Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Miami Herald asks readers for donations

Things must be getting bad at the Herald -- the Huffington Post says the Herald is asking readers for donations:

The Miami Herald is taking a page out of Wikipedia's playbook.

Starting Tuesday, the McClatchy-owned newspaper is using its website to invite readers to donate to the newspaper.

A link appears on every story that reads, "Support ongoing news coverage" and takes you to a page where readers can donate any amount they'd like.

"If you value The Miami Herald's local news reporting and investigations, but prefer the convenience of the Internet, please consider a voluntary payment for the web news that matters to you," the prompt reads.

The newspaper's parent company, McClatchy, said last week that advertising trends had improved. The company expected ad revenue "to decline in the low- to mid-20 percent range in the fourth quarter compared with a decline of 28.1 percent in the third quarter and 30.2 percent in the second quarter," the AP reported.



Anonymous said...

I just can't help but shed a little tear of joy knowing that these losers are reduced to begging for dollars.


Anonymous said...

I would say this is a page out of public television where they ask viewers to contribute with a donation. The diffrence is your product continues to shrink in value and page size and coverage.

Anonymous said...

Now I understand why they love socialism so much!

Anonymous said...


Reduced to skid row alcoholic status, begging for money, and still not realizing what the real problem is.

Instead of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome), McClatchy now suffers from Bias Denial Syndrome?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should just call it a day and share a bottle of cheap Vodka with their fellow defunct travelers at Editor and Publisher

Anonymous said...

This is pathetic. Newspaper top management is to blame. Gross incompetence.

Anonymous said...

So with all the McClatchy chest pounding about paid internet subscriptions, paid content, and micro payments, the best McClatchy can muster, is to ask for charity?

Anonymous said...

I’ve read many times that with leftists, once you pierce their illogic and emotion, there really isn’t much substance there. It must be true.

Amazing, when all is said and done, there is no there, there.

Anonymous said...

“They paved paradise and put up a parking lot”...that McClatchy couldn’t even sell

Anonymous said...

Hey McFly, here’s a nickels worth of free advice:

If you were serious about achieving business success, you would hop on juicy stories like the corruption and incompetence of the Obama administration, and the crime against humanity which is Climategate.

But that time is long past, which means you are not really business enterprises anymore. You are a money-losing propaganda arm of powerful forces about which we know too little about.

Anonymous said...

If they are going to do this they should make it more like tipping a waiter. If you like the story that reporter X writes you can "tip" that reporter by clicking on a donation link that goes to that specific writer for that specific story.

The writer can then decide if, or how much, of the tip to share with the editor or others that helped put the story together. A version of merit pay.

I am sure that most writers would be excited for the opportunity to share their tips with those less fortunate who are less talented and are too lazy to write many stories.

Yeah... I like it.

Anonymous said...

Oh My.....I just ran out of nickels. What to do.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of desperation, Sun News in Myrtle Beach is up to its [count them with me] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, sixth different online editor in about two years. This site [McClatchy Watch] recently had a link to where that newspaper was seeking yet another one. Talk about a lack of initiative, complete dysfunction, confusion and desperation all rolled into one. That right there epitomizes McClatchy leadership in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...

Wow. They are now reduced to begging.

What's next? "Will write for food"

Anonymous said...

I am kind of curious as to the DNC's share of the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Why would I donate to a poorly run for profit company who has been foolish with debt and reckless with customers and employees?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they could ask for donations to see Carol Rosenberg go...there is a cause I could get behind.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:57: Total conflict melt down here. She is the worst of the worst.

But instead of taking the bull by the horns and deciding which is worse, I’ll hold my breath and wait, hoping the paper folds and both entity and enmity will be out of a job.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it was like this during the final days of the horse and buggy? http://marienbadmylove.livejournal.com/4017.html