This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
What.. you jokers think it's easy forcing a Marxist dictatorship on free people? Of course there is going to be a "blip" in his popularity and it will probably continue until the the appropriate reeducation and political reorientation camps are set up.
In other news, there will be a league softball meet next Tuesday between the "students" from Gulag Axelrod and Gulag Rahm Emanuel. Chicago style betting is discouraged.
All persons with free ACORN passes are encouraged to arrive early and wear your favorite Obama tee shirt. Also, please remember to wear your official ACORN badge so people don't confuse you with classically trained professional journalists who will also be wearing their Obama tee shirts.
Oops, I hiccuped. Even if 3 Wheel is looking strung out she'd have to look better than she did in the PBS picture of her that looks like someone snatched her grill. And it's always good to have access to both your Bible and your rifle in this day and age.
Lowest level ever on one poll released today. That's change we CAN believe in!
1:04 heh
What.. you jokers think it's easy forcing a Marxist dictatorship on free people? Of course there is going to be a "blip" in his popularity and it will probably continue until the the appropriate reeducation and political reorientation camps are set up.
In other news, there will be a league softball meet next Tuesday between the "students" from Gulag Axelrod and Gulag Rahm Emanuel. Chicago style betting is discouraged.
All persons with free ACORN passes are encouraged to arrive early and wear your favorite Obama tee shirt. Also, please remember to wear your official ACORN badge so people don't confuse you with classically trained professional journalists who will also be wearing their Obama tee shirts.
Speaking of classically trained professional journalists, our favorite former scribbler, is coming up on her one year DUI anniversary.
Haven't seen her out and about for awhile. I heard she is looking really strung out these days.
I say we cling to ur bibles and rifles!
Say, when is ol 3 Wheel Lokeman due in court? Are they having trouble getting a judge they can buy? Can't imagine that in KCMO.
Say, when is ol 3 Wheel Lokeman due in court? Are they having trouble getting a judge they can buy? Can't imagine that in KCMO.
Oops, I hiccuped. Even if 3 Wheel is looking strung out she'd have to look better than she did in the PBS picture of her that looks like someone snatched her grill. And it's always good to have access to both your Bible and your rifle in this day and age.
You know what we call politicians who attack bibles and rifles?
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