Saturday, November 7, 2009

McClatchy/Palin 2008 flashback: McClatchy reporter says, "most of us don't like her"

Before publication of Sarah Palin's book, I'm doing a retrospective on how the media -- especially McClatchy -- has treated Sarah Palin. Below is the 3rd in this series -- a McClatchy Watch post from September 1, 2008.

This doesn't surprise me. Gregg Erickson, a reporter who covers Sarah Palin for McClatchy's Anchorage Daily News, says most reporters don't like Sarah Palin. Via Huffington Post:
A reporter for the Anchorage daily, Gregg Erickson, even did an online chat with the Washington Post, in which he revealed that Palin's approval rating in the state was not the much-touted 80%, but 65% and sinking -- and that among journalists who followed her it might be in the "teens."

Erickson confesses 65% of Alaskan voters approve of Palin but less than 20% of journalists do. This is Dog Bites Man stuff -- plenty of studies show journalists are out of step with most Americans. I've blogged about this problem before.

Previous Palin flashback: .


Anonymous said...

Oh, please. Another whiny bit about the media not liking Sarah Palin. How about a whiny bit about how the conservatives don't like Obama. Or how McClatchy watch doesn't like McClatchy.
Be they liberals or conservatives, a crybaby is a crybaby. Grow a set, why dont you.

Anonymous said...

10:14... grow a set? From a metrosexual liberal? Grow a set? Hilarious.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I can't believe we're still wasting our breath talking about that ignorant, ignorant woman.

You don't need to be a liberal to dislike her. You just need to have half a brain.

You betcha.

Anonymous said...

The libs better get used to her, she's going to kick Obama's ass in the next election.

Anonymous said...

Yes, her unbelievable power was recently demonstrated in upstate New York.

Anonymous said...

While Obama's was demonstrated in Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the awesome demonstration of The One's power in New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

Please nominate her. Please. As a lifelong Democrat, I beg you. We couldn't do better.

Hell, she may be a secret agent for us.

Anonymous said...

Please, Please nominate Palin. It'll be the biggest loss for the Republicans since they nominated Goldwater in 1964.

Anonymous said...

If she does get nominated you assholes in the liberal media are probably not going to be around to do your classically trained professional journalistic BS this time around.

Anonymous said...

Today she claimed the Democrats are screwing with the nation's coins! What's next? Protocols of the Elders of Zion? The Trilateral Commission? Attacks on iodized water?

Pleeeeeease nominate her.

Anonymous said...

I love how she makes these socialists pee themselves.

Anonymous said...

What in the world does growing a set have to do with dis-liking Palin. Is there a reason that the liberals reach for a sexual slur so quickly? Inadequacy? Anger? Self loathing?

Anonymous said...

There is something about Palin that just sets off the liberals in a special way. It's like she has a direct pipe into the liberal hate reactor. Their irrational hatred for Palin does tell us a lot about their fear of simple direct speech, clear thinking and traditional values. She sends the slime machine into overdrive.
Why else would there be a 60% spread in approval ratings for Palin among real people and liberal,pansy journalists?

Anonymous said...

They hate REAL Women

Anonymous said...

5:26 -- The "pansy journalists" you're referring to publish their opinions under their real names, rather than anonymously in the middle of the night.

Simple and direct enough for you, idiot?

Anonymous said...

9:12... no that's not quite right. Close. Journalists reporting "news" stories do so under a byline and, in fact, most of the time their "news" reporting would qualify for opinion reporting.

However, very few editorials, where opinion is suppose to be expressed, are signed by an individual in any paper.

Anonymous said...

No risk to a journalist to hate Palin. No risk at all.

Anonymous said...

Maybe "set-less" would have helped you see the connection to the first post, light weight.

Anonymous said...

No, I love Palin. Really love her. Please nominate her. Please o please o please.

Go rogue!

paweinberger said...

She's a quitter who sold out for the money. Palin is simply not qualified to hold public office. Fox should just hire her to keep up their ratings.

Anonymous said...

Larry Flynt is doing pretty well with "Nailin' Palin." I think that bit of cinema speaks to the secret of her esteem among conservative suffering from male menopause.

Go Palin in 2012 and stop fluoridated water! Wake up, America!

Anonymous said...

Larry Flynt. Right. Mainstream boy there.
There is something about Sarah Palin that just makes the liberals go screaming crazy.
This thread proves it.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's the moderates you have to worry about. They hate her, too. Actually, pretty much everyone hates her except you weirdos.

But, like I say, I encourage you to work hard for her nomination. Where can I send a donation?

Anonymous said...

Palin is a loser, look at the results of the upstate NY house race. She claims to hold the family in high esteeme, who takes care of the baby? If the GOP runs Gingrich/Palin, Huckbee/Palin, Perry/Palin, or any other two right wing nuts they will go down to a defeat worst than Goldwater in 1964.The defacto leader of the GOP(Limbaugh)wants the "ditto head" sheep that follows his insanity, to flush and purge the party of moderates and rinos. He will have nothing left but old southern whites. In the last election, Republicans lost Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Gays, Labor, Independents, Females and the Youth of the nation. The changing demographics are changing the political climate. The electorate will no longer stand for an obstructionist party of NO.