Friday, August 14, 2009

Astroturfing news of the day

Just a couple of quick astroturfing items to give you this afternoon...

Amazing that the media isn't interested in news like this... if the GOP was pulling stunts like this, the media would be all over it. But the MSM is still promoting the Dem mantra that the town hall protesters are rubes, racists, and pawns of the insurance industry.


Anonymous said...

I recently spent way more time that I ever wanted to dealing with the billing department at my health insurance company. I can guarantee you that they do not have the skills or competency to organize a national astroturf program. They can hardly take care of the business they are in.

Anonymous said...

The insurance billing department clerks don't organize the campaigns. Their corporate bosses pay big-bucks p.r. and lobbying firms to do it.

Anonymous said...

Not much evidence of astroturfing from the Insurance co's...lots of evidence of astroturfing from the unions, and Soros and the Democratic Party.
Those pesky facts again.

Anonymous said...

Can't be Astroturf from insurance companies. The messiah said that they were on board with him.

Kind of strange however after he tried turning them into the boogy man.