Rex Babin, the Bee's anti-GOP cartoonist, is on vacation. Needing filler, the Bee published this bizarre cartoon by Bill Day from United Features on Saturday.
Even though the Dem party controls the White House, the House, and the Senate, I've given up expecting that McClatchy will live up to its motto and turn its scrutiny to the party actually in power.
By the way, I don't think this cartoon resonates with anybody except the trendy people inside the Dem/elitist bubble.
The problem is that the office of President of the United States is the most powerful office in the world and if the current President and his supporters feel threatened by a radio talk show host, an entertainer, then we are really in trouble.
There are many people on this planet that are way more powerful than Rush Limbaugh and many of them want to harm this country.
It's right out of the Alinsky playbook.
Did everyone know that the former head of Fannie Mae was actually Obama's TARP Czar?
PJTV gives you the run down on exactly who the members of Obama's Politburo are.
And they say McClatchy's utter and continuous failure is due to...
..."It's that darn economy" Melanie Sill
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much!
Advertisers would get more bang for their buck by staying away from McClatchy papers.
But then they'll eventually figure that out. Advertisers follow the eyeballs. Always!
Melanie Sill is the Barney Frank of McClatchy newsrooms.
Even Alec Baldwin said:
'Don't Name a Bridge After Ted'
Or for that matter, a sandwich, a women’s shelter or a drink.
.. or an airline ...
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