degrading, comments of an explicitly sexual nature."
Gordon writes:
To me, in front of another journalist with reference to why 9/11 co-defendant Mustafa Al Hawsawi was seated on a pillow in court:
"Have you ever had a red hot poker shoved up your a**?
Have you ever had a broomstick shoved up your a**?
Have you ever had anything in your a**?
How would you know how it feels if it never happened to you? Admit it, you liked it? No wonder why you like to stay in South Beach on your Miami visits."
M-Watch: Thank you for devoting a thread to show how the filthy cock roach minion(s) at McClatchy get their unbiased, “Truth to power” news.
My suspicion is that McClatchy, the employer, has known about, condoned, supported, and covered for this type of over the top radical behavior for the longest of times, and is most likely, just another of the industries dirty little secrets. (Until the internet).
Since McClatchy obviously supports, and shills exclusively for democrats, their constant fawning over anything liberal is well established and need not be covered here.
However, this witch and all like her on the McClatchy payroll, show the other side of the filthy coin, the way they McClatchy treats and interviews real Americans.
McClatchy’s sub-rosa tactic, appears to be just a trailer park version of a typical Katie Couric interview, that of asking any real American interviewee an off shoot of grinning while asking, “So when did you stop beating your wife”, then saying the American people want us to ask the tough questions.
Herald Executive Editor Anders Gyllenhaal said Friday that "obviously we're trying to sort this out (wink, wink).
“Sort this out” They know with light shedding brightly on one of their Stalinist interview tactics, they have no choice but to, like Dear Leader, throw this creature under the bus.
And like CNN Susan Roesgen's and her Tea Party biased outburst, they will wait, and wait, to jettison this useful idiot of a liability.
Finally, with their remaining acolytes reminded to reel in their biased fangs, their “reporting” will go on as usual.
Can any of you middle of the road McClatchy employees now get some of the reasons why we hate your paper so much?
Such behavior is intolerable from a supposed professional.
Apparently some action was taken last year to no avail.
If the allegations are proved to be true, she should be fired for both bias and harrassment!!
Military and Media Clash In Complaint -Navy Spokesman Alleges Abuse by Reporter (Washington Post)
Tensions between journalists and military officials are nothing new. But a bitter series of clashes between a top Navy spokesman and a Miami Herald military reporter reached a new, eye-opening level...In a letter to the paper's editor, Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon accused Carol Rosenberg of "multiple incidents of abusive and degrading comments of an explicitly sexual nature." Gordon, who deals primarily with the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, prison, said in the letter that this was a "formal sexual harassment complaint" and asked the Herald for a "thorough investigation."
"Her behavior has been so atrocious over the years," Gordon said in an interview. "I've been abused worse than the detainees have been abused."
Unless there are tapes offering a metaphysical standard of proof they MSM response will be deny, deny, deny.
No wonder there is no credibility in MNI papers! If I were an MNI reporter today I would be wearing two paper bags on my head...in case one fell off and someone on the street recognized me as an MNI "journalist".
I agree that it sounds like Rosenberg made some inappropriate and unprofessional comments. But gee whiz -- the military has SUCH a spotless record regarding harassment itself that this like a B-52 bombing a mosquito.
Anon 8:00 Right on cue, shameless libs chime in and spin, spin, spin
"Jamie McIntyre, a former CNN Pentagon correspondent, said of Rosenberg's interactions with Gordon: "I didn't think there was any sort of sexual abuse, unless you're telling me a naval officer, a sailor, isn't used to hearing anatomical references in anger.
It sounds like an overreaction on everybody's part." He said Rosenberg "was always professional in her demeanor when I was around her."
By McIntyre's standards, we should all be able to use ANY vulgar term, any racial epithet, any slur, any time, addressing anyone.
Hey McClatchy, what's your position?
Oh, sorry Rosenberg and the Miami Herald ARE your position.
Rosenbergs' homoerotic rantings kind of seal the deal on where she’s coming from and where she wants it to go, in a bull dyke kind of way.
....someone on the street recognized me as an MNI "journalist".
I don't know that it matters if you are a, "journalist." We can't even wear anything indicating our paper's logo in public anymore without everyone staring and making rude comments. Bar, Restaurant, drug store, it doesn't matter.
Last fall I learned my lesson. I visited a local casino wearing a polo shirt with a tiny logo signature. I sat down at a black jack table and the guy just stopped what he was doing. He pushed a button and started looking at the eye in the sky and then pointed at me. I turned toward where he was looking and there was two guys in black suits headed our way. I asked the dealer what was going on and he said, "You work for (local paper's name)?" I said, "No. not anymore." He said, "It doesn't matter, everyone here thinks you do."
The two guys in suits got there and informed me that I was not welcome in that establishment and when I told them I didn't work there, they said, "Yeah, we've heard that all before and then the next day read an article full of lies and made up shit."
To this day, I don't know if it was that shirt or someone recognized me, but from the minute I walked in the door I felt like I was the featured poster child for the FBI's most wanted.
My first reaction would be to say no, she isn't a typical hire. After reflection and thinking about it though, she is the typical person that is placed in the position of giving McClatchy papers their voice, and she is the typical public face of a McClatchy outlet.
Just look at the posters here who defend McClatchy. They are her type of tripe.
Howard Weaver....are you there?
bull dyke is a little rough. this is a leftover KR hire, and her sexual orientation is nobody's business.
what up with the word *glassbowl* being harrassment too ruff for an airman? isn't that talk standard?
p.s. she could use a Susan Boyle makeover..
No! That kind of talk is not standard. Of course, the Commander's sexuality or physical appearance is none of Rosenberg's business!
The Commander is a journalist by definition. Chilling effect om the workplace etc. By definition isn't alleged conduct sexual harrasment?
By definition isn't alleged conduct sexual harrasment?
Good point, and as we know from sexual harassment indoctrination classes, off duty and away from the workplace is an extension of the workplace.
Lets have the libs now make little of Ms. Rosenbergs remarks. Can't you hear it now...that's just the way we talk on the factory floor, in the classroom or in the office. No one would buy that and they shouldn't
Ms. Rosenburg has acted woefully unprofessionally and needs to be fired for it. Period.
Is it me or do all these lefties seem to have a thing about penetration, especially with inanimate objects. Just wondering why that's so often the first thing the lefties um...reach for.
Anon 1:41 You may be onto something. Let's ask, "Sweetie"
♫ I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me tonight.
I feel charming,
Oh, so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel!
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real. ♫
@1:41 - tee hee
I don't care what she looks like or what her sexual orientation is. What I do care about is an organization who purports to be professional putting up with such offensive and patently biased behavior. Everything this woman has ever written is now called into question. Certainly the integrity of the Herald has reached yet another low.
Everything this woman has ever written is now called into question.
Everything this woman has ever written has always been in question. She is a militant gay activist as is her friend from the LA Times. It is in her every fiber of her being and what her entire life revolves around.
She isn't a journalist and never has been. McClatchy doesn't employ journalists. They employ activists and antagonizers.
Dr. Gates On Whitey: "Malcolm X Was Talking About the White Man Was the Devil... It Was Great"
So who is Dr. Gates?
Dr. Henry Louis Gates held this conversation in 1994 on how impressed he was with racist America-hater Malcolm X.
Booknotes reported, via Free Republic:
LAMB: At one point you had a line in there, something to the effect, "My mother despised white people."
GATES: My mother hated white people.
LAMB: All her life?
GATES: Probably. I didn't know until -- in 1959 we were watching Mike Wallace's documentary called "The Hate that Hate Produced." It was about the Nation of Islam and I couldn't believe -- I mean, Malcolm X was talking about the white man was the devil and standing up in white people's faces and telling them off. It was great.
I mean, it's what black people did behind closed doors, but they would never do it in -- I mean, they were too vulnerable to do it, say, where they worked, at the paper mill or downtown, as we would call it. And here was a guy who had the nerve to do that, and I think if I had been a character in a cartoon, my eyes would have gone Doing! -- like this.
I couldn't believe it. As I sat cowering in a corner of our living room, I glanced over at Mama and her face was radiant. I mean, this smile -- beatific smile started to transform her face. And she said quite quietly, "Amen." And then she said, "All right now," and she sat up and she said, "Yes."
And she loved Malcolm X and she loved what the Muslims were doing.
No wonder Dr. Gates and Barack "White Folks Greed"" Obama are such good friends.
Dr. Gates said today that he hopes to use his verbal assault on the white police officer to improve fairness in the criminal justice system.
Obama’s beer fails to cool fiery race row Sunday Times (UK)
THEY are calling it bar-stool diplomacy – a novel attempt by President Barack Obama to cool a heated racial controversy by inviting the offended parties to settle their differences over a beer at the White House.
Yet the president’s efforts to limit the fallout from a row over the arrest last week of Henry Louis Gates Jr, a black Harvard professor, may serve to extend a furore that has shaken the White House and raised questions about Obama’s vaunted leadership skills.
The row showed no sign of diminishing yesterday as Massachusetts media pressed for the release of police tapes that could shed new light on the angry exchanges between Gates and Sergeant James Crowley, a white officer who arrived at the professor’s Cambridge home to investigate a report of a break-in.
White House: Obama Done Talking About Gates Case CBS
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday morning that President Obama "has said everything he's going to say" about the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Lewis Gates, Jr.
But why? Is it because Dear Leader is sinking in the polls?
Well, they both did a marvelous job of uniting the country, eh?
Oh Yeah??Well she may be a lying bigoted lousy excuse for a journalist but we made money this quarter. So there!
Anon 12:59 Touche! Capatalist?
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