Talk about a visual. This chart shows the
8:00 PM long-term trend for cable news, from January 2008 through the first week of November 2009. O'Reilly is the red line, Olbermann is the blue line. Nancy Grace (HLN) is orange, and Campbell Brown (CNN) is the green. O'Reilly is demolishing his competition.
I would have to argue that intelligent people don't watch infotainment at all.
Before scrolling, I assumed the thread was going to be about some talking points.
(Smile) But the graph is all I need to see...Thank you!
O'Reilly vs olberman.
Predator vs Alian
Sill(DNC) vs Real News
Sac Bee's news boss Melanie Sill admits blatant bias in editorial today:
"There's no dispute that The Bee has a liberal editorial page on most issues, though not all matters, and has mostly endorsed Democrats.
We won't change our editorial philosophy to placate critics."
Go get em Sweetie!
That would be the quickest loss of any argument ever made in the history of debate. In fact, it is completely indefensible.
Just because leftists air talent that support completely ludicrous, intentionally bizarre and self depreciating content doesn't make them unintelligent as their overall agenda requires the acceptance of the absurd as the norm.
It is also not a refection of the intelligence of all those who watch, as a measurable percentage watch for the sole purpose of bearing witness to the next level of absurdity that will be presented. It is no different than the attraction that almost all humans have in seeing the end result of a car wreck, an airplane crash or a murder. It is something you don't often see and leftists are acutely aware that saturation of even the most hideous ideals will eventually become the norm if they can only continue to raise the level of what is considered unacceptable.
What one can take comfort in however, is the fact that the chart represents an executive producers worst nightmare. Not just a wholesale loss of viewers in leftist media, but a mass migration directly from the leftist propaganda outlets to one that presents opposing ideologies allowing the viewer to determine which they would support.
Actually 12:27 most people don't watch O'Reilly, Obermann, Hannity, etc. Their audience pales in comparison to Dancing With The Stars, American Idol, CSI, etc.
12:58 You're absolutely correct, but that doesn't diminish the overwhelming rejection of these far left weasels like Reichsfuhrer Obermann. Indeed, it reinforces these glorifications of America and American culture, real American culture, not the Stalinist wet dreams of the far left.
John, Bravo!!!
Actually 12:27 most people don't watch O'Reilly, Obermann, Hannity, etc. Their audience pales in comparison to Dancing With The Stars, American Idol, CSI, etc.
This point addresses the argument that intelligent people do not watch infotainment at all, exactly how?
While it is true that Obermann's audience does indeed pale in comparison to, "free" broadcast network television it is reflective of only one thing. Broadcast Network television is more widely available and readily accessible, free of charge to even the dregs of society.
Please do not attempt to make the argument that being cheap, poor, institutionalized or geographically isolated somehow makes a person intelligent.
7:37 Obermann's audience pales in comparison to O'Reilly's. Did you miss that in your haste to express your elitism?
While I don't know, I doubt that many people have switched from Olberman to O'Reily. More likely those who watched MSNBC in the past are increasingly discouraged by what they see and people who were tuned out of cable news have started to focus on the issues as Obama's real agenda becomes more evident.
People WHO VOTE watch cable news channels. The "Dancing With the Stars" crowd has to be bussed to the polls and needs ACORN help to make their mark.
There is no race in cable news - Fox destroys all its competitors and is widening the gap weekly. America is wising up and Fox is the only cable news outlet that dares challenge Obama and his Chicago goon squad.
O'Reilly's East and West coast feeds are even beginning to beat CBS News with Katie Couric!! Network news just doesn't lose to cable news because not everybody has cable. Well, until now.
When O'Reilly pulls 4 or 5 million viewers, that's equivalent to 15 to 18 million in network prime time. Extremely impressive. Meanwhile Olbermann and Maddow celebrate with Dom when they hit a lowly 1 million viewership audience.
it ain't a competition until Olbermann beats O'Reilly and that just ain't gonna happen. look for msnbc to pull the plug on its weeknight talk thugs. nobody watches these woeful embarrassments to cable news.
I like to check in on Maddow, Matthews and Olbermann for laughs. The bull they spew with a straight (sometimes red) face is hilarious. They have to be reading off the official DNC TelePrompTer.
I think it was August of 1991. I always prided myself that I could sort out the wheat from the chaff on the network news shows, but I began listening to Limbaugh and found that there was no wheat. They were simply shills for Clinton, and bad ones at that.
Limbaugh used to have a policy of putting liberals on first (don't know if he does anymore, don't listen as much) and I found out that I could learn more about the both perspectives from listening to his show than I could from any of the nightly network propagandacasts. They simply had nothing to offer. I turned them off and haven't seen one since.
I can't tell you what Perkie Katie does and don't care. How many times do you have to be lied to, or have the stories you're interested in spiked by these Stalinist pigs before you stop wasting your time and use it more productively listening to people who will give you that information?
Calling FOX "news" on the right is like calling Granma or the Chinese Information Ministry "news" on the left. Shameless party-sponsored lies and garbage that makes people feel warm and fuzzy about being Americans/Cubans/Chinese.
Oh, yeah, doesn't Rupert Murdoch own the satellite networks in China that distribute the commie party lines through television? Looks like the free economy and free markets are only for free evil trillionaire Australians. Ah, if that isn't the American dream! I wonder how Roger Ailes feels about that, though I suspect I know.
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