Effective immediately I will preview comments before allowing them to be posted, due to a rash of annoying comments meant to disrupt the blog.
Some sock puppet -- a left-winger posing as a racist Republican -- posted a slew of comments meant to disrupt the blog. Apparently what sent this adolescent over the edge was this post from today with a cartoon depicting Obama as Erkle.
No, this change has nothing to do with readers who have left critical comments about me or the blog, as one anonymous comment -- the sock puppet? -- claimed.
I assume I'll go back to un-moderated comments after a while, once this mental midget finds something else to do. Thanks for your patience and thanks to the 99% of readers who leave good comments.
How about an IP address for said sock puppet. I have my suspicions on who the individual is and narrowing it down to a geographical area would help to confirm it.
2:30 If the disruption continues I'll publish the IP address and the more information..
You know these liberals will never believe you unless you publish the information and the offender's IP address. Here's the opportunity to demonstrate once and for all that the racists who have posted on here were all liberals.
Yep, we shouldn't have to suffer because of this fool. Publish his comments listing his IP address and then contact his service provider to see if the allow people to post racist comments online. I'm betting it's a violation of their use policies.
7:04 John, I'm making an effort to track where the racist comments are coming from.
Good, track he/she/it down. Advise their ISP and anyone else you can find about their racist rantings. You have to assume that they meant what they said even if they tried to throw the blame elsewhere.
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