Dan Perrin explains here. This is great news for the tens of millions of Americans who want to keep their existing health plans and who oppose rationing of health care. And great news for Americans who don't want the national debt to skyrocket.
Let it implode and then start over with ideas that make sense and are more affordable. Why hurry through a diasterous plan? Oh, right, the upcoming elections when the Dems are booted out.
With the Democrats now running for cover, I’d like to see McClatchy’s DeathCare spin over the next five or so days
ObamaCare aka HarryCare
There is a growing list of Dems that have decided to not run again in 2010. They cite the angry mobs of "Teabaggers" as the reason. Also Senator Blanche Lincoln as come to regret her responses as well. Bye Buh drones.
HarryCare aka Hara-kiri
Let's hope common sense holds and the Senate can't get the votes!!! It's not going to hurt to allow even several more months into thinking this catastrophe through before making very important decisions. Show some guts Dems and don't throw your vote and re-election away to make Obama happy.
What an ass-kicking this would be for Obummer. He'd have to down-grade that B+ he gave himself for accomplishments to date. What a buffoon.
Defeating this bankrupt health care bill would mean a victory for the will of the people. We don't want this expensive change in our health coverage. We've made it clear in polls and protests. Passing this abomination will doom most of the Dems up for re-election.
Voters now realize what the MSM did to elect a Socialist. Now the ‘Fringers’ will pay for their lies and tanking. Suppressing the news about the Tea Parties was the most stupid thing the media could have done. Thousands scanned the news and found only Fox carried their protests. Now Fox News is the news of record. The so-called savvy liberal media is really more like a bag of rocks. They can sink to the bottom with Obama, and that is only my fair and balanced opinion.
The Dems would pass a bill giving everyone free Band-Aids as healthcare reform so BOObam can sign SOMETHING!
Anon 9:54 Bingo! We have a winner!
Obama is treading water in the deep end of the liberal cesspool, and the best Dem swimmer has departed. Who will save the naked emperor?
Dem rats are jumping off the healthcare Titanic.
The 2010 elections loom large.
Watch the Dems start to eat their own.
Pass the popcorn.
The liberal media is still quoting the $800 billion cost for Obamacare. They haven't learned one thing from the reasons for their current death spiral. Their non-reporting has become humorous to most everyone that is not a liberal kook. Who needs these corrupt jokers? How can they be so stupid? When my jobless journalist friends cry about their current lot in life, I look at them with pity. Their jobs are never coming back, NEVER.
Wonder how many of the posters here are happy to have Medicare available to them.
J-school grads are having a difficult time with the knack of flipping burgers. It seems the crooked fingers they need to be a leftist journalist, just doesn’t work in the hamburger industry.
Whether I like Medicare or am even eligible for it are irrelevant. If the real cost of Obamacare is 3x what the media is saying it will be, then the media has a problem...a big one. In fact the credibility problem that comes from shilling for a point of view is a major factor in their continuing implosion.
My grandparents had an excellent HMO plan during their working years, and were allowed to continue their plan in retirement. The government forced Medicare as their primary insurance. They have continued the HMO as gap insurance, paying the very same payment as before the Medicare takeover. They didn’t need Medicare, but they had no choice. I doubt they are the only ones forced into the government plan.
10:53, your grandparents were fortunate. Most of us don't have the option of private medical insurance after age 65.
A doctor said he has to see twice as many patients to keep his office profitable at all, because of the low Medicare reimbursements. He said if the healthcare bill adds in people 55 years of age, he could not sustain his practice. He would either enter other medical work, or not take Medicare patients. He said his day has become like a rat race, and he has to severely limit the time he spends with his patients. This sounds like the UK system already.
11:19 I do have enough money to purchase a medicare supplement because I was careful, worked hard and made good decisions.
Now tell me why I should also have to pay for your supplemental medical coverage because you, obviously, did not make good decisions, were not careful and did not work hard enough to be able to care for yourself without taking money from me.
11:19 (the first)... it is not a question of fortunate, it is a question of priorities, work, and decisions. You are not able to afford to take care of yourself because you are "unfortunate", you are unable to care for yourself because you made lousy decisions and don't think you should have to live with the consequences of those decisions.
Kind of like deciding to major in English instead of Chemistry or some other major that might actually have had a future. I know, I know.... math is icky and it was more fun to drink beer than learn all about that periodic table of elements thingy, but that was your choice.
Being fortunate has nothing to do with it. Try making your own luck by saving your money so you do not have to use the government to steal money from people who did save their money.
11:32 and 11:40: Glad that you have absolutely no chance for the rest of your life or a family member's life of needing expensive surgery or operation to save your life. Your superior intellect and ability to make "good choices" 100 percent of the time make it absolutely impossible that you or anyone else in your family will ever need medical care that will bankrupt you or any member of your family that might be willing and able to help you.
You just don't get the message. I worked and saved and can take care of myself. I made damn sure I had enough to afford insurance way before I bought a new car or bigger house. I saved. I worked so that I never had to elect a government to force you to take care of me.
It is not a question of selfish it is a question of self sufficient. Big difference.
What is it with you people who think they can screw off most of their lives and then depend on people who work their asses off for what they have? And then whine about them being selfish because they aren't eager to supplement your stupid and selfish life decisions.
Being as you are having trouble with this simple concept, let me make it even simpler for you.... Keep your hands out of my pocket asshole.
Don't worry, the Dems will try to buyoff Leibermann, Snow and others who have shown flexibility. The White House has already asked Reid to take early Medicare off the bill to get Leibermann to bite, but Reid refused. The Dems have called a meeting for tonight, probably to study what arm-twisting can be applied to those who resist.
National debt Jan. 2001: 5.8 trillion; Jan. 2009: 11.2 trillion. (Dept. of Treasury.)
Is that what you mean by "skyrocket"?
I see the far-left bloggers and their Hollywood star followers are attacking Mrs. Leiberman and her work with breast cancer research because her husband is bucking the Dems on health care. What a pack of losers!
***I made damn sure I had enough to afford insurance way before I bought a new car or bigger house.***
Glad you didn't have a pre-existing condition, or a child or spouse with a chronic disease, so you could buy private insurance. Glad you made enough and saved enough so you won't need to be the least concerned that you'll need a (let's say) $1 million surgery, ever, for the rest of your life.
So let's go back to the original idea. Why should I be forced, against my will, to pay for your health care?
Justify it.
If you have continuous health care there is no issue with pre-existing conditions.
If, however, you try to skate and get by without paying for insurance, and then get sick and start looking for insurance they are going to establish a waiting period for that sickness and that sickness only.
Try doing without home or car insurance. Then when you have a fire or an accident try to get retroactive coverage.
The number of people with chronic illness and the number of people who actually have conditions that are impossible to insure are relatively low. There is absolutely no reason to destroy the whole system in order to make accommodations for this small number of people. There are many ways that would be better and more efficient than a complete overhaul to provide care for these people.
This is not about health care. This is about a major power grab and increase in government intervention in everyone's life.
Anon 12:03: Bingo, We have another winner!
What is it with you people who think they can screw off most of their lives and then depend on people who work their asses off for what they have? And then whine about them being selfish because they aren't eager to supplement your stupid and selfish life decisions.
Most of us think that there should be reforms in our health insurance market. By a significant majority the american people think the Democrat health care plan is a bad idea. Even a terrible one.
People who mis characterize the position of those of us who oppose Obamacare do so out of ill will and intellectual laziness. Insurance can be reformed in important ways without this two thousand page government monstrosity that most democrat senators have not even read. Democrats seem committed to taking a difficult situation and making it much worse.
It would not be hard to craft a health care reform proposal that could gain 60 votes...it would just mean that they would have to include some republicans.
2:39... it would be as simple as the government providing a subsidy for insurance companies that take on high risk individuals. Simple and relatively inexpensive.
If the current proposed health care legislation was about health care they could easily come up with a solution. However, it is about democrats seizing power and taking over a gigantic portion of the economy and creating a dependent class of citizens who will vote for more democrats.
Anon 2:39/2:50 You are both refreshing voices of reason. I wish politicians or editors spoke like you as I would pay to read your work
***However, it is about democrats seizing power and taking over a gigantic portion of the economy and creating a dependent class of citizens who will vote for more democrats.***
Riiiight! That's why the Republicans were so eager to solve the problem when they controlled Congress and the presidency.
***Being as you are having trouble with this simple concept, let me make it even simpler for you.... Keep your hands out of my pocket asshole.***
Thanks for your thoughtful, insightful contribution to the discussion.
You'll no doubt be in the front row, as usual, at church or synagogue this Sunday.
4:37 you are an ignorant bigot. I am not involved in any organized religion including the religion of Global Warming.
You have some serious prejudices and a real problem with stereotyping. Not all conservatives are also religious conservatives.
What makes you mindless liberals think you can get away with the hate and prejudging of people based on your faulty perceptions? You are the true face of modern liberalism. Bigoted, arrogant and almost always wrong.
***What makes you mindless liberals think you can get away with the hate and prejudging of people based on your faulty perceptions?***
Didn't you just do exactly that?
6:10 Uh, no he didn't. His comments refer specifically to your statement while you had no reason whatsoever to assume that he was a practitioner of any faith.
Sadly religious bigotry and and intolerance have become a mainstay of modern liberal/left "thought".
While there is no tract, book, or article urging either conservatives, or people of faith to swear during normal discourse, religious intolerance can be found throughout the literature of the left. often disguised as concerns for the "separation of church and state" in much the same way that David Duke promoted racism under the guise of "states rights".
Actually I will continue to take your money to assist me because of bad decisions I have made earlier in life and there is very little you can do about it. People are going hungry and dying of illness because they can't afford help. You may be greedy(spend hard earned money on wii instead of helping friends and family or neighbors that's you and your in the minority.
There are still plenty of people willing to sacrifice for others. Still plenty of people that have common human decency. Something you know absolutely nothing about. Your the manifestation of greed.
So you would let your children die if they made a mistake and didn't save all there money like there old man who worked so hard and did everything right?
I don't know where you live but I doubt everyone you know lived life perfect.
But this really isn't about greed or human decency. This is about politics and people saying whatever they can to push there agenda.
You make sick
Actually I will continue to take your money to assist me because of bad decisions I have made earlier in life and there is very little you can do about it.
Why would I want to. As long as you live off my crumbs, you are a slave to my will. You are my tool, my enabler, my path to power and you will never understand how simple it was for me to enslave you.
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