Thursday, August 20, 2009

Layoffs not enforced for managers???

This is bizarre: a reader says some McClatchy managers who were laid off are still working:

"Everyone at our paper has noticed this... All the managers that were getting "Let Go" are somehow still working. Some don't even have departments to run that they were managers of. It didn't matter about real workers who had been there for 20 years. I hope they crash and burn! No severance package laid off tomorrow."

Has anybody else seen this?


Anonymous said...

ya'll ever hear of loyalty in management? this here is loyalty to gross incompetence.

Anonymous said...

You go up to the Third Floor at a Sac Bee and the place looks like a scene from a post apocalyptic/zombie movie. Everything is empty, everything is quiet... here are no people.

And like a zombie movie there are many brain dead managers that roam the halls threatening everybody and trying to stay alive one more day by feeding on the brains of the hard working living.

You survive by trying to avoid the zombies. Hard to do with so many of them now searching the halls for a fresh kill.

It is a real fun place to work now.

Anonymous said...

Yet this site still gets comments from the zombies, telling us how lucky they are to be working for such a forward-thinking company. Are these the nincompoop managers sucking up to the last man/woman standing? My guess is yes.

Anonymous said...

It is a more common occurrence than most could ever imagine. Why do you think major corporations actually pay bonuses for subordinate management to fire people?

Very often people are eliminated via the elimination of the job itself. It looks good on paper to the home office but if it is the bosses friend, it is a simple matter to place the dud into another slot and no one is all the wiser.

It is not as common a practice in the corporate world as it is in government and public education but it does happen where ever there is incompetent management.

Anonymous said...

Damn, where's Mad Max when you need him? An entire floor empty? How can these inhuman monsters sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

Look, it's impossible to try and work with decay hanging over us every day. Management is a vulture gliding over the newsroom each day, waiting for more bodies to drop. It's sick and it's real. They don't have a problem sleeping at night. It's what they are - cowardly scavengers.

Anonymous said...

10:08 AM They look at you the very same way. In their mind, they are the brains behind the business and should therefore be protected.

You are simply a worker doing a function that any trained monkey can do. They think of you as a parasite because you are not gratefully laying down across the rail road tracks in the company's time of need. After all they did for you by creating your job, you would actually call for their heads.

How callous of you.

Anonymous said...

If management is the brains, the business currently is brain dead.

Anonymous said...

that crap is happening everywhere within mclatchy

Anonymous said...

People who took buyouts many months ago are still working at my shop. I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

many people at the charlotte observer at still working after buyouts as contractors or whatever they are calling them..this company is a joke.

Anonymous said...

"...this company is a joke..."

I hope you don't work for McClatchy. If you do, you are worse than a joke.