Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hilarious: AP assigns 11 reporters to "fact-check" Palin's book, and they still get it wrong

Do you remember the AP assigning reporters to "fact check" either of Obama's books? I don't. Anyway, the AP is focusing like a laser on Palin's book and not doing it well.

If you wonder why American newspapering is dying, consider this sign-off:

"AP writers Matt Apuzzo, Sharon Theimer, Tom Raum, Rita Beamish, Beth Fouhy, H. Josef Hebert, Justin D. Pritchard, Garance Burke, Dan Joling and Lewis Shaine contributed to this report."

Wow. That's ten "AP writers" plus Calvin Woodward, the AP writer whose twinkling pen honed the above contributions into the turgid sludge of the actual report. That's 11 writers for a 695-word report. What on? Obamacare? The Iranian nuke program? The upcoming trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

No, the Associated Press assigned 11 writers to "fact-check" Sarah Palin's new book, and in return the 11 fact-checkers triumphantly unearthed six errors. That's 1.8333333 writers for each error. What earth-shattering misstatements did they uncover for this impressive investment? Stand well back.

Click here for the rest.

Hat tip: Sister Toldjah


Anonymous said...

Would I be wrong in guessing they only assigned 11 reporters because the rest were busy looking into some of the statements Vice President (one heartbeat away) Biden has made? Or maybe they are finally looking into the Kerry-Cambodia-Christmas thingy.

I know they aren't doing their truth to power thing with ACORN or Bill Ayers or Jeremiah Wright or any of the "Czars" The One has appointed.

Naw... just doing some fine unbiased journalism by those blessed with a classic journalism education and the highest sense of ethics.

Kevin Gregory said...

1:20 heh

Anonymous said...

Great Thread!!!!

T. D. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Anything written by AP has a value of one notch beneath Mad Magazine.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind, CNN fact-checked a comedy skit on Saturday Night Live that criticized Obama for not getting anything done as president.

Kevin Gregory said...

10:04 Ha!... I forgot about that one.

Bradley J. Fikes said...

AP's alleged fact check of Palin is comically pathetic. With 11 writers assigned to find errors, AP felt obliged to come up with something, no matter how far-fetched.

Anonymous said...

Palin just brings out the full tilt Bozo in the left. It's something magical but she pisses them off in a way that is completely unique. They go completely nuts at the mention of her name.
One way to see how dedicated a news outlet is to the left is the level of anti Palin vitriol.

Anonymous said...

Well, this justifies everything that's been said and written about our biased mainstream media. They should have sent these 11 bozos to investigate ACORN and the SEIU.

Anonymous said...

Assigning 11 reporters is crazy. You don't need that many. I'd just defer to the McCain camp that said most of the stuff in her book about her VP run was fiction.