Greg Hall says Whitlock's Monday column on Serena Williams has uncanny similarities to a column published a month earlier by Greg Couch.
Hall says the column is "uncomfortably close to plagiarism" and Whitlock should apologize. Click here for the details.
This charge is deadly serious for any reporter -- at a minimum, the Star should investigate and make the findings public.
And you can bet Whitlock's previous columns are being combed through to see if there are any other "uncanny similarities."
I knew Cheeseburger was a shrew, but damn. That wasn't even an attempt at original thought.
I wonder if anyone is bothering to run his repertoire though a plagiarism filter? Not that it matters. It seems to be acceptable for "professional" journalists to steal the work of others if they are properly connected.
And this should surprise anyone because...?
...fire him already!
Race may save him. Fire him and the NAACP, ACLU and Rev. Sharpton will all be screaming racism. African Americans are much more difficult to fire. You have to have hard evidence and be willing to endure the outcry from the black community. Obama's election has made it a bit easier, but the old black guard keeps playing the race card.
First off, he's one of the few profit centers The Star has, so no dice with firing him there. Secondly, even if he was as brain dead stupid as Lewis Diuguid, he's prominent enough that firing him would result in a boatload of smashed windows in the crystal casket. Third, he's done nothing anymore unethical than Derek Donovan and other white folk at The Star who still have jobs, and so he would win any race based discrimination suit. Bootom line, I hope you enjoy his columns, he's there until The Star goes out of business.
Now why did you have to go and post a picture of Porkchop? My lunch is ruined, if not my whole day.
First off, he's one of the few profit centers The Star has, so no dice with firing him there.
Could you elaborate on exactly how or what evidence supports Whitlock being a "profit center" for the Star? I am trying to find where Jason Whitlock brings in even one dime for the Star and to be honest, I can't find anything aside from hit counts that would be an indicator.
I know he is highly controversial and never wastes a chance to offend anyone he can, but that draws hits that drive away business, not attract it.
Well, this may be yet another indication of why the axe is not too far above The Star's head, but I received word sometime back that an all online version of The Star could be in the offing and that Whitlock and Posnanski and a few others would be a part thereof owing to syndication contracts they have with other newspapers around the country. The sports department was one of the few highlights of The Star which I believe is Fannin's claim to fame.
That's it, take it for what you think it's worth, but I think it probably has some merit.
Jason Whitlock could rape Sarah Palin's daughters and the Affirmative Action morons at the Star wouldn't fire Whitlock.
"Porkchop?" Priceless!
9:53 AM I'll take your word for it. I can actually see your point with the other two as they are good writers. Whitlock on the other hand is simply obnoxious and a poor writer on top of that. He's the print equivalent of a shock jock, and in the long term that is self destructive not only to the bottom line, but the paper's reputation.
I am going to explore another angle. Fast food restaurants advertising in the sports section!
No one has ever gone broke underestimating the tastes of the American public. Perhaps, The Star will be the first. One can hope.
I don't know who the other guy is, and I don't read Whitlock's crap.
I just do not see the similarities (at least anywhere close to "plagiarism").
Of course this is all based on a claim from a has-been like Hall.
I say fire the lot of them
Shocker.......most everything printed today is cut and paste and rip and plagerise. They just acknowledge who they plagerised from.
I want to hear more from Beverly Silly. Can't wait until Sunday's column for a big laugh!!
Re: Porkchop is a profit center?
“owing to syndication contracts they have with other newspapers around the country.”
Rhonda Lokeman supposedly was syndicated with other newspapers, but we looked into her numbers, and the whole thing was based on the KC Star’s circ numbers, gratis of ZeeMan, and the rest were mostly bogus. Affirmative action failures were allowed to spew their covert hatred, and now no one wants to read their garbage, fancy that?
That photo of Jason can only be topped by one of Linda Williams as a thing that induces nightmares.
Does Linda Williams have obese eye lids like the son of flubber?
At least Jason has ruby red lips, and not the blue/purple mouth like the smoker, better known as Puff Obama.
Look at Joe Biden, his plagiarism got him where he is today! He can stand tall with the tax cheaters.
Why didn’t the media have more to say about Biden’s plagiarizing past? Oh right, it was not important that he is a sneaky cheat. Biden’s dumpster was off-limits, and his daily gaffes were ignored. Was this Biden stupidity disinterest by the same liberal media that is now circling the toilet? Flush!
At least Jason has ruby red lips, and not the blue/purple mouth like the smoker, better known as Puff Obama.
Friction Burn.
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