Monday, December 21, 2009

Another spam attack at the Kansas City Star web site

Above is a screen grab of spam taken from the comments section at Prime Buzz last night.  It's happened several times in the past few days.


Anonymous said...

Spam? I thought it was Gary cooking up additional web hits so he could charge advertisers more

Anonymous said...

The spam is probably self induced. After 12 continuous comments about how awful the Scar really is, the spamwow machine takes over to cover the disgust of even the few remaining, totally misinformed, readers.

John Altevogt said...

Well, by their definition, the spammers are now "subscribers" and all those hits do add to the total.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Let IT take care of it.

Anonymous said...

My Arabic keyboard is on the blink mates, but the hit count is healthy!