Monday, November 9, 2009

Cartoon of the day

Cartoon by Scott Stantis


Anonymous said...


Carrie Prejean demanded more than a million dollars during her settlement negotiations with Miss California USA Pageant officials -- that is, until the lawyer for the Pageant showed Carrie an XXX home video of her handiwork.

The video the lawyer showed Carrie is extremely graphic and has never been released publicly. We know that, because TMZ obtained the video months ago but decided not to post it because it was so racy. Let's just say, Carrie has a promising solo career.

We're told it took about 15 seconds for Carrie to jettison her demand and essentially walk away with nothing. As we first reported, the Pageant is paying around $100,000 to her lawyers and publicist -- a fraction of her bills. She pockets nothing in the settlement.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

too true

Anonymous said...

Why the venom for this woman? What was her offense?

Anonymous said...

11:33... we have to hate her because she has the same opinion of gay marriage that Obama does.

Anonymous said...

Nasty witch.

Can't have anyone expressing an idea that does not line up the the approved line can we.

Must be destroyed at any cost!

Nice to see what liberalism really looks like. It's a good reminder of what it really means to be a liberal...full of anger, hate and self loathing with no limits on what you will do or say to gain an advantage.

Anonymous said...

Ha, the U.S. will be lucky to see unemployment return to 5% in 5 years, and in reality it'll probably be a decade and we'll be lucky in hell if the dollar doesn't crash and burn.

Anonymous said...

I pride myself on being open minded and not jumping to conclusions (unless it is about police officers in Cambridge) so I am not going to speculate on Ms. Prejean and any sex tape that may or may not exist.

I want proof. For verification and research reasons only of course.

Anonymous said...

Why would a random stranger post about a woman's private tape? Does this have anything to do with a political agenda...NO. It's just an attempt to destroy an opponent and to frighten others.
We have a focused look at how the liberals work. If you dare to oppose their agenda, they will stop at nothing to destroy you. One might think that the openminded liberal would have no problem with a private sex tape, but no. All of a sudden, they have become puritans.

Anonymous said...

Always remember the McClatchy motto:

"The power to spin the truth."