A reader sent in some photos he took at Friday's Sacramento Tea Party.

I like one of the signs below: "Government does not solve problems, it subsidizes them."

All the signs look homemade, by the way.

I'm betting nobody in the crowd was getting paid, unlike the professional
Obama Care activists in Sacramento.

More photos
Since the local paper didn't bother to even cover this event...thanks! Local TV did cover it!!
More Tea Party pics, the homemade signs are really good.
Sacramento Tea Party Video just released-
August 28 Sacramento Tea Party Express, Complete with music.
The SacBee couldn't wait to write about any protest that targeted President Bush. The Code Pink loons were doing important work. The communists in the ‘non-coordinated’ war protests were just our neighbors. Cindy Sheehan got so much coverage when she was anti-Bush, but being anti-Obooma gets her nothing. These anti-Bush protests had thousands, but the tea parties have fewer participants than expected? What a sack of bullshit the Sac Bee is, and has always been.
FOX News Video - Sacramento Tea Party Express Launch
Various videos from Fox News available at the link. "Cross Country Protests" "Full Speed Ahead" "In debt for generations" "All Aboard"
It must irk Silly Bee to even mention the tea party protests. Being a hard leftist means ignoring the news contrary to your own narrow political view. Her swoon for Obama was sickening.
If not for Fox News, Americans protesting Obama’s socialist takeover would not realize how many they number. The liberal MSM’s blackout of town halls and tea parties is unbelievable. Fox News and conservative bloggers are our best hope to see coverage of our patriots in action. The biased media never ask if the town hall protesters are from ACORN or a union, isn’t that ridiculous?
Great sign:
We should start
And not electing
Them to
..All the signs look homemade, by the way...
Right. The big-bucks lobbying groups would never think of making the signs look homemade, and nobody would think of paying them to do it.
The unions and ACORN have to pay people to attend the tea party and town hall events. That's the difference, our patriots vs. the paid thugs. Obama knows the thugs well, but the patriots he sees as an unruly ignorant mob. What a complete duffus he is. He’ll end up just like Jimmah Carter, who was such a bad president, no one wanted to admit they voted for him.
The patriots we see in these pictures are the true Americans. If anything saves the USA, it will be these people who care enough to get up and do something.
Eagles Up!
I was there, without a sign...but those who had them had obviously made them.
I could be recognized by my Edelweiss suspenders. (I spent 30 yrs selling camera equipment and don't like being cameras pointed at me anymore)
The Bee did cover the story but downplayed it.
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