Miami Herald reporter Carol Rosenberg will continue to cover the U.S. military following an investigation into allegations by a Navy public affairs officer that she verbally abused and sexually harassed him at Guantánamo Bay.
In a letter Monday to the Pentagon, Miami Herald Vice President of Human Resources Elissa Vanaver wrote that the newspaper's internal investigation ‘‘did not find corroboration'' for the complaint of sexual harassment and abusive behavior made last month by Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon.
Herald executives interviewed military officials and journalists from other news outlets, some of whom had witnessed the incidents Gordon cited in his complaint. "We found some inconsistencies in [Gordon's] version of events," said Miami Herald Executive Editor Anders Gyllenhaal.
Rosenberg, a veteran military affairs writer with a reputation for aggressive reporting, said, "I have been heartened by an outpouring of support by both the uniformed military who have followed my coverage, and journalists who covered the story."
Gordon did not respond to requests for comment on Monday.
Col. David Lapan, Gordon's superior, said in an e-mail to The Miami Herald: "From the beginning, we have considered this a personnel matter, and it's unfortunate that it has become a news story."
On July 22, Gordon sent Gyllenhaal a formal complaint claiming Rosenberg had repeatedly degraded him in front of others. Gordon also complained that Rosenberg had insinuated that he is gay.
Her "vile and repulsive comments were not made in a lighthearted joking tone, but rather were delivered with harsh invective," Gordon wrote.
The written complaint, which is available on the Internet and has been a hot topic on blogs that follow the Guantánamo story, prompted dozens of people familiar with the sometimes-contentious relationship between Gordon and Rosenberg to contact The Herald in support of Rosenberg,
Gyllenhaal said.
"We even heard from generals," he added.
After weighing the evidence, Gyllenhaal said, "we could not help but conclude that this is a relationship between two people that has gotten off track."
Personality conflicts between government officials and the reporters assigned to ask them tough questions are not uncommon. News organizations rarely discipline reporters or take them off their beats under such circumstances.
In Monday's letter, Vanaver acknowledged that Rosenberg was guilty of ‘‘unnecessary profanity'' but promised "as she continues this assignment, she will place an emphasis on professionalism."
Hat tip: Romenesko
I can just see the McClatchy investigation:
"Hey none of you unbiased reporters heard "Butch" say that stuff huh?"
"Not us boss." "But we all hate that Bush guy"
"Great work guys, now back to work"
Carol Rosenberg will continue to cover the U.S. military following a Herald investigation into allegations by a Navy public affairs officer that she verbally abused and sexually harassed him at Guantanamo Bay. The paper told the Pentagon on Monday that its internal investigation "did not find corroboration" for the charges made by Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon.
Rosenberg told Gordon:
"Have you ever had a red hot poker shoved up your ass?
Have you ever had a broomstick shoved up your ass?
How would you know how it feels if it never happened to you?
Admit it, you liked it."
"routinely labeled my colleagues in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Justice Department, as well as her peers in the press, as 'bitches,' 'stupid,' 'lazy,' 'incompetent,' 'Nazis,' 'Saddam Hussein-like,' etc."
It was never going to come out in any other way. The Miami Herald once again proves that it has no business being in business. It is time for a widely publicized BOYCOTT of the Herald and McClatchy in general.
..Who expected a fair and balanced investigation from a McClatchy paper ? Nobody who reads it did.
Internal investigation from the Miami Herald...I feel better. Don't you?
This witewash job is nothing more than in invitation to agenda driven journalists to drive on.
As long as you have the right agenda.
I don't doubt for a moment that dozens of people supported Ms. Rosenberg's hate filled unprofessionalism. The Herald made no mention of the people who opposed it.
Their silence is priceless.
Interesting. They acknowledge that she is guilty of profanity but at the same time say it isn't so?
Rosenberg and the Herald reminds me of Lokeman and KC Scar. The Herald will probably not cut Rosenberg loose until she drives on three wheels.
No sane person believes the investigation results, how ridiculous of the Herald to print such nonsense. It’s like the Dan Rather forged documents investigation, unbelievable.
One thing about not being a credible source, the Herald doesn’t have to be credible, their liberal readers don’t care. The dopes that still read it, are looking for their socialist doctrine fix, and McClatchy never disappoints.
Hark, the Miami Herald stings.Its OK to call an officer a queen.
Profanity is just fine,
Get the story you have in mind!
Write any story with disortion rife!
Twist the truth just as you like.
In any case, support the dyke.
Just don't call it Herald hype!
"We even heard from generals," he added.
I would ask to see the comments from generals. I see the Obama thugs in this story already. The MSM is driving the final nails into their coffins. The Herald should have said they will not tolerate such foul language from a reporter, EVER. It is plainly disrespectful, and unprofessional. Instead they try to demean the military, yet again. Alinsky’s 101!
These types of reporters should not have jobs, which is another reason the public is shutting out the mainsteam media.
Ref: “The Herald made no mention of the people who opposed it.”
They rushed the investigation through before anyone had a chance to read the whole charge.
Ms. Rosenberg wrote hate filled articles, it was her standard MO. Where is the liberal chorus that labels everything unkind, hate filled? Oh, I forgot, she is a woman, that makes her downtrodden path to becoming a journalist the culprit for her meanness. We have to forgive her based on the fact that she is ‘entitled’.
We don't need no stinkin' credibility. We are the Miami Herald.
Anyone that says the crude things Rosenberg did, is just a gross human being. Why would anyone expect her to write differently? Just think about a male saying those exact same things to any female. The corrupted Herald is going down under the weight of these over-stuffed bigots. Rosenberg forgot about the saying, ‘People in glass houses….’
That picture of Rosenberg says it all for me. Geeez!
...Anyone that says the crude things Rosenberg did, is just a gross human being...
Not defending Rosenberg, but don't we read this kind of stuff daily on this blog, aimed at anyone the (usually) right-wing poster disagrees with?
I hope he sues the Herald for everything they're worth. Oh, let me rephrase that. I hope he sues the Herald for the value of their parking lot.
Not defending Rosenberg, but don't we read this kind of stuff daily on this blog, aimed at anyone the (usually) right-wing poster disagrees with?
No, but we hear you whine about it every day.
Here's a suggestion. Go someplace your thoughts are welcome. Like the Miami/Havana Herald....or the Gay Community News....or The Daily KOS. Stupid Marxist bitch.
Comments like those Ms Rosenberg made show up here seldom. When they do, it's often trolls.
As you sure you think the right standard of conduct for a professional journalist is the comment threat on a website?
We don't pretend to be unbiased or fair.
I am not protecting a "professional" status or some ethereal journalistic standard.
I suppose Ms. Rosenberg isn't either.
A classically trained professional journalist with the highest ethical standards, for sure.
Another reason liberals love McClatchy papers and are the only ones defending them. McClatchy is to liberals as silk is to worms... something that spins out of their assholes.
Anon 9:42 LMAO
///Stupid Marxist bitch.///
You just proved 9:06's point. And as 8:48 said, that makes you a gross human being.
///Sweetheart/// Are you comparing a blog comment to the crude things said by a so-called professional journalist? I am wondering if you realize you paid a compliment of sorts to the poster. You compared them as equals. You surprised me, and it was thrilling.
Generals supported the blob, yeah right! Would that be Wesley Clark by chance?
9:06 is simply applying Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’. Write as if you are one of the group, and then slam them. Nice try, but no cigar. Isn’t there something else to fill your time? How empty your life must be.
Anon 11:32 Spot on, and Thank you!!!
There is no greater cover-up than that done by the media protecting their own. Stalin is alive and well in the hearts and minds of all too many in the media and this appears to be just another such case.
Here is a woman who has served only herself. Who, in an official capacity representing her employer, used profanity in dealing with someone who has served his country with honor his entire adult life. Why is she still employed? Is this the best we can do to represent our corporation?
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