Friday, November 6, 2009

Hey!... time to send some money to McClatchy Watch

It's been about a year since I asked readers for donations, and I'm overdue. So today I'm asking you to donate. If you get something out of this blog, send some money my way by clicking the Pay Pal button below. Seriously: don't think about contributing, just contribute. Start by clicking the button below.

$10 or $20 -- or more -- will be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Donation made. Thank you M-watch

Anonymous said...

uh, no

RR said...

Marxist? Socialist? Politically extreme diatribes? I don't care what side you're on for those. I don't believe I will send any money. In fact, the editorials have become so unthoughtful and are losing any credibility. I'll just check for the employee dirt occasionally and ignore the rest.

By the way, it's the N&O Dwayne Powell worked for, not the Star. Fact checking 101.

Anonymous said...

Not making enough on all ur Ads?

Anonymous said...

Groan. When you and many of your readers support a guy who blew out the national debt (5.8 trillion to 11.2 trillion, much of it owed to China) to fund a war started over misinformation ... let's just say I think y'all need to get it together. Nonetheless, I *will* contribute. I visit the blog frequently... and have little doubt Pruitt himself does, too.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

TruthHurts001 said...

"By the way, it's the N&O Dwayne Powell worked for, not the Star. Fact checking 101."

Dwane does not have a "y" in his name.

Fact checking 101.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding....

Anonymous said...

This site is like porn on the internet. Only a fool pays for it.

TruthHurts001 said...

"This site is like porn on the internet. Only a fool pays for it."

Do you agree that only a fool would pay for a McClatchy site?

And if so, then McClatchy sites are like internet porn...right?

Anonymous said...

This isn't porn? No wonder I can't get off to it.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How about putting up a pay wall and make people pay to come read it? It doesn't matter what you charge for this uniformed, opinionated crap, 11:57 would be your only reader. He/she wouldn't have a life otherwise.

You have no business here but you might get some beer money from a few sheep.

If the number of MW unique users included every current and former MNI employee, you would only have 15,000 - 20,000 users (which you don't). You may have 10% of that if you're very lucky. Care to share your stats?

This blog will forever be a hobby. If you sucker some in to donating, they are more stupid than I thought.

Anonymous said...

How does begging fit into capitalism? Why should I redistribute my wealth to help this blog?

Sounds like ... SOCIALISM!