Miami Herald executive editor Anders Gyllenhaal says the Herald has received "an encouraging steam of gifts" ranging from $2 to $55 in response to requests for donations on the Herald's site.
Can't help but notice he didn't disclose the total amount given, or the number of donors.
Update: as of 4:40 EST, the Herald article still has Anders saying "steam" instead of "stream".
Rumor has it, Anders stands out on the street ring a bell saying, “Alms for the poor.”
How many of those $2 gifts comes from employees hoping to last a few weeks longer? If you think about it, he offered no statistics. Employees could hijack this last gasp ‘Hope’ for a future, with a pittance. Not a bad return when a panicked executive editor is grasping at straws.
More like a Salvation Army bell ringer. And shouldn't it be "stream of gifts?"
Democrats will pay to keep their Miami mouthpiece afloat for the next election. Campaign propaganda for free is too good to let pass. No doubt the Democraps will try to steal something from the “Sucker Package” as well. However, the American people are becoming very aware of the dishonest media. We literally have a ringside seat for the deathwatch of the MSM.
What constitutes a stream of gifts I wonder? Where is our ‘show me the proof’ troll when we need him?
Keep ringing that bell, Anders.
Dart board methodology and blind optimism when newspapers have shed nearly 31,000 jobs in just the last two years. Read more at Newspaper Death Watch.
"In the category of blind optimism, you can also include the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It forecasts that the newspaper industry will lose 25% of its jobs over the next eight years, making it the seventh fastest shrinking job market in the US during that time. The bureau doesn’t explain its methodology, but we suspect that a dart board is involved. The newspaper industry has shed 45% of its jobs since the 2001 peak and nearly 31,000 and just the last two years, according to the amazing Erica Smith.
There is nothing on the horizon from a demographic, economic or competitive standpoint that suggests a turnaround in the business so the BLS forecast of a roughly 3% annual decline over the next eight years strikes us as a bit optimistic. Perhaps the prospect of an end to the suffering of the last 18 months is sparking some irrational exuberance."
he actually wrote "steam" and the top editor is never wrong
I thought he was talking about turds?
Steam instead of stream. Is that like coporate bigwigs instead of corporate bigwigs?
It goes to show that even when an executive editor hits "spellcheck" and it finds a correctly spelled word (steam), it doesn't represent what was actually meant.
3 cheers for the computer age replacing actual proofreading. Just wait until such editing is outsourced to folks who use a different dialect of "english"
Many can't even speak English. We're doomed in this country.
Would the paper tolerate an executive saying that there was a great "stream" of gifts without naming a number?
I doubt it.
Without a fact here, it's just spin.
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