Big Journalism will be run by former Time Magazine staffer Michael Walsh, who is also a former journalism professor and film & television professor at Boston University. Walsh and Breitbart met at a casual gathering of like-minded people and hit it off. When Breitbart made the decision to launch a new site covering journalism, he says that Walsh was first person that came to his mind. The fact that Walsh is a media veteran going back to the early 70s didn’t hurt, he said.
Walsh and Breitbart share a similar distaste for the day-to-day work of “institutional journalists.” In an interview, the new editor of Big Journalism boiled down the mission of the site thusly: “Our goal at Big Journalism is to hold the mainstream media’s feet to the fire. There are a lot of stories that they simply don’t cover, either because it doesn’t fit their world view, or because they’re literally innocent of any knowledge that the story even exists, or because they are a dying organization, short-staffed, and thus can’t cover stuff like they did before.”
“Big Journalism will be the go-to site for solidly backed-up stories, sharp points of view, and really great writing,” he said. We are defenders of the First Amendment and resolute enemies of political correctness. That’s the key to the site’s philosophy.”
Hat tip: Patterico
Gee, I wonder how he’ll screen out all the leftist filth, hat in hand, coming to him for a job with their leftist Zero bumper stickers freshly torn from their cars and fingers crossed lying about being unbiased urinalists?
5:23 AM Well, I will tell you how we do it. First we require examples of their editorial work AND reporting. Once given that we file it away and go find examples other than what they submit. We read these.
Secondly, we require their DD214 or a reference from someone who has one. If they don't know what a DD 214 is, too bad, so sad.
Third.. Former employer. The name says it all and if they are from the local paper the short list of acceptable trainees is already known.
Fourth...Education If they graduated from a Left Coast, Ivy League, New England, upper Midwest, or electively segregated university they are automatically disqualified. If their degree contains the words Master of, Columbia, or Juris Doctor, they are shown the back exit via freight elevator.
Hope this helps.
LMAO Thank you, very informative!
He'll have a difficult time finding honest journalists. The current ‘Fringe’ scribblers are out after forfeiting their profession to elect a fraud. Anon 6:47 is correct, don't look at j-school grads for unbiased reporting. Breitbart needs to home school his reporters, and then watch them like a hawk. At some point the so-called journalists we suffer now were honest people. Well, maybe not.
These so-called fair and honest journalists are so deep in leftist thought they don't even realize they're biased. They think that's the way it is. They look at you with shock if you bring up they may have been unfair in a story. They're beyond help as is the industry. It has rotted from within.
Wanna bet the CFO of this outfit does not come from the ranks of unemployed community organizers. Smart people hire people with actual real world experience.
Dumb voters do not.
If Breitbart is behind it, you can be assured of a success.
Look out HuffPo - Breitbart is going to kick yo ass!
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