Remember how Obama claimed the stimulus was going to "save or create" millions of jobs? Talk about billions of dollars down the rat hole. The jobs picture has only worsened since the Democrats in DC passed the stimulus bills. The latest figures from the Department of Labor show unemployment is
9.4% -- when Obama took office it was 8.1%.
Thanks for the big pile of nothing, Dems.
Cartoon by Michael Ramirez. (Thanks to the reader who sent this cartoon to me.)
ROFLMAO Tears running down my cheeks!!!
I thought something smelled "fishy" on Capitol (dung) Hill.
Great cartoon! More fertilizer for the White House garden, as if the current occupant doesn‘t emit bullshit enough.
When did this site become Obama-bashing headquarters?
Give it time. We won't overcome eight years of Bush/Cheney in a few months. It might take years
Note to 2:47
It just started today.
We have seen the Messiah....and he is not what we hoped and changed for. He has shown himself to be a fraud, a phoney and a reprobate.
You dig!!
Obama and the Democrats deserve to be Bashed. They spent more money ( incurred more debt for our grandchildren) in a few months than Bush managed in eight years. Obama extreme liberal ways have raise up a wellspring of anger in the country over how we are being governed and how little input we are being given to the process.
I suspect this is beginning of the bashing, not the end.
Anybody else getting tired of the excuse, "we won't overcome eight years of Bush-Cheney in a few months"? Nobody is buying that excuse anymore Bubba. This is Obama's mess and the pile is getting deeper by the day.
I guess our trolls don't realize that the Halfrican’s sick socialistic legislation is getting beaten down by our patriots. Trust them to utter cheap shots, and old talking points, when the future of our nation is at risk. Obama is a fraud, his whole campaign was a fraud, and the media helped a inept fraud get into office. This blog hasn’t changed much, we knew Obama was a fraud from the start.
Obama can't blame President Bush for this mess. Even the liberals have told him to give that old line up already. It is not presidential to piss and moan, but then Obama would not have a clue about what is presidential.
As the thuggery surrounding the lame duck becomes better known, it is horrifying to many that a thug is leading our country. ACORN nation is what he tried to make us, but the people are awake now, and the socialist Obama will become a thing of disgust.
This isn't the Obama Bashing headquarters, It's the McClatchy bashing blog with a side of Obama bashing...The Obama bashing HQ is over here...
or here...
or here...
or, Oh, I'll stop now, there's too friggin' many to list. Ya think the country is getting fed up with hope and change...I HOPE so.
Any time now, the so-called rev. Wright will inform us that Obama is half a ‘Whitey’, and that is why he failed. I see Zero was channeling his white half again in Colorado. Maybe the 'Change' he was talking about was his chameleon abilities in all 57 states, 51-57 being the real challenge.
Obama has surrounded himself with tax cheaters, actually ignorant professor types, crooks and thieves. His thug czars have to go. Whatever it takes, they have to go. Unelected czars that are not accountable to the people are dangerous to our freedom. After the health care plan, and cap and trade are defeated, the czars come next. Ready your battle stations, Obama hasn’t seen nothing yet!
O. One
B. Big
A. Ass
M. Mistake
A. America
8:18 That is a clever post. Who needs a comedy club? I get better laughs here.
And the hate continues here from the angry white men who cut-and-paste anti-Obama "news" and echo each other echoing far-right talk radio. Something is happening, and you don't know what it is, do you? Maybe you'd get a clue if you'd stop looking for someone or something to blame for the failures, real and perceived, in your lives.
When did this site become Obama-bashing headquarters?
January 20th. Don't like it? The KOS is looking for bots.
And the hate continues here from the angry white men who cut-and-paste anti-Obama "news" and echo each other echoing far-right talk radio.
Negro please. I am as Hispanic as they come and that was some funny shit.
"And the hate continues here from the angry white men who cut-and-paste anti-Obama "news" and echo each other echoing far-right talk radio."
How come the far left does not have talk radio...well I guess you could count NPR.
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