This photo shows Pearl Harbor survivor Houston James of Dallas embracing Marine Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr. during a Veterans Day commemoration in Dallas. Graunke lost a hand, a leg and and eye when he was injured by a bomb in Iraq last year. (AP Photo)
This photo, inspiring as it is, is not from this Veterans Day. It has been bouncing around the net for years. Just look at the camo pattern on the man in the rear. That is the Woodland pattern on his BDUs. Neither the uniform nor the camo pattern have been used in many years.
A DMZ vet
It is an inspiring photo. A very different welcome from what our soldiers received when they returned from Vietnam.
The DMZ Vet is correct. I have had this amazing picture in my cell phone photo log for at least three years.
According to Fallen Patriot Fund, the young Marine Staff Sergeant Graunke was assigned to the 1st EOD Platoon, 7th Engineer Support Battalion out of Camp Pendleton, Calif.
He lost his left hand, left eye, right leg above the knee, his right thumb and index finger, and hearing in his left ear when a bomblet exploded in his hands during his work as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician on July 2, 2003.
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