Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New and improved Star-Telegram web site up

Click here to see it.


Anonymous said...

The new website is broken at least on IE6 formating all over the place menus not working. Great job guys keep up the stellar work.

Anonymous said...

What we need to be discussing is the misguided practice of posting links that contribute to the delinquency of McClatchy.

Wouldn't it make much more sense to post links to cached copies and avoid direct links to the offensive sites that encourage them to continue their reprehensible and unethical business practices?

Links from sites such as MW account for literally thousands of hits either directly or indirectly everyday for McClatchy papers. As you know they are not above gimmicks and trickery to raise their hit count. Why would a site like MW contribute to helping them increase it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:30AM

Who cares about IE6? Microsoft themselves have gone on record saying they will no longer be supporting IE6, so why should the rest of the web development world.

Frankly I would encourage all people to download FireFox and completely do away with IE.

Anonymous said...

Because it's still a corporate standard at many large companies and upgrading is not an option, look at browser share statistics and you have just cut off a large portion of your audience. But that’s the attitude I would except from MNI

Anonymous said...

Because it's still a corporate standard at many large companies and upgrading is not an option, look at browser share statistics and you have just cut off a large portion of your audience. But that’s the attitude I would except from MNI


This is the attitude that you can expect from the web from this point forward. Major companies have jumped on the dump IE6 bandwagon.

Users and IT departments will no longer be able to claim "market share" which for most is less than 20% of the traffic.

The companies are no long devoting hours upon hours to support a browser that should have died a long time ago.

Evolve or die...why don't you upgrade? Well you are going to say because your IT department won't let you (your IT department is just lazy).

Can you save documents to your "My Documents" folder? Download Firefox or Chrome and tell it to install there and bypass your IT.

And if you complain to the ST...they will just slap one of these (http://www.ie6nomore.com/code-samples.html) on which corporate basically told them to do already.

Anonymous said...

"But that’s the attitude I would except from MNI"

This is the kind of grammar we can expect from conservatives.

If you use IE6 you don't matter. You don't matter now and you won't matter next week ... like all conservatives. Now get yourself back to watchin' Glenn Beck.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Glenn Beck, his TV ratings are up 99 percent from a year ago. Last Friday, for instance, Beck had 2.1 million viewers, compared to Chris Matthews anemic 580,000 on MSNBC and in the same time slot! Butt-kicking.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Chris Matthews is such a sourpuss, complaining, a-hole all the time. Beck is destroying him.

Anonymous said...

Most of the Windows NT 4.0 and 98 / 95 workstations at ST are still running IE6.

Anonymous said...

Read the comments, Broken Google maps key? http://www.star-telegram.com/804/story/1547281.html

Anonymous said...

Conservative thinking
Lazy IT staff

Both are keeping a way out of date browser in existence.

Say NO to IE!!!

Anonymous said...

Investment firms advertise on Matthews.

Scooter chairs advertise on Beck.

Quality over quantity any day.

Anonymous said...

Guess they had enough complaints probably from internal users to fix it. ST has plenty of IE 6 in the building.

Just want you guys to know that the site is not rendering correctly in IE6. We're working on it as quickly as we can. I hope everyone can be patient with us until we get the bugs out. Your feedback is very helpful toward that end.