It all started when Barnhart claimed he received an email from FOX News PR folks saying that host Glenn Beck was going to talk about a controversial topic on his show. Barnhart promptly "tweeted" that information which was picked up the Huffington Post and by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, who quoted Barnhart in a nasty diatribe attacking Beck.
However, FOX staffers said they never sent the email to Barnhart. In fact, they publicly demanded that he produce the email to show he was not lying.
At first Barnhart tried to laugh it off... That tactic did not work well.
Now Barnhart has a simple explanation on his blog: He received the email, but deleted it.
"Apologies to my media friends who have inquired this week and gotten the brush-off from me, because what we were talking about was this inconvenient little truth: I deleted the email!" explained Barnhart on his site.
Game, set, match to FOX News staffers...
Below is the "raising fears" tweet.

Photo credit: Bottom Line Communications
...this thread is a 'tempest in a teapot'...
Behold: The email is found.
Sorry, folks.
That is an advertisement not a PR release. Barnhart is a low life lying piece of shit. He always has been and always will be. It's what he and Pork Chop have in common.
This Barnhart guy sounds like a douche.
Note that I did not say that he IS a douche -- merely that he sounds like one.
As far as I can tell, he never said it was a press release. He said Fox PR sent him an email talking about Beck's show, which this appears to be.
One way or another Mr Barnhart's intention was to mislead and when caught he attempted to laugh it off, then lie and now justify what he knew to be dishonest and slanderous act.
His actions were not only unethical, they were childish and immature. Exactly what we have come to expect from him and his peers who pollute the gene pool of journalism.
I am going to create a virtual e-dog that you can blame for eating your homework, e-mails or any other embarrassing thing you need to explain away.
You can use any online version of any McClatchy news site to help house break the e-puppy.
Only $19.95 if you order now. But wait! There's more.... if you are among the next 15,000 callers you will also get a free health care policy from Obama Of Omaha absolutely free and your children and grand children and great grand children will be overjoyed to pay for it forever.
Barnhardt lied.
Any journalist with a shred of professional pride would not minimize the offense. He has been caught lying, making up a false fact because it was convenient to his point of view. Now everything he writes, and everything the Star publishes is suspect. He lies and the paper condones it.
Now, it's too early to say he lied. According to him Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy saw the email, but they left before the cameras got there. Just as soon as they get back, he'll have his proof.
Barnhart is a wuss who censored any negative comments about himself from his blog and doesn't appear to even allow comments any more. Anyway, just another Star liar, one of many.
Bitter much, John?
MW has yet to write about Barnhart finding the email. Is it because this was a Friday afternoon story, or because Barnhart's excuse refutes this blog's disdain for all things McClatchy?
Bitter? Yes. I will always wonder how much better our community would be with an honest newspaper instead of this filthy handmaiden to corruption.
On to Barnhart. It would seem that he did indeed come up with the email. Good for him. Does that change my opinion of him, or The Star. No.
The Star has a reputation for deceitfulness and dishonesty. Were it otherwise, Barnhart would have had the benefit of the doubt to begin with. I've also got a few emails of correspondence from Mr. Barnhart that show him for the egotistical Stalinist that he is.
So, did he lie on this occasion? Perhaps not, but its like discovering that Ted Bundy didn't kill his alleged 37th victim, it doesn't make up for everything else he and The Star does to denigrate and embarrass our community.
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