The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is slowly trimming its staff of tenured, veteran writers in an attempt to save money. The problem is, this loss of institutional knowledge can lead to more mistakes in reporting.
For instance, this story in the Startlegram’s weekly entertainment guide begins by asking the question, “Have you heard of Django Reinhardt?”
The writer then answers his own question by saying authoritatively that Reinhardt is an “acclaimed French/Belgian Gypsy guitarist, and he returns to Mount Crested Butte again Labor Day weekend (Sept. 5-6) for DjangoFest Colorado.”
Now that would be worth a trip to Colorado — Reinhardt is not only considered by many guitarists to be the greatest picker of all time, but he’s also been dead since 1953.
Hat tip: email
FWST hasn't had a decent reporter since Price left. GO JEFF!
(Indianapolis) RED Star Workers Swallow 10 Percent Pay Cut In New Contract (theindychannel.com)
INDIANAPOLIS -- The union representing newsroom and other employees at The Indianapolis Star has ratified a two-year contract that includes a 10 percent pay cut.
The Newspaper Guild Local 34070 said its members voted 56-45 on Tuesday in favor of the contract, which runs through August 2011 and suspends all merit pay increases.
The contract covers 170 editorial and building services employees.
Company officials have said the pay cut is necessary because of the recession.
Guild members in June voted overwhelmingly to reject a contract offer from the Gannett Co.-owned Star that called for 12 percent pay cuts.
The Star Media Group last month laid off 37 employees, including 17in the newsroom, as part of a national cost-cutting move by Gannett.
Still laughing at these blithering idiots. Good one!
If you go to Reinhardt's grave now and listen very, very carefully, you can hear him decomposing.
This is not surprising. Under the Wortel-Witt "leadership," journalism has become an afterthought. Their main objective is to continue to cut workers and costs while shipping $50 million a year in profit out of the community back to Sacramento to pay off incompetent Pru's debt. Quantity over quality, ads over journalism. Underpaid workers over skilled professionals.
Anon 12:32 Evil!! But LMAO (Grim)
Have you ever seen Weekend at Bernie's? Ya never know...
You wouldn't believe how many times people in the community tell former employees how bad the S-T has become. I just tell them that McClatchy has bills to pay and they plan to do it by squeezing every last drop of blood from the paper.
I also tell them that unless you like articles in DFW.com about "Where to Find the Best Local Hamburger," or "How to Find a One-Night Stand," management couldn't care less what you think.
I think they listen to NPR radio. There was an article recently about a musician who rediscovered Django's unique style and has "resurrected" it. Thankfully he hasn't resurrected Mr. Reinhardt. Guess that's what you get with one ear on the radio and the other on the police scanner with a short staff.
Next week: Les Paul in concert.
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