Thursday, November 19, 2009

Report: newspaper industry ad revenue fell 28% in third quarter from a year ago

Third quarter newspaper ad revenue fell 28% compared to a year ago.

U.S. newspaper industry ad revenue, helped by a slowdown in the drop of print ad sales, fell 28 percent in the third quarter, Newspaper Association of America data show. It was a narrower decline than the previous period.

Industrywide ad revenue fell to $6.44 billion from $8.94 billion a year earlier, according to figures released today by the Arlington, Virginia-based trade group. Total ad sales plunged 29 percent in the second quarter.

“The broad consensus is that the worst has passed,” NAA Chief Executive Officer John Sturm said in a statement. “These numbers are inline with most expectations.”

Click here for the full story.
I didn't know there was a "broad consensus" that the worst has passed, as John Sturm claims.



Anonymous said...

Silly ideas about what constitutes broad consensus is what happens when you live in an ideological mono-culture. It's part of the foundational problem in the news...a lack of intellectual diversity in the hothouse. It's why they can't begin to grasp why half of the population holds them in contempt.

Anonymous said...

Happy dance, happy dance!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Obama lying about the deficit and saying the country is on the right track for recovery. Did anybody see the actual unemployment figures in this country, 17.5 percent. Don't believe anything you read or hear from the mainstream media.

Anonymous said...

obama lies, cheney lovers die

no wait, this is the way it goes:

bush lied, u.s. soldiers died

guess this 'ol marine will keep reading the newspapers

Anonymous said...

Hang in there man... someone has to be the last newspaper reader in America. It might as well be you.

Anonymous said...

Keep believing that "broad consensus"along with some of those other liberal fantasies.

Anonymous said...

And the good news it that it wasn't all that great a year ago so a 28% drop from lousy is somewhere on the scale between dismal and panic.

Anonymous said...

"the worst has past" .... until the numbers come out for next quarter.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the employees who got slashed in the 3rd quarter...and the newest group to join their alumni in the 4th quarter